@node main "Complete Compendium Deluxe file catalogue" LSD and 17 Bit Proudly present Compendium Deluxe #2 Click here --> @{" SEARCH " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Search"} <-- Click here To Search the contents of this guide. @{B}The LSDCD2 Archives@{UB} @{B}Comms Related Archives@{UB} @{" Terms/ " link "388"} Terminals @{" Fido/ " link "390"} Fidonet @{" UMS/ " link "391"} UMS @{" CNet/ " link "395"} CNet @{" Misc/ " link "398"} Miscellaneous @{" AmiEx/ " link "364"} Ami Express Support @{" MiscBBS/ " link "60"} Misc BBS Support @{" Internet/ " link "61"} Internet Based Utilities @{B}Leisure Related Archives@{UB} @{" AsiGames/ " link "49"} Assassins Games Compilations @{" DiskDemo/ " link "119"} Disk Based Demos @{" DiskMags/ " link "121"} Disk Magazines @{" Games/ " link "7"} Games @{" GameHelp/ " link "81"} Games Help @{" DemoMake/ " link "52"} Demo Makers @{" SlideShw/ " link "120"} Slide Shows @{B}Programming Related Archives@{UB} @{" AmigaE/ " link "72"} Amiga E Programming Archives @{" Arexx/ " link "73"} Arexx Programming Archives @{" AsmSrc/ " link "76"} Assembly Source Code @{" CProg/ " link "77"} C Programming Archives @{" Misc/ " link "111"} Miscellaneous Programming Arcs @{" AmigaDos/ " link "65"} AmigaDos Related Archives @{" AsiUtils/ " link "50"} Assassins Utility Disks @{" Audio/ " link "243"} Audio Related Archives @{" Business/ " link "59"} Business Utilities @{" GFX/ " link "78"} Graphics Related Archives @{" Intui/ " link "79"} Intuition Enhancement Archives @{" Pack/ " link "70"} Packing Related Archives @{" Text/ " link "112"} Text Related Archives @{B}The LSDCD2 Ready to Use@{UB} @{B}Ready to Read Text Files@{UB} @{" FAQComp/ " link "314"} Computer Related FAQ's @{" FAQMisc/ " link "344"} Miscellaneous FAQ's @{" AsciiArt/ " link "280"} Ready to Read Ascii Artwork @{" Consoles/ " link "304"} Ready to Read Console Mags @{" GameHelp/ " link "345"} Ready to Read Games Help @{" GameList/ " link "346"} Ready to Read Games Lists @{" UFOMags/ " link "347"} Ready to Read UFO Magazines @{" AmigMags/ " link "51"} Ready to Read Amiga Mags @{B}Ready to View Graphics@{UB} @{" AGAArtWk/ " link "68"} Ready to View AGA Artwork @{" OCSArtWk/ " link "69"} Ready to View OCS Artwork @{" AGADPics/ " link "302"} Ready to View AGA Digi Pics @{" AGARPics/ " link "301"} Ready to View AGA Renders @{" BAGAAnim/ " link "303"} Ready to View Big AGA Anims @{" 40KIntro/ " link "62"} Ready to Run 40K Intros @{" Demos/ " link "235"} Ready to Run Demos & Intros @endnode @NODE FILENAME "Filename Information" Filename Information This is the physical filename on the CD itself. @ENDNODE @NODE Size "File Size Information" File Size Information This shows the physical file size of the file on this CD. @ENDNODE @NODE Description "File Description Information" File Description Information We have tried to make the descriptions as best as possible, always stating the version number, author and a breif description of what the actual file does. The MOD and S3M descriptions are taken from the actual sample names in the file, also IFF files are described with the width/height/bitplanes shown at the start and the ANIM files are described with the width/height/bitplanes/frames at the start. @ENDNODE @NODE DeGrader "AGA Degrader" Notes about DeGrading your system When running non-AGA demos/intros please make sure you have no other screen open other than the current one. @{" AGA On " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/SetAGAOn"} Leave AGA chipset on when running demos. @{" AGA Off " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/SetAGAOff"} Switch off AGA when running demos. @ENDNODE @Node 388 "Terminals" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"Ami2Guide.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/Ami2Guide.lha"} 11K Aminet2Guide 1.0 by Tim Kreuzer - Converts a file containing Aminet RECENT or INDEX listing into AmigaGuide format; AmigaGuide can then be used for retrieving files from Aminet via Term. @{"Amicom2.1a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/Amicom2.1a.lha"} 201K AmiCom 2.1 by Gerhard Loder - A packet radio terminal program, which is used for the wireless data transmissions of radio amateurs. It works with almost any hardware (modem, TNC, multimode controller) and gives you all the comfortable functions that are necessary in packet radio use. @{"hft38556.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/hft38556.lha"} 11K HFT 38.556 by Herbert West - A very small ANSI terminal program. @{"iceterm.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/iceterm.lha"} 215K IceTERM 115.0 by Stephen Vermeulen - A custom terminal program for use with IceBBS, a special bulletin board system (BBS) for the Amiga. @{"term42-030.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-030.lha"} 546K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains all you need to run `term' on an Amiga equipped with an MC68020/030/040/060 CPU. Only the basic set of libraries and documentation files are included. @{"term42-Doc.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Doc.lha"} 185K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains the main program documentation in AmigaGuide format for browsing with MultiView and the like and additional documentation files for the file transfer and terminal emulation libraries. @{"term42-DVI.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-DVI.lha"} 190K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains the main program documentation in TeX DVI format, suitable for printing on a TeX setup. @{"term42-Extras.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Extras.lha"} 207K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains extra material that is not absolutely necessary to run term 4.2, but may still either be fun to have around or adds extra functionality. Included are revision 2 of the HydraCom Amiga port which can be used with `term'. @{"term42-Libs.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Libs.lha"} 128K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains special support libraries which enhance the functionality of term. These are terminal emulation libraries and file transfer protocol libraries. @{"term42-Locale.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Locale.lha"} 216K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains the user interface text, translated into Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Swedish and a blank catalog translation table file to fill in. @{"term42-Main.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Main.lha"} 547K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains all you need to run term on your Amiga. Only the basic set of libraries and documentation files are included. @{"term42-Roadmap.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Roadmap.txt"} 27K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Explains what each term archive contains. @{"term42-Source.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Terms/term42-Source.lha"} 685K term 4.2 by Olaf Barthel - Contains the source code to the entire term project, including the new user interface support library. @endnode @Node 390 "Fidonet" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AmiGate11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/AmiGate11.lha"} 54K AmiGate 1.1 by Brian Jacobsen - Converts your UUCP news/Emails into FidoNet netmail/echomail and the other way around. @{"AutoDiff15.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/AutoDiff15.LHA"} 3K AutoDiff 1.4 by Roger Clark - This script scans your Inbound: directory for a file titled NODEDIFF.??? and then updates your nodelist for you. Also has added bonus of sending the NODEDIFF to all nodes in your "Nodelist:Distro" file! @{"BARNY14A.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/BARNY14A.LHA"} 196K Barney 1.04a by J rgen Schmitz - A filelist request utility with many nice freatures! @{"DKPCA233.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/DKPCA233.lha"} 20K DKPC 2.33 by Odinn Sorensen - DKPC is a utility designed for converting an "Extended-3D" pointlist such as DK-POINT.LST to a number of popular list formats for various mailers, editors, etc. This is an Amiga Port. @{"docall-2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/docall-2.lha"} 4K DoCall 2.0 by Frank J. Perricone - A simple program to call another Fido system. It can poll the other system as many times as you need to try, until it gets through. Systems with multiple numbers can be polled one number at a time until one gets through. You can call by node number, phone number, or the word BOSS. @{"ffind164.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/ffind164.lha"} 22K FileFind 1.64 by Glenn J. Schworak - Access messages in FidoNet type networks where file searching is preformed. Such as the echo FILEFIND on the Fido BackBone. @{"fidomon10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/fidomon10.lha"} 20K FidoMon 1.0 by Elton VonCannon - Provides a real-time display of TrapDoor's inbound and outbound directories. It provides a simple mechanism to change NetMail and Flow file status, and it can execute a user defined polling script based on the address of a selected file. It also provides FidoNet file type and address information. @{"Fido_FAQ.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/Fido_FAQ.lha"} 9K Frequently Asked Questions about FidoNet Technology. @{"fz104.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/fz104.lha"} 143K Foozle 1.04 by Peer Hasselmeyer - The Foozle Mail Manipulation System ("Foozle") is a fast FidoNet compatible message-editor / tosser / scanner / packer. In simpler terms it is a program to import messages from other FidoNet-systems into your local database, to export messages to other FidoNet locations, etc. @{"GFreq15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/GFreq15.lha"} 53K GoldFreq 1.5 by Jari Kanerva - A fidonet compatible filerequest server. With many useful features. It has nodelist support, sends netmail's or response files, checks that volumes exists before trying to use them, handles points, softlinks and much more. @{"jamscan068.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/jamscan068.lha"} 36K JamScan 0.66 by James McOrmond - Bundles up uncompressed packets of mail, and to add them to Xferq.library to be sent out during a session. @{"jm941031.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/jm941031.lha"} 343K JamMail 0.98.680 by James McOrmond - A WPL based FrontEnd system. @{"logext.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/logext.lha"} 9K LogExt by Nick Lello - A Trapdoor usage graph generator. @{"MC100.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/MC100.LHA"} 5K Mail Converter 1.00 by Henric Andersson - Converts those crazy filenames to readable filenames that trapdoor uses. Example - 00c800d2.OUT will be @{"Mercury114.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/Mercury114.lha"} 131K Mercury 1.14 by Roger Clark - An amigaguide file lister for BBS use. @{"PKTM0962.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/PKTM0962.LHA"} 15K PktMail 0.961b2 by JoySoft Development - A Text-To-Pkt-Converter with GUI-interface. @{"TrapPrefs1_3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Fido/TrapPrefs1_3.lha"} 69K TrapPrefs 1.3 by Michael Barsoom - An intuition based preference editor for TrapDoor 1.84+. @endnode @Node 391 "UMS" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"ListServer2_14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/UMS/ListServer2_14.lha"} 15K ListServer 2.14 by Martin Horneffer - A mailinglist-server for UMS. Mailinglists can be public or private and can have associated newsgroups with full message threading ("References:" and "In-Reply-To:"). ListServer now has special support to run in parallel to a uucico and can answer mails in the same phone-call. @{"REPLYDMN.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/UMS/REPLYDMN.LHA"} 3K ReplyDaemon.rexx 1.0 by hartmut Goebel - Sends receipt-reply messages depending on folder. @{"SetFolder1_0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/UMS/SetFolder1_0.lha"} 18K SetFolder 1.0 by Klaus Melchior - A UMS tool, which scans the message base for non-foldered mails, checks their contents and if necessary set them to a folder. @{"SUMSTools2_8.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/UMS/SUMSTools2_8.lha"} 71K Stuntzi's UMS tools 2.8 by Stefan Stuntz, Bernhard Moellemann, Matthias Scheler, Klaus Melchior & Oliver Oster - A collection of four useful tools for the UMS message base system. @endnode @Node 395 "CNet" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"305cHELP.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/305cHELP.lha"} 11K A Description of the lines in BBSText. @{"Acidcall3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Acidcall3.lha"} 2K AcIdCall 3.0 by Marijuana Man - Nothing fancy about this caller log, though it looks nice. Tells the users what system call # it is when they log on, the name of the user, where from, their baud rate and port if applicable, etc. @{"AcidGO.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/AcidGO.lha"} 3K AcidGoto 1.0 by Marijuana Man - Allows your users to enter a "GO XXX" command and jump to a BBS area automatically! @{"AcidMore.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/AcidMore.lha"} 0K AcidMore 1.0 by Marijuana Man - A small program to put in your PFILES: dir that at the more prompt, adds a spinning cursor. @{"AddDescript_11.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/AddDescript_11.LHA"} 16K AddDescript 1.1 by Ray Akey - A program that will add a text file to the long description of a file being adopted, transformed or uploaded. @{"AFmenu.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/AFmenu.LHA"} 2K AFmenu 1.1 by Bill Beogelein - Aids CNet SysOps that frequently send netmail to areafix (or raid) programs. @{"AGrpah100a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/AGrpah100a.lha"} 14K AGraph 1.00a by Daniel A. FitzGerald - A replacement for C-Net's Activity Graph. Written in C and compiled for C-Net 3.05c, it makes a fast activity graph using ANSI graphics. @{"ALIas_v1_0.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/ALIas_v1_0.LHA"} 3K ALIas 1.0 by Dotoran - Reads the "_alias" file out of a user's mail directory and displays them on the screen in menu format (15 aliases per screen). The user can then use commands to add, edit, kill or send mail to any of the aliases displayed. @{"ANSIcodes.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/ANSIcodes.lha"} 9K ANSI V1.1 by Dotoran - Using Amiga ANSI Codes With CNet Amiga, v3.0P (and Higher) @{"banners.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/banners.lha"} 6K Banners 0.3 by Bill Beogelein - Each user can have up to 25 different WHO-banner strings. Each time they log-in, a different one is picked at random. If you give your users MCI-Level-1 access, they can also have colored WHO-banners. @{"BaseBall102.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/BaseBall102.lha"} 8K Baseball 1.02 by Mike Fitzgerald - The play of the game is based on a little formula where the outcome of each inning is determined based on the Power offense vs the Pitching and the Contact offense vs the Defense. @{"BaudDump.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/BaudDump.lha"} 1K BaudDump 1.0 by Steven Tuttle - This program checks a callers baud rate, compares it against the lowest baud allowed for that port and dumps them if their rate is too slow after displaying a message. @{"Bdayzv1-14b.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Bdayzv1-14b.lha"} 2K Birthday Checker V1.14b By Trebor - Gives extra credits and time on the users birthday but also checks if it was their birthday a couple of dayz ago so they dont miss the xtra creds and time. @{"bingo1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/bingo1_1.lha"} 11K BBS-Bingo 1.1 by Rick Horn - An online Bingo game. @{"BlackJack24.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/BlackJack24.lha"} 6K Online BlackJack 1.2.4 by David Prothero - The object of Black Jack is to hit 21 points before your opponent, the dealer (the computer), does. If anyone goes over 21, they automatically lose. If you stay below 21, the closest one to 21 will win. @{"cfwd100.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/cfwd100.lha"} 4K Call Forwarding Door 1.0 by U.C.S. - This pfile will allow your users to forward to other local bbs systems. @{"cnetmdb.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/cnetmdb.lha"} 3K CNetMovieDB 1.0 by Robert Blayzor - Online movie database program. @{"CNetMods.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNetMods.LHA"} 19K CNetMods 1.7 by Bill Beogelein - Tells of many simple ways for SysOps to modify their CNet-BBSs. @{"CNetTotals.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNetTotals.LHA"} 6K Totals 1.6 by Bill Beogelein - CNet-BBS users can type "TOTALS" at any prompt and see just how big and impressive your system really is. @{"CNet_ARexx_v1_5.LHA" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNet_ARexx_v1_5.LHA"} 63K CNet Amiga ARexx Tutorial 1.5 by Dotoran - The information provided in this archive will be of some use to aspiring CNet ARexx Programmers. @{"CNet_Math.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNet_Math.LHA"} 4K Math 1.6 by Bill Beogelein - A small, arexx script that allows users to solve math equations online. Just type "MATH" followed by the equation you wish solved. @{"CNet_Pager_v4_0.LHA" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNet_Pager_v4_0.LHA"} 114K CNet Amiga Pager 4.0 by Dotoran - A Chat function for Cnet Amiga, v3.05c. It operates similarly to the built in chat function, in that it will come up asking the user to type a reason to chat and then play a sound, but that's where the similarities end. @{"CNet_SAM_v2_0.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNet_SAM_v2_0.LHA"} 8K SAM 2.0 by Dotoran - Displays the AM (Activity Monitor) to the USERS of your bbs, who normally can NOT see this display. @{"CNet_ToolKit_v2_0.L" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CNet_ToolKit_v2_0.LHA"} 93K CNet Tool Kit 2.0 by PMK & Dotoran - A Collection of Useful ARexx & MCI SubRoutines & Procedures. @{"ColEditor_v1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/ColEditor_v1_1.lha"} 11K WOF Color Editor 1.1 by Dotoran - Upgrade for registered Wheel of Fortune users. @{"Congratz.Lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Congratz.Lha"} 2K Congratulations Caller 1.0 by Nightwatch - A nice CNet Program that tells a caller when he/she has called a certain number of times. @{"CredTotals.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/CredTotals.LHA"} 8K CredTotals 0.5 by Bill Beogelein - Shows what kinds of credits all your users have built-up on your BBS. @{"DAS_CNET10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/DAS_CNET10.lha"} 1K DAS CNet 1.0 by Thomas Beck - This little script just makes it possible for the sysop to mark some modules, enter diz door, and HEAR them! (yeah! even packed ones if you have you player setup right? 8) anyway all the sysop (you) have to do is to mark the files, and enter this door. Then the door takes care of starting the player. @{"DblDggrsII.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/DblDggrsII.lha"} 215K Double Daggers II by Prince Desty - A HUGE online role playing game. @{"dirplus.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/dirplus.lha"} 3K DirPlus .99 by Jack L Crump - DirPlus is a Replacement for Cnet's Dir command. Working with cdroms now becomes a whole lot easier. @{"Dirty_Jokes_v3_5.LH" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Dirty_Jokes_v3_5.LHA"} 37K Dirty Jokes Database 3.5 by Dotoran - A new addition to your logon sequence that lists a different dirty joke for every day of the year, including leap day! @{"Dirty_Lims_v1_2.LHA" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Dirty_Lims_v1_2.LHA"} 22K Dirty Limmericks 1.2 by Dotoran - Displays one of one hundred random Limmericks of an Adult nature. @{"DLC-Free.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/DLC-Free.lha"} 0K DLC-Free 1.0 by Thomas Beck - A small script for CNet to show a list of the users with free file/byte flags. @{"DLC-GO11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/DLC-GO11.lha"} 1K DLC-Go 1.1 by Thomas Beck - Go from one place to another. incl special magic names! @{"DLCDIR10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/DLCDIR10.lha"} 451K DLC-Direct 1.0 by Thomas Beck - CD-Rom utilities for CNet direct areas. Edit your CD descriptions ect. This package includes these files: DLC-CD 1.1, DLC-DL 1.3 and DLC-SCAN 1.1. @{"Draksecure.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Draksecure.lha"} 2K Base Secure 1.0 by Lance Berikoff - Adds a little security to your bases. @{"empbeta2.80.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/empbeta2.80.lha"} 107K C-Net Amiga Empire 2.80 by Crazy Cad - The classic online game Empire for CNet BBS. @{"Fball149b.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Fball149b.lha"} 66K CNet Online Football 1.49b by Charles Johnston - An online american football game. @{"FeedBK0-1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FeedBK0-1.lha"} 1K MuLtIpLe FeEdBaCk 0.1 by TreBor - Supports upto 99 Users for feedback. @{"FormLett.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FormLett.LHA"} 8K FormLett 1.3 by Bill Beogelein - If you find yourself sending the same "Form-Letter" to users, again and again, this pfile is for you. @{"FPAV219.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPAV219.LHA"} 78K FPAV 2.19 by Peter Klein - Flux Point Archive Viewer allows the users to view textfiles within archives using the [E] Command. Has several new options, like: Module/Sound Playing & Viewing of IFF/GIF/PCX/JPEG and Anims in local mode, also direct download of files within an archive. @{"FPCNET02.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPCNET02.LHA"} 2K FPCNET 0.2 by PMK - Packs the BBSTEXT / BBSMENU and adds the archive to the current users Select Buffer. @{"FPDD_21.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPDD_21.LHA"} 20K Flux Point Download Descriptions 2.1 by Stonehead - Lets users download a textfile, containing descriptions of their selected files, including long-descriptions, if any. @{"FPEN02.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPEN02.lha"} 1K FPEN 0.2 by PMK - Replacement for CNet's ENtry and EXit commands. FPEN allows the Sysop to create/edit entry/exit texts in all supported modes. (ASCII, C64, IBM, AMIGA and SKYPIX). @{"fpep02.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/fpep02.lha"} 1K FPEP 0.2 by PMK - Adds extra items to CNet's built in EP command. @{"fpes06.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/fpes06.LHA"} 2K FPES 0.6 by PMK & Mr. Bean - Views contents of the files in the SelectBuffer. Uses CNet's internal Archivers' setup, to view the files. Also supports FPAV! @{"FPGU02.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPGU02.LHA"} 1K FPGU 0.2 by PMK - A little utility to help (AREXX) Programmers, to locate or test a GetUser Value at any prompt! @{"FPOFL11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPOFL11.lha"} 12K FPOFL 1.1 by Peter M. Klein - Flux Point Online Filelist Generatora llows the user to create a complete up-to-date filelist, it multitasks so the user can logoff or do @{"FPPGN02.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPPGN02.LHA"} 1K FPPGN 0.2 by PMK - Displays the Entry text in Pfiles/Gfiles/News, when a user Scans or Lists the items. @{"FPREQ01.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FPREQ01.LHA"} 0K FPREQ 0.1 by PMK - Uses ReqTools file requester when using the WF and RF commands in local mode. @{"FTAG94278.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FTAG94278.lha"} 17K ForceTag 94.278.01 by David Anderson - A mail tagging utility. @{"FTP_Desk.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/FTP_Desk.lha"} 3K FTP Desk 2.0 by Shadow Software - Allows C-Net boards which have FTP ability to allow each user access to his/her own area of FTP files. @{"galledis.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/galledis.lha"} 46K Galledis 1.21 by Fate/Logic - Eases putting files online. It is a CNet implementation of AmiExpress' local upload, but with many more features. @{"GC_Menusv01.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/GC_Menusv01.lha"} 18K GC_Menus .01 by Gatekeeper - A complete RIP script package for CNet Pro BBS and is freely distributable by all. This program lets you run a fully compatible RIP interface on your CNet BBS it should work on all versions of CNet. @{"GiveUsr2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/GiveUsr2.lha"} 2K GiveUser 0.2 by Thomas Beck - A util for OPUS/SID/DIRWORKS/ECT. to select files for a user online, just by selecting the files, and pressing the right button. @{"HeaderSelect1.0.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/HeaderSelect1.0.lha"} 4K Headerselect 1.0 by Eksec and Count Dan of KeksDesign - A little helpfull-Tool for CNet/3. It selects randomly ansis from a little pool of your ansis. Not tested with CNet`s older than V3.05c!! But it should work. @{"HIGHLOW.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/HIGHLOW.LHA"} 3K High Low 1.0 by Hooter - A simple High/Low game. @{"HWUpdate1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/HWUpdate1_1.lha"} 11K HWUpdate 1.1 by Dan J. Fraser - A quick and dirty utility written to compensate for a major oversight on the part of CNet/3's programming team. Because of a severely silly error in CNet's IUUNEWS program, the highwater marks of any UUCP areas with message numbers over 2^15 were screwed up everytime IUUNEWS was run. @{"IgReg6_02.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/IgReg6_02.LHA"} 12K IgReg 6.02 By Stan Smith - A User Registry program, like the FInger command. Asks sysop definable questions (comes with 28 default) and allows easy access to other users registries. Create, Edit, View, Sysop Edit, keyword Search, and List registries! Cool new question format; 1 minor bug fix. @{"Inc.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Inc.LHA"} 1K Inc 0.1 by Bill Beogelein - Allows your news-file menu to display "read" counts. @{"InfoChk35.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/InfoChk35.lha"} 4K InfoChk 3.5 by Marijuana Man - Check users details at random. @{"K-Libs100a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/K-Libs100a.lha"} 27K K-Libs 1.00a by Daniel A. FitzGerald - An on-line version of Mad Libs (r). Written in C and compiled for C-Net 3.05c, it makes short funny stories for your users on-line. @{"KEKS_MS082B.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/KEKS_MS082B.lha"} 4K MegaStatus 0.82b by Count Dan of KeksDesign - A little Status-Tool for CNet/3. Not tested with CNet`s older than V3.05c!! But it should work. @{"LASTCALL1.0.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/LASTCALL1.0.LHA"} 2K Last Callers Log 1.0 by Hooter - Another Last Callers Logging Program. @{"LastXCallers4_10.LH" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/LastXCallers4_10.LHA"} 5K LastXCallers 4.10 by Stan Smith - A last caller logger which features optional logging/bypass for sysop, account levels OR numbers; logs from 1-9999 callers, shows users actions, toggle 12/24 hr time. @{"LEXICON_v1_5.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/LEXICON_v1_5.LHA"} 10K CNet Lexicon Interpreter 1.5 by Dotoran - This CNet addition makes use of a VERY POWERFUL little DOS program called LEX. Basically, what LEX does is to examine a text file, then churn out some information concerning number of words used, number of long words, sentences, the readability of the text, etc. @{"LineUse.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/LineUse.LHA"} 5K LineUse 0.3 by Bill Beogelein - Displays how many users were online at 72 different times during each of the last 7 days. @{"ListSearch.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/ListSearch.LHA"} 13K ListSearch 0.4 by Bill Beogelein - Quickly finds the page # in the CNet manual for any topic regarding the BBS. @{"Logbackup.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Logbackup.lha"} 37K Log Backup 1.0 by Marijuana Man - Backs up your log files daily. @{"MCTop01a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/MCTop01a.lha"} 5K MC Top 0.1a by Jotes Fraxion - This program will create some bulletins using some of the data found in your userdata files. @{"mdbase.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/mdbase.lha"} 3K MovieMUI 3.0 (CNet) by Dratsab 007 - An ARexx-script for CNet V3.05 and later to access MovieMUI V3.0 and later. @{"NUV23.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/NUV23.lha"} 6K New User Voting 2.3 By Marijuana Man & Phil - A program for your CNet BBS, in where the validated users or special access users can vote on New Users coming into your system. This helps your board weed out Lamers and so forth. @{"Orgz.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Orgz.LHA"} 4K Orgz 0.2 by Bill Beogelein - Shows a list of all CNet-callers "organization" strings. @{"PDmenu42.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/PDmenu42.lha"} 26K Pulldown Menu 4.2 by Steve Goodwin - Allows easy configurable menus editable while users are online. @{"PortPri11.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/PortPri11.LHA"} 8K PortPri 1.1 by Ray Akey - Allows the alteration of ANY loaded CNet port's priority. The program does sanity checks on all possible data entered. If you enter a port number that is not loaded, PortPri will do nothing, except tell you that the port is not loaded. Also, priorities are limited @{"Pros.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/Pros.LHA"} 4K Pros 1.2 by Bill Beogelein - Users can type "PROS" at any prompt and see a list which includes a list of pro-users that have proven repeatedly to know what they are talking about and appear to be willing to help with questions. @{"RR_Check.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/RR_Check.LHA"} 5K RR_Check 1.9 by Bill Beogelein - Automatically repairs only your most fragmented subboards, skipping the others. @{"RUSSIANROU1.1.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/RUSSIANROU1.1.LHA"} 10K Russion Roulette 1.1 by Hooter - The object of this game is real simple. To kill yourself. @{"ShowFlags.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/ShowFlags.lha"} 0K ShowFlags - A nifty tool to list your users fileflags. @{"sht-qd11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/sht-qd11.lha"} 190K Q-Dizolve 1.1 by Quickfinger/SHT - A File_id.diz processor for C-NET 3.xx @{"THcaller.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/THcaller.LHA"} 3K THcaller 1.1 by Bill Beogelein - Displays a special text-file to users that are your 100th, 1000th, 10000th, or 100000th callers. (Or increments thereof.) @{"toss_report.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/toss_report.lha"} 6K TossReport 0.5 by Bill Beogelein - Turns a CNet-BBS CNetToss-log into a toss-report. @{"WhoIs_1.01.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/CNet/WhoIs_1.01.LHA"} 10K WhoIs 1.01 by Bob Maple - At the moment, there's no easy/quick way to find out who a user is via his UUCP ID, or to even find out what it is without editing the user. So, WhoIs is a tiny CNet utility which sniffs users out quickly by their alias, real name, or (my goal) UUCP ID and tells you who they are. @endnode @Node 398 "Miscellaneous" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AmiQWK27.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/AmiQWK27.lha"} 248K AmiQWK 2.7 by Jim Dawson - A QWKMail format offline message reader. AmiQWK II is compatable with message packets generated by any message packer using the QWKMail format. @{"amybw211.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/amybw211.lha"} 159K AmyBW 2.11 by Leon Makkink - A program that will enable you to read and write electronic messages, using the "Blue Wave Mail System". @{"apop114.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/apop114.lha"} 71K AmiPOP 1.14 by Scott Ellis - A POP3 Client for AmigaDOS. It was written directly from the POP3 RFC (RFC #1225). AmiPOP is only a simple transport mechanism for moving electronic mail messages between a POP-Host, typically a mainframe, and your local AmigaDOS system. @{"ArtSer37_6.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ArtSer37_6.lha"} 4K artser 37.6 by CBM & Arthur Hagen - Just a debugged and optimised version of the C= serial.device 37.4. All functions should be identical, but this one should be somewhat faster and safer (the original contained code that trashed a byte when closing the device). @{"ATOB.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ATOB.lha"} 18K ATOB 4.0 by Randy Lilly - BTOA and ATOB, are encode/decode programs for sending binary files over Amateur Radio Packet. They are also useful for transmitting/storing files when only 7 bit ASCII characters are allowed. Typical overhead is 20%. @{"avmfz142.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/avmfz142.lha"} 882K AVM 1.42 by Al Villarica - With the AVM, you can use your voice-capable modem (Zyxel, Dolphin, or LineLink, Rockwell based voice modem) and GPFax, TrapFax, or the included EFax to provide a host of uses. @{"Dial.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/Dial.lha"} 4K Dial 1.0 by Andrew Leppard - This programme dials phone numbers from the CLI. As it stands this isn't anything exciting. The good thing about this programme is that it is designed to be used in scripts. E.g dos, arexx, superbase DML etc. @{"dlt-ax11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/dlt-ax11.lha"} 4K MFM-Axs 1.1 by MFM/dELIGHT - Creates bulletins with all users who have access to a certain conference, like UsrCnfAx by EMPiRE/MYSTiC but it's MUCH faster, looks better and it's NOT compiled Arexx like UsrCnfAx. @{"dlt-f101.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/dlt-f101.lha"} 12K FileComment 1.01 by MFM/dELIGHT - An /X and S!X door that works like the old AmiFaker's FAKE option (Comment a file if its old or a rename etc!). In this version you can use it with ByteKiller2 insted of it's own slow ByteComment. @{"dlt-fc10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/dlt-fc10.lha"} 6K FastComment 1.0 by Nike - A comment door. Allows a user to enter a comment to one of the sysops. @{"dterm145.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/dterm145.lha"} 219K Dream Term 1.45 by Pasi Ristioja - An advanced and flexible telecommunication tool which uses MUI. @{"DTMF.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/DTMF.lha"} 2K DTMF Dialer 1.1 by Martin Mares - Some people are connected to a digital telephone exchange which allows to use DTMF (dual-tone) dialing, but don't have a modem to dial with. This simple utility tries to dial the numbers through standard audio output. @{"elmv4.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/elmv4.lha"} 360K Amiga Elm 4 by Andreas M. Kirchwitz - An Electronic Mail Reader for all known UUCP packages (Amiga, Dillon, Feulner, etc.), easy to install and to use. Mostly compatible with Unix-elm (basic functions) and lots of additional features. @{"EPatsch10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/EPatsch10.lha"} 1K EPatsch 1.0 by Bernhard M llemann - A patch to make OpenFromLock() work via Envoy. @{"ep_aep2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ep_aep2.lha"} 3K Account Editing Password 2.0 by Whiz - This utility protects your BBS from potential hackers. Each user who wants to edit accounts has to enter a password, which you have previously defined (Password.CFG) with your favourite texteditor. @{"FCD-BBSU.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/FCD-BBSU.LHA"} 6K BBS-Lister 1.5 by EvERLAST/FCD - Online BBS Lister for CNet 3+. @{"FD2TD23.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/FD2TD23.LHA"} 10K FD2TD 2.3 by Johan Billing - This program converts the Swedish POINTSWE and other pointlists in FrontDoor-format to the format TrapList uses. @{"Fixlevel.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/Fixlevel.lha"} 46K Fixlevel 1.15 by Anders Arnholm & Hans Hedlund - Checks user for new uploads or msg written that may give him/her an higher userlevel. If it's time to upgrade, it fixes that too. If the user doesn't fit into any of the userlevels defined in the configuration file the program posts a warning. @{"GadMget1.7.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/GadMget1.7.lha"} 84K GadMget 1.7 by Jeremy Friesner - Parses an Aminet-style file listing (such as the RECENT or INDEX files) and allows you to select which files you want by clicking on them in a ListView gadget. After you are done, it will output the proper mget line(s) needed to download your chosen files. @{"gms_10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/gms_10.lha"} 127K GMS_Mailer 1.0 by Mirko Viviani - A mailer that send/receive e-mail and files from/to other system (for example with a modem). Has Hydra and 5D support! @{"gvpiopatch1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/gvpiopatch1.lha"} 7K GVP-IO Patch 1.0 by Marc Heuler - This program is useful in conjunction with the GVP IO Extender board only. The current software (version 1.7) is lacking a nice feature, and contains a minor bug. GVP-IO Patch is intended to solve these problems. @{"ia-uli10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ia-uli10.lha"} 2K Userlist 1.0 by Red Hawk/InterActive - A simple userlist replacement. @{"ListClient3_2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ListClient3_2.lha"} 5K ListClient 3.2 transfers mail from a mailing list to a group and vice versa (UMS) @{"m-tagp_rel15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/m-tagp_rel15.lha"} 188K A comprehensive tagging package for DLG BB/OS. @{"NetmuFS14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/NetmuFS14.lha"} 45K NetmuFS 1.4 - A package of support utilities for MultiUser (muFS) in a network environment. Currently only the Envoy network software is supported. @{"nm_217.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/nm_217.lha"} 20K Nullmodem device latest version! @{"ozmet20f.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ozmet20f.lha"} 580K OzMetro BBS 2.0 by Percy L. Broadnax & Peter Deane - Fully working BBS software written with GFA Basic. @{"PBILL31.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/PBILL31.LHA"} 191K PhoneBill 3.1 by Raymond Penners - A log file analyzer. What it basically does is scan log file(s) generated by a terminal program or a mailer, extract all information about calls you have made by using your modem, and store this in its own (short) format. After extracting this it will generate various reports. @{"PBVIEW12.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/PBVIEW12.LHA"} 16K PbView 1.2 by Ian Mugridge - A phonebook viewer for NComm v2.0 & v3.0. It is based on the PbViewer included with the NComm v2.0 archive, but has a intuitionised display of all the data held in the phone book. PbView will allow you to view the entries in your .phone file without having to load in NComm. @{"pgs-sc10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/pgs-sc10.lha"} 31K Sys-Call 1.0 by Zoldan/Progress - An /X 3.x & /X 4.x XiM-Tool, with different output screens for Amiga/PC users, example IFF pictures included. @{"pgs-ss10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/pgs-ss10.lha"} 29K Status Scan 1.0 by Zoldan/Progress - An /X 3.x & /X 4.x XiM-Tool. With different output screens for Amiga/PC Users. Example IFF pictures included. @{"PktAcct.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/PktAcct.LHA"} 5K PktAcct 1.0 by Bill Beogelein - Keeps track of your inbound TrapDoor Fidonet packet sizes and costs. @{"pltnic20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/pltnic20.lha"} 280K Plutonic 2.0 by Peter Deane - An FTS-001 *.msg area manager with serial routines. Runs as a door on OzMetro BBS & probably other Amiga BBS programs. Also runs standalone in a point or node environment. @{"PowerChat16.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/PowerChat16.lha"} 70K PowerChat 1.6 by Joep Grooten - A chat program written for the DLG Pro Bulletin Board System. It's not just a simple 'line by line' chat. PowerChat divides the terminal screen into two 'windows'. @{"qwkdoor11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/qwkdoor11.lha"} 36K QWKDoor for UMS 1.1 by Johan Billing - A program that generates QWK mail bundles. It is used on a BBS to to let the users download all unread messages so that they can read them without having to worry about the phonebill. @{"rcn058ev.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/rcn058ev.lha"} 565K Reccoon 0.58 Demo by Niclas Emdelius - BBS software written in FPL. @{"rcp.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/rcp.lha"} 28K rcp by Michael Heinz - A remote file copy for AmiTCP 2.3b or greater. @{"SerStratego1.5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/SerStratego1.5.lha"} 106K Serial Stratego 1.5 by Daniel Oberlin - A program which allows Stratego to be played on two computers linked by a serial connection. The game Stratego is a strategic board game marketed by Milton Bradley. In this implementation, a serial connection can be made by null-modem (direct serial connection), modem, or by network. @{"sht-qd11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/sht-qd11.lha"} 190K Q-Dizolve 1.1 by Quickfinger/SHT - A File_id.diz processor for C-NET 3.xx and C-NET 2.6x. @{"SpaceEmpire.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/SpaceEmpire.lha"} 171K Citadel Space Empire 6.25 by Tony Preston - This is Space Empire based on the original CNET door by Jon Radnof. This is the Citadel version of that door with many many new features and enhancementes! (Runs a a STDIO Door). @{"starempv1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/starempv1.lha"} 39K Star Empire 1.0 by Tom Grady - One of the unique features of this game is the ability for some interactive play between online users using the file at thesame time. @{"SubAdd_1.3.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/SubAdd_1.3.LHA"} 17K SubAdd 1.3 by Bob Maple - With C-Net 3.0, we gained a real nice feature; The integration of UUCP into CNet. As nice as it is, people all over the planet starting whining, because they didn't like the idea of adding hundreds or more subboards manually. This takes newsgroups from UULib:Newsgroups and turns them into subboards. @{"tacon100.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/tacon100.lha"} 21K Tempest <> Amiexpress Converter 1.00 by Jens Langner - This Converter is for people who has a AmiExpress BBS but want to swap to Tempest. @{"tconf22.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/tconf22.lha"} 100K TrapConfig 2.2 by Roger Clark & Chaitanya "Chico" Marvici - A GUI config editor for TrapDoor 1.83+. @{"TDISP11.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/TDISP11.LHA"} 25K TrapDispatcher 1.1 by Johan Billing - A progrm for calling nodes via TrapDoor. It has a nice, resizable GUI and an ARexx port. You can also install external programs in a menu. @{"THOR125.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/THOR125.lha"} 542K THOR 1.25 by Petter Nilsen - An offline message reader developed for saving online time while connected to BBS systems, and for building and maintaining a database of the messages from the boards. The message database has true history and threading, fast searching, mark and keep options. @{"ula-fgt1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/ula-fgt1.lha"} 205K FG-Tools by Pilot & Orbit of ULA - Cool pack of many tools, WHo, Internode, Nodestat, TopWeekUploader, and many more for Tempest BBS. @{"xemhex.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/xemhex.lha"} 10K xemhex.libary 4.5 by Ueli Kaufmann - Displays all incoming characters in a special notation. The left hand screen side will show the character code in hexadecimal notation, the right hand side will -- if possible -- display the character as a glyph. @{"xemrip11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/xemrip11.lha"} 127K xemrip.library 1.1 by Stef Rave - An external library for XEM V2.0 compatible terminal programs like 'TERM'. It uses the RIP (Remote Imaging Protocol Script language) for the transmission of graphics and gadgets. @{"XEmView10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Misc/XEmView10.lha"} 95K XEmView 1.0 by Troy Brown - Uses external emulation libraries to view it's files. This makes it very versitle. All you need to do is put the appropriate xem libraries into LIBS: and load up XEmView. @endnode @Node 364 "Ami Express Support" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"acs_hack.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/AmiEx/acs_hack.lha"} 27K Ami-Express Password Hacker 1.0 by Cray-1 - Hacks out passWords from user.data, unix style. Works on ALL currently used /X versions. @{"otl-ca10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/AmiEx/otl-ca10.lha"} 13K AquaCreateAcc 1.0 by Aquarius/Outlaws - Have you ever wanted to create a new account on your board without logging in as new user or searching for an inactive account to use? Then this is the tool for you! It appends a new account to your User.Data. (User.Keys and User.Misc will also be updated.) @{"otl-mf10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/AmiEx/otl-mf10.lha"} 8K AquaMoveFiles 1.0 by Aquarius/Outlaws - A utility that moves the descriptions for files older than a certain number of days, from one AmiExpress-style dir listing to another. It can also move the files themself to another directory. @{"trsi-add.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/AmiEx/trsi-add.lha"} 42K DRE!ADVERtiSE 2.0 by Dr.Dre!/tRSi - A powerful database manager for BBS Advert @endnode @Node 60 "Misc BBS Support" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"alife101.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/alife101.lha"} 7K ALife 1.01 by Janne Siren - Game of Life was designed in the early 1970's by John Horton Conway. ALife is based on those same rules and is designed to run on TechnoBBS or any other Amiga BBS capable of using CLI programs as doors. @{"blitz-config10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/blitz-config10.lha"} 27K Blitz-Config 1.0 by Phillip Eastham - A replacement for most of the options in the standard 'UserOptions' module supplied by DLG. @{"blitz-twit10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/blitz-twit10.lha"} 15K Blitz-Twit 1.0 by Phillip Eastham - A program to help prevent those annoying users from calling your BBS. @{"bmm13.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/bmm13.lha"} 29K Blitz Member Manager 1.3 by Phillip Eastham - Allows you to keep track of your users memberships. @{"dcodes14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/dcodes14.lha"} 31K Dialling Codes 1.4 by Julian Wright - Have you ever had a phone/BBS number and wondered just where it was located? Well, using this little utility you can find out just that and more besides. @{"DLGfdf21.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/DLGfdf21.lha"} 13K DLGfdf 2.1 by Joep Grooten - Helps you with the horrible task of finding double files (or files with multiple versions) in your DLG-Pro BBS. It scans all your file area's and compares the first x (adjustable) chars of the filenames and produces a list of double files that can be saved. @{"DLGFM096b.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/DLGFM096b.lha"} 11K DLGFM 0.96 beta by Kevin J Phair - A little program to help manage DLG file areas more efficiently. @{"DLGShark.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/DLGShark.LHA"} 30K Card Sharks 1.1 by Steve Herring - Your basic game of High/Low played with cards. @{"DMail30.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/DMail30.lha"} 14K DiaMail 3.0 by Janne Saarme - Checks users new public and waiting mail. @{"DSPACE17.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/DSPACE17.LHA"} 246K DeepSpace 1.7 by Todd & Darrell Neumiller - A Multi-Player, Multi-Node Space Role Playing Game. BBS's that can run DOS doors (programs that use stdin & stdout) can run this game. @{"E-PAGE1_0.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/E-PAGE1_0.LHA"} 80K E!-Page 1.0 by Michael Gredenberg - External Pager Door for Excelsior! @{"EazyBBS-2.17.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/EazyBBS-2.17.lha"} 754K EazyBBS 2.17 - a Bulletin Board System (aka Mailbox) with UUCP Network support. Online help, very easy to use for sysops and users. Fullscreen oriented input masks, batch upload and download. Up to 9 languages. Needs AmigaOS 2.0+. Only german documentation (yet). @{"EMACDG16.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/EMACDG16.LHA"} 81K EmacsDLG 1.6 by Alan Bland - An Emacs-based Message Editor for DLG. @{"fax-it-cnet.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/fax-it-cnet.LHA"} 40K FAX-IT 3.0 by Glenn J. Schworak - This program will allow your users to send messages to FAX machines from your Excelsior or CNet BBS through the use of your FAXmodem and GPFax software. @{"FileLister141.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/FileLister141.lha"} 246K FileLister 1.41 by Mathias Supp - An online file lister for TransAmiga BBS. @{"FootBall20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/FootBall20.lha"} 237K Online Football 2.0 by Matt English - This is a fully functional FootBall simulation that can be played over MANY Amiga BBS systems. @{"FORCESIG.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/FORCESIG.LHA"} 6K ForceSig 0.5 by Jay Ruyle - Allows sysop to use the sigs that contain a group of message or file areas. @{"FTP_V2_11.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/FTP_V2_11.LHA"} 49K FTPcdrom 2.11 by Tony Preston - This utility is designed for use with a BBS so that a user can attach to the current CD in your CD-ROM drive and use it to grab files. It safely allows a user to move around in the sub-directories and grab files. A user can read the text descriptions and examine the archives. @{"getid221.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/getid221.lha"} 10K GetID 2.21 by Lauri Aalto - An ARexx script designed to help you to get those descriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ files) out of uploaded archives. It has been designed for TechnoBBS and because of TechnoBBS's ARexx is compatible with nothing, it won't run with other softs without massive modifications. @{"GGrab12.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/GGrab12.LHA"} 86K Graphics Grab 1.2 by Roger Clark - Image scaling software for Excelsior! BBS. Allows your callers to take a large image and scale it down so they can preview it before downloading the full size image. This saves them some download time, and also provides a way for them to convert an image to another graphics format if desired. Requires ADPro. @{"HEADSCAN.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/HEADSCAN.LHA"} 13K HeadScan 1.32 by New Age Communications - Scans a message area by headers only, one per line. @{"JOYCD10A.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/JOYCD10A.LHA"} 59K JoyCD 1.0a by JoJoSoft Development - Cause of the lack of good CD-ROM tools for Excelsior! that could handle a CD-ROM 6-changer, or CD-ROMs at all, we decided that we make one of our own. The result was JoyCD. It's a CD-ROM tool that handle files on CDs. @{"JOYFQ102.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/JOYFQ102.LHA"} 90K JoyFreq 0.83b by JoySoft Development - A filerequest server utility. The program can be configured so that freqs (I will refer to it as 'freq' from now on) can only be made at certain times, or so that only certain persons can access some areas or magics. You can also set a password for all the files. @{"JOYLST13.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/JOYLST13.LHA"} 96K JoyList 1.3 by JoySoft Development - A program that creates filelists, that you have in your board. It has a lot of functions and features. @{"KBFILGEN.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/KBFILGEN.LHA"} 6K KBGfileGenerator 1.0 by Kasper B. Graversen - This is a filelist generator for the MAXs BBs system. @{"lc103.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/lc103.lha"} 3K Last Callers 1.03 by Janne Siren - This is a very simple last callers lister written for TechnoBBS. It doesn't do anything software specific, so it should work on any system. @{"LoGGo10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/LoGGo10.lha"} 1K LoGGo 1.00 by Davide Floreno - A very simple login lottery for TechnoBBS. @{"loid201a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/loid201a.lha"} 99K The Lord of Irongate Demo 2.01 by Enchanted Software - A full featured semi-random adventure game with hundreds of monsters, items, and dungeon levels and has been specifically designed to be run as a BBS door game. The dungeon itself is randomly designed and created as the player enters each new level. @{"ModAns20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/ModAns20.lha"} 28K ModAns 2.0 by Niklas Lindholm - You could say that ModAns, just like before, is an answering machine. That is, however, not the entire truth. Actually it is some code to use the serial.device bundled with an ARexx interface. Theoretically you could write a little BBS program. @{"ms-qwik_46.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/ms-qwik_46.lha"} 199K MS-Qwik 4.6 by Ray Akey - A full-featured QWK handling package. MS-QWiK allows the BBS user to read and reply to Bulletin Board System messages offline, providing the BBS software supports the QWK format. @{"MSGLEV10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/MSGLEV10.lha"} 4K Msg2Lev 1.0 by Erno Tuomainen - Displays a text file to certain level user. @{"TEMPDEM6.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/TEMPDEM6.LHA"} 1982K Tempest 3.23 by Michael Bockert - BBS software similar to Ami Express (Demo) @{"WWBBS.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/MiscBBS/WWBBS.lha"} 237K World Wide BBS 2.2 by Arthur Choung - Commodities based BBS software. @endnode @Node 61 "Internet Based Utilities" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"adt_AS225.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/adt_AS225.lha"} 61K ADT 2.0 by Osma Ahvenlampi - This is a port of ADT 2.0 to Amiga, using the Commodore AS225r2 networking software. Should work fine with AmiTCP using the socket.library emulator. @{"agetty.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/agetty.lha"} 50K Assembler Getty 0.218 by Peter Simons - Similar to the well-known Getty included in Matt Dillon's AmigaUUCP package. It hangs on the specified serial port (serial.device unit 0 by default) waiting for connections via the connected modem. Once a connection is detected, AGetty provides a Login: request to the caller. @{"AmigaNCP010b.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/AmigaNCP010b.lha"} 111K AmigaNCP 0.10b by Oliver Wagner - The AmigaOS implementation of Psion's NCP network protocol. @{"AmiRec10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/AmiRec10.lha"} 5K AmiRec 1.0 by Janne Saarme - An Aminet Recent file builder. @{"AmiTALK111.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/AmiTALK111.lha"} 27K AmiTALK 1.11 by Brian Gunn - A Unix compatible talk program. With this program, you can interactively chat with other Amiga owners using AmiTALK, with a person using Unix talk, or with any person with a Unix compatible talk program. @{"AmiWATCH102.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/AmiWATCH102.lha"} 17K AmiWATCH 1.02 by Brian Gunn - A program used for keeping track of when your friends (or enemies, I suppose) are logged on their accounts on the net. @{"ATCP40DE.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/ATCP40DE.LHA"} 755K AmiTCP 4.0 demo by Network Solutions Development Inc. - Demo of the most Widely used TCP/IP protocol stack for the Amiga. AmiTCP/IP utilizes the standard Sana-II network device drivers and provides an application level socket interface to the Internet protocol suite as an Amiga shared library. @{"DanNews02.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/DanNews02.lha"} 12K DanNews 0.2 by Dan Cannon - A UUCP news unbatcher. It's more than twice as fast as RNews 1.16 (found in Demon Internet's AmigaDIS package, amongst other places) and it only takes as much memory as you let it (unlike RNews). @{"Gui-FTP.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/Gui-FTP.lha"} 40K Gui-FTP 1.0.0 by Kevin Preece - A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client with a graphical user interface for easy access to all its features. It uses the full power of Intuition to make the process of transferring files as easy as possible. @{"ListClient3_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/ListClient3_1.lha"} 5K ListClient 3.0 by Kai Bolay - Transfers mail from a mailing list to a group and vice versa. @{"Mrn.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/Mrn.lha"} 13K MRN 1.0 by Jeff Mosher - This program is designed to be used to read the News Articles found on the NetNews/CD. What is a NetNews/CD? This is a CDROM that contains about 2 weeks worth of UseNet News feed. @{"PPP1_23.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/PPP1_23.lha"} 108K PPP 1.23 by Holger Kruse - A SANA-II compatible implementation of PPP for Amiga computers. @{"PPP1_23reg.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/PPP1_23reg.lha"} 53K PPP 1.23 by Holger Kruse - A SANA-II @{"tconf22.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/tconf22.lha"} 6K Telnet 0.8 by Michael van Elst - An AS225R2 telnet client. @{"UUDBud.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Comms/Internet/UUDBud.lha"} 2K UUDecode Bud 1.0 by Carmen Rizzolo - An Arexx script to process uudecoded files grabbed from usenet. @endnode @Node 49 "Assassins Games Compilations" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"asi-g191.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g191.DMS"} 523K The Assassins present games compilation #191, contents are; The Turn, Stewards Enquiry and Black Nebula. @{"asi-g192.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g192.DMS"} 662K The Assassins present games compilation #192, contents are; Peg it, Les Dennis Hangman and Push Button Switch. @{"asi-g193.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g193.DMS"} 485K The Assassins present games compilation #193, contents are; Alien Network V Olympus, Super Tomcat and Flip Over. @{"asi-g194.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g194.DMS"} 550K The Assassins present games compilation #194, contents are; Automobiles, Courli and Robot Rebellion. @{"asi-g195.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g195.DMS"} 778K The Assassins present games compilation #195, contents are; Galaga Deluxe 2.0, Jigsaw and Brain. @{"asi-g196.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g196.DMS"} 554K The Assassins present games compilation #196, contents are; Shoot Out, Sole Defender and Street Speed. @{"asi-g197.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g197.DMS"} 479K The Assassins present games compilation #197, contents are; Pipeliner, Cubik and Overlander. @{"asi-g198.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g198.DMS"} 435K The Assassins present games compilation #198, contents are; Scottish Football Manager, Viper and Push. @{"asi-g199.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g199.DMS"} 450K The Assassins present games compilation #199, contents are; Popcorn, Defender and Mastermind. @{"asi-g200.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g200.DMS"} 575K The Assassins present games compilation #200, contents are; Pub Darts, Assassins Battleships and Cave Runner update. @{"asi-g201.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g201.DMS"} 566K The Assassins present games compilation #201, contents are; Hydrozone, Dizzy Lizzy and Orb-it. @{"asi-g202.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g202.DMS"} 711K The Assassins present games compilation #202, contents are; ST Bash, Toy Box and The Race. @{"asi-g203.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g203.DMS"} 637K The Assassins present games compilation #203, contents are; Croaker, Metal and Go. @{"asi-g204.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g204.DMS"} 639K The Assassins present games compilation #204, contents are; Black Dawn II, Killer Tomatoes and JVP (Video Poker). @{"asi-g205.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g205.DMS"} 671K The Assassins present games compilation #205, contents are; Looty, Greeniz and Poker Squares. @{"asi-g206.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g206.DMS"} 523K The Assassins present games compilation #206, contents are; Bebop n Drop, Zombart and Mind Out. @{"asi-g207.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g207.DMS"} 508K The Assassins present games compilation #207, contents are; Sensible Massacre, Spitfire Assault and Slide It II. @{"asi-g208.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g208.DMS"} 724K The Assassins present games compilation #208, contents are; Knights, Puzzle and Psycho Squares. @{"asi-g209.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g209.DMS"} 493K The Assassins present games compilation #209, contents are; Trick or Treat, Space Taxi and Vector Tank Battle. @{"asi-g210.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g210.DMS"} 553K The Assassins present games compilation #210, contents are; Touch n Go, Waggle Mania II and Hop n Hurl. @{"asi-g211.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g211.DMS"} 511K The Assassins present games compilation #211, contents are; Happy Monster, Domingo and Mini Dash. @{"asi-g212.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g212.DMS"} 595K The Assassins present games compilation #212, contents are; Gamma Zone, Ooze and Take the Money. @{"asi-g213.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g213.DMS"} 659K The Assassins present games compilation #213, contents are; Moria, Rueda 1.3e and Dame. @{"asi-g214.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g214.DMS"} 665K The Assassins present games compilation #214, contents are; 4-Get-It, Punter and Mech Fighter. @{"asi-g215.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g215.DMS"} 689K The Assassins present games compilation #215, contents are; Super Battlezone, Cybertris and Mash the Potatoe. @{"asi-g216.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g216.DMS"} 685K The Assassins present games compilation #216, contents are; Bomber 2000, Black Dawn `94 and Dice 0. @{"asi-g217.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g217.DMS"} 581K The Assassins present games compilation #217, contents are; Mangled Fenders, Dual Maze and Cubik. @{"asi-g218.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g218.DMS"} 475K The Assassins present games compilation #218, contents are; Age of Rock, Hearts Black Lady and Commando Raid. @{"asi-g219.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g219.DMS"} 446K The Assassins present games compilation #219, contents are; Chopper Attack, Route `66 and Gimmie 5. @{"asi-g220.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-g220.DMS"} 556K The Assassins present games compilation #220, contents are; Dr.Strange, Alien Frenzy and I-Worm. @{"asi-wb05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-wb05.DMS"} 403K The Assassins present Workbench games compilation #5, contents are; Raps, Slider, Lazymines 1.0, minisola, cracked, mini Arkanoid, Bounce, Toe Popper and Blackjack. @{"asi-wb06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/AsiGames/asi-wb06.DMS"} 434K The Assassins present Workbench games compilation #6, contents are; Minipac, ESnake, Roach Farm, Othello, Super Cod, WBrain, Mastermind and Mine Sweeper 2.7. @endnode @Node 119 "Disk Based Demos" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"agy-subA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/agy-subA.DMS"} 458K Anology presents the strangely titled Sub.l #$7f,d1, requires AGA and a hard Drive. Disk 1 of 4. @{"agy-subB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/agy-subB.DMS"} 789K Anology presents Sub.l #$7f,d1, disk 2 of 4. @{"agy-subC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/agy-subC.DMS"} 767K Anology presents Sub.l #$7f,d1, disk 3 of 4. @{"agy-subD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/agy-subD.DMS"} 806K Anology presents Sub.l #$7f,d1, disk 4 of 4. @{"and-nex7.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/and-nex7.DMS"} 885K Andromeda present Nexus 7. AGA required, load from Workbench. @{"apx-dots.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/apx-dots.DMS"} 595K Apex present Dotsy. AGA required. @{"atc-xmas.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/atc-xmas.DMS"} 299K Atomic Present White Xmas. @{"atz-ildA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/atz-ildA.DMS"} 764K Alcatraz present Iliad, 100% version. AGA required, must be Hard Drive installed. Disk 1 of 4. @{"atz-ildB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/atz-ildB.DMS"} 781K Alcatraz present Iliad. Disk 2 of 4. @{"atz-ildC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/atz-ildC.DMS"} 781K Alcatraz present Iliad. Disk 3 of 4. @{"atz-ildD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/atz-ildD.DMS"} 740K Alcatraz present Iliad. Disk 4 of 4. @{"bass-hard1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bass-hard1.DMS"} 755K Bass Crew present Hardcore volume 1. @{"bd-rumrub.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bd-rumrub.DMS"} 765K Beton Design present Rumble Rubble. @{"bj-ss8.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bj-ss8.DMS"} 769K Black Jack present a music demo with 5 tracks called Steel Songs #8. @{"bluesSyA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bluesSyA.DMS"} 848K SAA present Blues Symphonie. Disk 1 of 2. @{"bluesSyB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bluesSyB.DMS"} 858K SAA present Blues Symphonie. Disk 2 of 2. @{"bmb-mtnA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bmb-mtnA.DMS"} 818K Bomb Presents Motion - Origin II. AGA required. Disk 1 of 2. @{"bmb-mtnB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/bmb-mtnB.DMS"} 391K Bomb Presents Motion - Origin II. Disk 2 of 2. @{"cdr-sonic.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cdr-sonic.DMS"} 629K Cyberdreams present Sonic Toons #1. @{"cme-dd2A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cme-dd2A.DMS"} 668K Chrome present a music demo called Digital Disco 2. Disk 1 of 2. @{"cme-dd2B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cme-dd2B.DMS"} 872K Chrome present Digital Disco 2. Disk 2 of 2. @{"cps-them.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cps-them.DMS"} 866K Cods present Themselves. Has some very strange speech as a soundtrack. Released at the Assembly 1994. @{"cpx-peew.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cpx-peew.DMS"} 865K Complex present Peewee, with a great soundtrack by Audiomonster. AGA required. @{"cpx-sedA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cpx-sedA.DMS"} 817K Complex presents a music demo called Seduction. Disk 1 of 2. @{"cpx-sedB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/cpx-sedB.DMS"} 742K Complex presents Seduction. Disk 2 of 2. @{"dd-etmA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dd-etmA.DMS"} 582K Digital Dreams present Eternal Madness. Requires AGA, a Hard Drive and a lot of memory. Disk 1 of 2. @{"dd-etmB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dd-etmB.DMS"} 894K Digital Dreams present Eternal Madness. Disk 2 of 2. @{"dgn-1stm.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dgn-1stm.DMS"} 420K Degeneration present their first music demo. Written in Amos. @{"dgn-mdA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dgn-mdA.DMS"} 373K Degeneration present Music Duel, disk 1 of 3. @{"dgn-mdB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dgn-mdB.DMS"} 476K Degeneration present Music Duel, disk 2 of 3. @{"dgn-mdC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dgn-mdC.DMS"} 557K Degeneration present Music Duel, disk 3 of 3. @{"dln-fcond.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dln-fcond.DMS"} 321K Delon present the Final Condom. Released at the Assembly 1994. @{"dlt-expl.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dlt-expl.DMS"} 760K Delight present Explorer. Released at the Sun is a Pacman party, July 1994. Has a great rock soundtrack! AGA required. @{"dpl-vamA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dpl-vamA.DMS"} 520K Duplo present My Mamma is a Vampire, Disk 1 of 2. AGA required. @{"dpl-vamB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dpl-vamB.DMS"} 601K Duplo present My Mamma is a Vampire, Disk 2 of 2. @{"drd-inag.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/drd-inag.DMS"} 668K Dreamdealers present Imagine 100% release version. AGA required. @{"ds-resuA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ds-resuA.DMS"} 651K Digital Spell present a music demo called Resurrection. Disk 1 of 2. @{"ds-resuB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ds-resuB.DMS"} 680K Digital Spell present Resurrection. Disk 2 of 2. @{"dtl-shakka.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dtl-shakka.DMS"} 446K Digital present Shakka Lakka. AGA required. @{"dvn-abn2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/dvn-abn2.DMS"} 134K Divine present a music demo called Abnormal 2 @{"e!-evid.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/e!-evid.DMS"} 267K E! (Virtual Dreams and Sonic) present a music demo called Evidence. @{"emt-hard.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/emt-hard.DMS"} 540K EMT Design present Hard Day. AGA required. Released at the Assembly 1994. @{"exc-cycl.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/exc-cycl.DMS"} 648K Excalibur present Cyclone Zone BBS demo. AGA required. @{"fc-porten.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/fc-porten.DMS"} 816K Flying Cows present Portentous Tale, its a video of someones wedding with a soundtrack of Old Susannah! @{"fear-c&b1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/fear-c&b1.DMS"} 309K Fear present Chip `n' Bits #1, a chiptune collection. Requires at least KS2. @{"gds-olym.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/gds-olym.DMS"} 832K Gods present Olympe, AGA required. @{"hhd-mental.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/hhd-mental.DMS"} 412K Hyperhard present a music demo called Mental Slavery. @{"hms-dance.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/hms-dance.DMS"} 627K Humans present their first music demo called Dance War. @{"ifn-stat.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ifn-stat.DMS"} 314K Infection present Statement. @{"iln-abbA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/iln-abbA.DMS"} 847K Illusion present Abberations, disk 1 of 2. AGA required. The request for disk 3 is a joke! To enter the secret part hold the spacebar while booting. @{"iln-abbB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/iln-abbB.DMS"} 878K Illusion present Abberations, disk 2 of 2. @{"indian.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/indian.DMS"} 447K Indian demo, a kind of hippy rave! Author unknown. Released at the 3M party, 1994. @{"ipt-asci.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ipt-asci.DMS"} 647K Impact present In a World of Ascii, a demo created in Ascii, very clever! @{"ipt-cere.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ipt-cere.DMS"} 494K Impact present a music demo called Ceremony. @{"ise-desp.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ise-desp.DMS"} 580K Insane present Despair. Released at the Assembly 1994. @{"jrm-epiA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/jrm-epiA.DMS"} 812K Jormas present a music demo called Epilesbian. Disk 1 of 2. @{"jrm-epiB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/jrm-epiB.DMS"} 822K Jormas present Epilesbian. Disk 2 of 2. @{"jws-funky.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/jws-funky.DMS"} 523K Jewels present Funky Cartoons, a music demo with 2 tunes. @{"kt-forest.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/kt-forest.DMS"} 491K The Kent Team present the Forest intro from 1988, the joystick changes the scrolling. @{"lal-actung.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/lal-actung.DMS"} 721K LA Lamers present Achtung. AGA required. @{"lgo-diff.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/lgo-diff.DMS"} 359K Lego presents a module called Different Times. @{"lsd-cht1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/lsd-cht1.DMS"} 787K LSD present Chip Tunez volume 1, a chip music disk, the modules can be decrunched and loaded into protracker also! @{"lsd-cht2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/lsd-cht2.DMS"} 507K LSD present Chip Tunez volume 2, a chip music disk, the modules can be decrunc @{"me-bandr.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/me-bandr.DMS"} 292K Mad Elks present Bandits Radio. Not AGA compatable. @{"mln-ninj.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/mln-ninj.DMS"} 498K Melon Design present Ninja, more of an animated story than a traditional demo. Great! AGA required. @{"mlw-hm1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/mlw-hm1.DMS"} 719K DJ Mellow Noise presents Hypnotic Mix 1. @{"mtc-dirt.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/mtc-dirt.DMS"} 373K Mystic present a demo called Dirt. @{"nva-bouch.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/nva-bouch.DMS"} 513K The Karaktoes of Nova present Bouchetro. Released at the 3M party, 1994. @{"nva-swim.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/nva-swim.DMS"} 540K The Karaktoes of Nova present If you go to the Swimming Pool don`t forgret your Towel or else you will be ill (long title!)! Returning to the CLI is not the end, be patient! Released at the 3M party, 1994. @{"ott-mono.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ott-mono.DMS"} 323K Over The Top present Monolith. @{"oxe-indA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oxe-indA.DMS"} 660K Oxygene present Indigo. AGA required. Disk 1 of 2. @{"oxe-indB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oxe-indB.DMS"} 561K Oxygene present Indigo. Disk 2 of 2. @{"oxy-adv.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oxy-adv.DMS"} 536K Oxygene present ADN, AGA required. Released at the 3M party, 1994. @{"oxy-birth.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oxy-birth.DMS"} 587K Oxygene present Happy Birthday. Released at the 3M party, 1994. @{"oyn-kltA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oyn-kltA.DMS"} 533K Oxyron present Killing Time. AGA required. Disk 1 of 4. @{"oyn-kltB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oyn-kltB.DMS"} 631K Oxyron present Killing Time. Disk 2 of 4. @{"oyn-kltC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oyn-kltC.DMS"} 737K Oxyron present Killing Time. Disk 3 of 4. @{"oyn-kltD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/oyn-kltD.DMS"} 372K Oxyron present Killing Time. Disk 4 of 4. @{"pcn-magn.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pcn-magn.DMS"} 809K Perception presents a music demo called Magnitude. @{"pd-hissA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pd-hissA.DMS"} 677K Hittimuumi Design present a music disk called Possinnule, released at the Assembly 1994. Disk 1 of 4. @{"pd-hissB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pd-hissB.DMS"} 674K Hittimuumi Design present Possinnule. Disk 2 of 4. @{"pd-hissC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pd-hissC.DMS"} 622K Hittimuumi Design present Possinnule. Disk 3 of 4. @{"pd-hissD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pd-hissD.DMS"} 508K Hittimuumi Design present Possinnule. Disk 4 of 4. @{"pkb-bore.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-bore.DMS"} 875K The Polka Brothers present Boredom demo. AGA required. @{"pkb-demo.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-demo.DMS"} 645K The Polka Brothers present a demo with no apparent name. @{"pkb-pryA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-pryA.DMS"} 561K The Polka Brothers present Prey. AGA required. Disk 1 of 2. @{"pkb-pryB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-pryB.DMS"} 576K The Polka Brothers present Prey. Disk 2 of 2. @{"pkb-twsA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-twsA.DMS"} 832K The Polka Brothers present Twisted. AGA required. Disk 1 of 4. @{"pkb-twsB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-twsB.DMS"} 861K The Polka Brothers present Twisted. Disk 2 of 4. @{"pkb-twsC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-twsC.DMS"} 887K The Polka Brothers present Twisted. Disk 3 of 4. @{"pkb-twsD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pkb-twsD.DMS"} 492K The Polka Brothers present Twisted. Disk 4 of 4. @{"pos-botm.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pos-botm.DMS"} 881K Chryseis and Posidon present Breath of the Muse, 100% version. AGA required. @{"pps-funb.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pps-funb.DMS"} 345K Funbasklova present Pimpulls. Released at Crazy Party 3, July 1994. @{"ptk-6th.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ptk-6th.DMS"} 800K Partek present 6th Sense #1. Requires at least 1 meg of chipmem and KS2. Created with LSD`s longplay. @{"ptn-gop.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/ptn-gop.DMS"} 584K Proton Limited present gate of Pagan music demo. Press Help for the menu. @{"pza-aciA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pza-aciA.DMS"} 652K Plauze present a music demo called Acid is only a Drug, Disk 1 of 6. @{"pza-aciB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pza-aciB.DMS"} 610K Plauze present Acid is only a Drug, Disk 2 of 6. @{"pza-aciC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pza-aciC.DMS"} 642K Plauze present Acid is only a Drug, Disk 3 of 6. @{"pza-aciD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pza-aciD.DMS"} 594K Plauze present Acid is only a Drug, Disk 4 of 6. @{"pza-aciE.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pza-aciE.DMS"} 626K Plauze present Acid is only a Drug, Disk 5 of 6. @{"pza-aciF.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/pza-aciF.DMS"} 284K Plauze present Acid is only a Drug, Disk 6 of 6. @{"rbl-swbA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rbl-swbA.DMS"} 672K The Rebels present Switchback, now fixed for the 68030 too. Disk 1 of 2. AGA required. @{"rbl-swbB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rbl-swbB.DMS"} 876K The Rebels present Switchback. Disk 2 of 2. @{"rge-mo2A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rge-mo2A.DMS"} 735K Rage present Maximum Overdrive 2, AGA required. Released at the Assembly 1994. Disk 1 of 3. @{"rge-mo2B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rge-mo2B.DMS"} 881K Rage present Maximum Overdrive 2, Disk 2 of 3. @{"rge-mo2C.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rge-mo2C.DMS"} 782K Rage present Maximum Overdrive 2, Disk 3 of 3. @{"rj-jamoA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rj-jamoA.DMS"} 481K Ram Jam present Just a matter of style. Boot disk. @{"rj-jamoB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rj-jamoB.DMS"} 846K Ram Jam present Just a matter of style. Disk one. @{"rzr-dosk.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/rzr-dosk.DMS"} 546K Razor 1911 present a chipmusic demo called Doskpop in July 1994. @{"savevinyl.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/savevinyl.DMS"} 766K Traxx present a 3 track music demo called Save the Vinyl volume 1. @{"sdc-tooth.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/sdc-tooth.DMS"} 446K Sanity, Dreamdealers and Cryptoburners present Toothbrush, released at the 3M party. @{"slr-mind.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/slr-mind.DMS"} 756K Stellar present Mindflow, requires AGA and 2 meg of 32 bit fastmem. Released at the Assembly 1994. @{"spn-snd1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/spn-snd1.DMS"} 694K Spoon present a music demo called Sound #1. @{"sps-hyp2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/sps-hyp2.DMS"} 725K DJ Mellow Noise of Shrimps present Hypnotic mix #2. @{"sty-rots.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/sty-rots.DMS"} 809K Sanity present Roots - Demo or Die! AGA required. @{"tbl-phuc.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/tbl-phuc.DMS"} 422K The Black Lotus present Phucker 100% release version, the winning demo from the BLG party, 1994. @{"tgy-zoot.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/tgy-zoot.DMS"} 755K Tragedy present Zoot Je, rather amusing featureing Beavis and Butthead. @{"trd-msA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/trd-msA.DMS"} 845K Triad present Musical Sensation, disk 1 of 2. AGA required. @{"trd-msB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/trd-msB.DMS"} 719K Triad present Musical Sensation, disk 2 of 2. AGA required. @{"tsl-sokA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/tsl-sokA.DMS"} 806K The Silents Present Soul Kitchen. AGA required. Disk 1 of 2. @{"tsl-sokB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/tsl-sokB.DMS"} 835K The Silents Present Soul Kitchen. Disk 2 of 2. @{"uin-vere.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/uin-vere.DMS"} 771K Union present a music demo called Veramid. Released at the Intel Outside party, Poland 1994. @{"vd-breaA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-breaA.DMS"} 645K Virtual Dreams of Fairlight present Breathtaker. AGA, a fast Hard Drive, 4 Meg of Fastmem is needed, a Turbocard is also recommended. Released at the Assembly 1994. Disk 1 of 5. @{"vd-breaB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-breaB.DMS"} 833K Virtual Dreams of Fairlight present Breathtaker, disk 2 of 5. @{"vd-breaC.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-breaC.DMS"} 817K Virtual Dreams of Fairlight present Breathtaker, disk 3 of 5. @{"vd-breaD.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-breaD.DMS"} 867K Virtual Dreams of Fairlight present Breathtaker, disk 4 of 5. @{"vd-breaE.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-breaE.DMS"} 840K Virtual Dreams of Fairlight present Breathtaker, disk 5 of 5. @{"vd-loveA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-loveA.DMS"} 800K Virtual Dreams present Love, AGA required. Disk 1 of 2. @{"vd-loveB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vd-loveB.DMS"} 815K Virtual Dreams present Love. Disk 2 of 2. @{"vth-phase2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskDemo/vth-phase2.DMS"} 561K Vortech present Phase Two. You must write enable this disk. @endnode @Node 121 "Disk Magazines" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"abn03.14.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/abn03.14.DMS"} 721K Abnormalia magazine issue #3.14 (4). @{"abn03.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/abn03.DMS"} 659K Abnormalia magazine issue #3. @{"abnorm05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/abnorm05.DMS"} 615K Abnormalia issue 5. @{"amnes08.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/amnes08.DMS"} 426K Amnesia magazine issue #8. @{"amnes09a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/amnes09a.DMS"} 614K Amnesia magazine issue #9. Disk 1 of 2. @{"amnes09b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/amnes09b.DMS"} 383K Amnesia magazine issue #9. Disk 2 of 2. @{"BullBoar01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/BullBoar01.DMS"} 592K Bull and Boar issue #1, a spoof diskmag, no further issues where released. @{"CChat14A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/CChat14A.DMS"} 514K Mirage presents Chit Chat issue 14, disk 1 of 2. AGA required. @{"CChat14B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/CChat14B.DMS"} 806K Chit Chat issue 14, disk 2 of 2. @{"chitC12a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/chitC12a.DMS"} 257K Chit Chat magazine issue #12. Disk 1 of 2. @{"chitC12b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/chitC12b.DMS"} 775K Chit Chat magazine issue #12. Disk 2 of 2. @{"deadlo04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/deadlo04.DMS"} 686K Deadlock magazine issue #4. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"deadlo06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/deadlo06.DMS"} 833K Deadlock magazine issue #6. @{"deadlo07.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/deadlo07.DMS"} 722K Deadlock magazine issue #7. @{"deadlo09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/deadlo09.DMS"} 827K Narcosis present Deadlock issue 9, a multi-tasking diskmag! @{"disc04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/disc04.DMS"} 423K Disc magazine issue #4. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"disc06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/disc06.DMS"} 487K Disc magazine issue #6. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"disc07.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/disc07.DMS"} 387K Disc magazine issue #7. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"disc08.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/disc08.DMS"} 771K Disc magazine issue #8. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"disc09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/disc09.DMS"} 698K Disc magazine issue #9. Requires at least 1.5 meg. @{"EC26A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/EC26A.DMS"} 658K Static Bytes present Eurochart issue 26, disk 1 of 2. AGA required, but an ECS versions is available on disk. Multi-tasking! @{"EC26B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/EC26B.DMS"} 623K Eurochart issue 26, disk 2 of 2. @{"eternal01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/eternal01.DMS"} 694K Eternal magazine issue #1. @{"freedC04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/freedC04.DMS"} 167K Freedom Crack magazine issue #4. @{"freedC08.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/freedC08.DMS"} 243K Freedom Crack magazine issue #8. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"freedC10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/freedC10.DMS"} 390K Freedom Crack magazine issue #10. @{"gener17.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/gener17.DMS"} 725K Generation issue 17. @{"glonew01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/glonew01.DMS"} 180K Global News issue 1. @{"hackM03.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/hackM03.DMS"} 445K Hackmag magazine issue #3. @{"hackM04a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/hackM04a.DMS"} 596K Hackmag magazine issue #4. Disk 1 of 2. @{"hackM04b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/hackM04b.DMS"} 538K Hackmag magazine issue #4. Disk 2 of 2. To load this disk, boot it! @{"hackM05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/hackM05.DMS"} 667K Hackmag magazine issue #5. @{"hackM06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/hackM06.DMS"} 656K Hackmag magazine issue #6. @{"hackM07.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/hackM07.DMS"} 608K Hackmag magazine issue #7. @{"ice01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/ice01.DMS"} 495K Ice magazine issue #1. @{"ice02.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/ice02.DMS"} 423K Ice magazine issue #2. @{"ice04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/ice04.DMS"} 659K Ice magazine issue #4. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"ice06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/ice06.DMS"} 729K Ice magazine issue #6. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"ice07a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/ice07a.DMS"} 462K Ice magazine issue #7. Disk 1 of 2. @{"ice07b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/ice07b.DMS"} 702K Ice magazine issue #7. Disk 2 of 2. @{"jungle02.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/jungle02.DMS"} 301K The Jungle magazine issue #2. @{"jungle04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/jungle04.DMS"} 623K The Jungle magazine issue #4. @{"jungle05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/jungle05.DMS"} 610K The Jungle magazine issue #5. @{"jungle06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/jungle06.DMS"} 589K The Jungle magazine issue #6. @{"LsdGV20A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/LsdGV20A.DMS"} 775K LSD present Grapevine magazine issue #20. Disk 1 0f 2. @{"LsdGV20B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/LsdGV20B.DMS"} 826K LSD present Grapevine magazine issue #20. Disk 2 0f 2. @{"lunch01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/lunch01.DMS"} 325K Lunchtime magazine issue #1 @{"lunch02a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/lunch02a.DMS"} 465K Lunchtime magazine issue #2. Disk 1 of 2. @{"lunch02b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/lunch02b.DMS"} 253K Lunchtime magazine issue #2. Disk 2 of 2. @{"lunch03a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/lunch03a.DMS"} 498K Lunchtime magazine issue #3. Disk 1 of 2. @{"lunch03b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/lunch03b.DMS"} 257K Lunchtime magazine issue #3. Disk 2 of 2. @{"maggy09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/maggy09.DMS"} 521K Maggy magazine issue #9. Not AGA compatable. @{"maggy11.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/maggy11.DMS"} 451K Maggy magazine issue #11. @{"maggy12.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/maggy12.DMS"} 569K Maggy magazine issue #12. @{"mcDisk01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/mcDisk01.DMS"} 600K McDisk magazine issue #1. @{"mcDisk02.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/mcDisk02.DMS"} 639K McDisk magazine issue #2. @{"mcDisk03.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/mcDisk03.DMS"} 735K McDisk magazine issue #3. @{"midni01a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/midni01a.DMS"} 603K Midnight Mess magazine issue #1. Disk 1 of 2. @{"midni01b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/midni01b.DMS"} 649K Midnight Mess magazine issue #1. Disk 2 of 2. @{"midni03a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/midni03a.DMS"} 643K Midnight Mess magazine issue #3. Disk 1 of 2. @{"midni03b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/midni03b.DMS"} 658K Midnight Mess magazine issue #3. Disk 2 of 2. @{"psych01a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych01a.DMS"} 323K Psyched magazine issue #1. Written in Amos. Disk 1 of 2. @{"psych01b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych01b.DMS"} 579K Psyched magazine issue #1. Written in Amos. Disk 2 of 2. @{"psych02a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych02a.DMS"} 401K Psyched magazine issue #2. Written in Amos. Disk 1 of 3. @{"psych02b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych02b.DMS"} 384K Psyched magazine issue #2. Written in Amos. Disk 2 of 3. @{"psych02c.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych02c.DMS"} 761K psyched magazine issue #2. Written in Amos. Disk 3 of 3. @{"psych03a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych03a.DMS"} 488K Psyched magazine issue #3. Written in Amos. Disk 1 of 3. @{"psych03B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych03B.DMS"} 415K Psyched magazine issue #3. Written in Amos. Disk 2 of 3. @{"psych03C.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/psych03C.DMS"} 730K Psyched magazine issue #3. Written in Amos. Disk 3 of 3. @{"quate01a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/quate01a.DMS"} 470K The Quatermass Experiment magazine issue #1. Disk 1 of 2. @{"quate01b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/quate01b.DMS"} 609K The Quatermass Experiment magazine issue #1. Disk 2 of 2. @{"rJChar04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar04.DMS"} 387K The Ram Jam Charts issue #4. @{"rJChar05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar05.DMS"} 419K The Ram Jam Charts issue #5. @{"rJChar06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar06.DMS"} 765K The Ram Jam Charts issue #6. @{"rJChar07.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar07.DMS"} 518K The Ram Jam Charts issue #7. @{"rJChar08.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar08.DMS"} 398K The Ram Jam Charts issue #8. @{"rJChar09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar09.DMS"} 776K The Ram Jam Charts issue #9. @{"rJChar10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar10.DMS"} 470K The Ram Jam Charts issue #10. @{"rJChar11.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar11.DMS"} 585K The Ram Jam Charts issue #11. @{"rJChar12.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/rJChar12.DMS"} 810K The Ram Jam Charts issue #12. @{"shamm10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/shamm10.DMS"} 782K Sledgehammer magazine issue #10. Not AGA compatable. @{"shamm11.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/shamm11.DMS"} 759K Sledgehammer magazine issue #11. @{"shamm12.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/shamm12.DMS"} 755K Sledgehammer magazine issue #12. @{"shamm13a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/shamm13a.DMS"} 552K sledgehammer magazine issue #13. Disk 1 of 2. @{"shamm13b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/shamm13b.DMS"} 773K Sledgehammer magazine issue #13. Disk 2 of 2. @{"stData05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/stData05.DMS"} 678K Stolen Data magazine issue #5. @{"stData06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/stData06.DMS"} 629K Stolen Data magazine issue #6. @{"stData07.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/stData07.DMS"} 516K Stolen Data magazine issue #7. @{"stData08.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/stData08.DMS"} 736K Stolen Data magazine issue #8. Not AGA compatable. @{"tSecrt10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/tSecrt10.DMS"} 429K Top Secret magazine issue #10. @{"tSecrt11.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/tSecrt11.DMS"} 449K Top Secret magazine issue #11. @{"tSecrt12.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/tSecrt12.DMS"} 578K Top Secret magazine issue #12 @{"vInte01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte01.DMS"} 812K Visual Intensity magazine issue #1 @{"vInte02a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte02a.DMS"} 817K Visual Intensity magazine issue #2. Disk 1 of 2. @{"vInte02b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte02b.DMS"} 649K Visual Intensity magazine issue #2. Disk 2 of 2. @{"vInte03a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte03a.DMS"} 768K Visual Intensity magazine issue #3. Disk 1 of 2. If you have an extra drive you MUST insert disk 2 in it to load correctly. If you have more than one extra drive, you MUST use df1:. @{"vInte03b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte03b.DMS"} 763K Visual Intensity magazine issue #3. Disk 2 of 2. If you have an extra drive you MUST insert disk 2 in it to load correctly. If you have more than one extra drive, you MUST use df1:. @{"vInte04a.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte04a.DMS"} 838K Visual Intensity magazine issue #4. Disk 1 of 3. If you have an extra drive you MUST insert disk 2 in it to load correctly. If you have more than one extra drive, you MUST use df1:. @{"vInte04b.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte04b.DMS"} 665K Visual Intensity magazine issue #4. Disk 2 of 3. If you have an extra drive you MUST insert disk 2 in it to load correctly. If you have more than one extra drive, you MUST use df1:. @{"vInte04c.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/vInte04c.DMS"} 746K Visual Intensity magazine issue #4. Disk 3 of 3. If you have an extra drive you MUST insert disk 2 in it to load correctly. If you have more than one extra drive, you MUST use df1:. @{"visin05A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/visin05A.DMS"} 697K Dual Format present Visual Intensity issue 5, the last issue! Disk 1 of 3. @{"visin05B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/visin05B.DMS"} 654K Visual Intensity issue 5. Disk 2 of 3. @{"visin05C.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/visin05C.DMS"} 702K Visual Intensity issue 5. Disk 3 of 3. @{"zine06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/zine06.DMS"} 464K Zine magazine issue #6. @{"zine09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/zine09.DMS"} 570K Zine magazine issue #9. @{"zine10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/zine10.DMS"} 581K Zine magazine issue #10. @{"zine11.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DiskMags/zine11.DMS"} 622K Zine magazine issue #11. @endnode @Node 7 "Games" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AceSpace.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/AceSpace.DMS"} 283K Ace, the Space Case. @{"AirTaxi.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/AirTaxi.DMS"} 578K Great version of the C64 classic, Air Taxi. @{"AlienHun.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/AlienHun.DMS"} 319K Alien Hunter, now Hard Drive installable. AGA required. @{"B&Bbtl.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/B&Bbtl.DMS"} 646K MTV's Beavis and Butthead in Breaking the Lawn! @{"BlakeS3p.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/BlakeS3p.DMS"} 550K Blake Stone III non-playable preview, requires AGA. @{"boozeome.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/boozeome.DMS"} 599K Booze-O-Meter, a drinking game by the Animators. @{"CardGame.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/CardGame.DMS"} 369K Card Games, featuring; Accordian, 31, Kings Korner Solitare, Black Jack lab and Video Poker. @{"charr10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/charr10.DMS"} 582K A Scorched Tanks type game, for many players. @{"ColConq2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/ColConq2.DMS"} 377K Colonial Conquest II, stratergy game. @{"ColorMan.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/ColorMan.DMS"} 143K Color Mania, puzzle game. @{"CyberSph.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/CyberSph.DMS"} 430K Cyber Sphere. @{"CybertkA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/CybertkA.DMS"} 538K Cybertek, Alien Breed Clone, new version, disk 1 of 2. @{"CybertkB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/CybertkB.DMS"} 210K Cybertek, disk 2 of 2. @{"DynWar20.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/DynWar20.DMS"} 455K Dyna War 2.0 update. @{"ExterV69.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/ExterV69.DMS"} 376K Extreme Violence version 6.9 update. @{"fnt-ch13.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/fnt-ch13.DMS"} 231K Fanatic present Cheat Disk revision 13. @{"Gladiatr.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Gladiatr.DMS"} 334K Gladiator, a multi-tasking RPG. @{"Hangman.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Hangman.DMS"} 414K A multi-tasking version of the classic Hangman. @{"Hellrun.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Hellrun.DMS"} 366K Hellrun Machine. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"JNUGC-01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-01.DMS"} 440K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 01, a collection of 3 courses; Aegina Isle Golf Club by Ted Maiden and Rod Harris, Sugarloaf Golf Club by Chesney and Arnold Palmer's Best 18 Holes of Golf by Dan L. Merkel. @{"JNUGC-02.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-02.DMS"} 403K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 02, a collection of 3 courses; Bayside Country Club by Dana Staples, Berkshire Golf Club and Crooked Stick Golf Club by Pete Dye. @{"JNUGC-03.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-03.DMS"} 458K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 03, a collection of 4 courses; Blue Mountain G.C. by David Burbley, Brown's Lake G.C. by Mike Vos, Carribe Isle G.C. and Camen Islands G.C. by Troy. @{"JNUGC-04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-04.DMS"} 473K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 04, a collection of 3 courses; The Cotugno Par-3 Golf Course by Jason J. Cotugno, Black Hills Club by Phil McCloud and Cherry Hills Golf Course by Mike Vos. @{"JNUGC-05.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-05.DMS"} 414K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 05, a collection of 2 courses; Streamwood Hills golf Course by Kerry Mark Leibowitz and TPC at Erin's Point Course. @{"JNUGC-06.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-06.DMS"} 427K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 06, a collection of 3 courses; Dorado Beach Hotel Golf and Tennis Club by Bill Permenter, Flamingo Golf Club by Alan Pajari and Falsterbo Golfklubb by Gene R. @{"JNUGC-07.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-07.DMS"} 414K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 07, a collection of 3 courses; Desert Waters Golf Club, Hunter's Crossing Country Club by Gordon J. Chisholm and Doral Country Club by Dick Wilson. @{"JNUGC-08.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-08.DMS"} 453K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 08, a collection of 4 courses; Pine Knoll Golf Course, University Ridge by Don Blotner, Ridgefield Golf Club by SKM and Widget Way Golf Club. @{"JNUGC-09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-09.DMS"} 456K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 09, a collection of 3 courses; Medinah #3 by Scott Chesney, The Pines by Revery and Silver Seas Resort by Jim Dutton. @{"JNUGC-10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-10.DMS"} 437K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 10, a collection of 4 courses; Twin Lakes Golf Club by Snake, Glacier Pines Golf Club, Wildcat Run Village Golf Club and Seabay Golf Club. @{"JNUGC-11.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-11.DMS"} 437K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 11, a collection of 3 courses; Gonebean Shore Golf Club by Phil, Treasure Clay Golf Club by Bill Permenter and Navajo Canyon desert Golf course by Longiron. @{"JNUGC-12.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-12.DMS"} 474K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 12, a collection of 4 courses; Kevan's Peak Golf Club, Rock Manor Golf Club by D.Gregory Robinson, Silver Shores Golf Club and Mojave Wells Golf Course by Neil R. Bonner. @{"JNUGC-13.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-13.DMS"} 428K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 13, a collection of 3 courses; Oakland Hills by Robbie Mendelson, The Links Golf Club at the The Renaissance, by Dale Somerfelt and Troon North Golf Club. @{"JNUGC-14.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-14.DMS"} 469K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 14, a collection of 4 courses; Glastonbury Golf Course by Andy Z, Heather Lakesage Golf Club by Ike Satterfield, Hulman Links Golf Course by Rod Harris and Saddam's Iraqi Palms by Fatso. @{"JNUGC-15.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-15.DMS"} 454K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 15, a collection of 3 courses; Falsterbo Golfklubb by Gene R, Inverness Clubge Golf Club by Merkel and Kiwi Lakes Golf Club by Mark. @{"JNUGC-16.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-16.DMS"} 484K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 16, a collection of 4 courses; Horseshoe Bendge G.C., San Fransisco Bay, Canine Islands by Joey and Christie and Jack Nicklaus Greatest 18 Holes of Golf, resculptured by Robert Shelden. @{"JNUGC-17.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-17.DMS"} 438K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 17, a collection of 3 courses; Nightmare Golf Course by Ted Maiden, Chamelion Golf Course by Mad Max and Aotearoa Bay Golf Course by Paul Conrad. @{"JNUGC-18.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-18.DMS"} 489K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 18, a collection of 4 courses; Sandy Creek Village Golf Course, The Classic by Kay G, Exodus International by Ghost and J & B Golf Course. @{"JNUGC-19.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-19.DMS"} 484K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 19, a collection of 5 courses; San Dee Chip n Putt by Sandy, Valhalla by Gregg, The Gardens by Joey and Christie, Kool Breeze by Ken and Dude Ranch by Joey and Christie. @{"JNUGC-20.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-20.DMS"} 477K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 20, a collection of 5 courses; Africa Safari Course by Joey and Christy, Choctaw Holls Golf Club by Bill, Elements of Greatness by Bill, Greenacres Place by Bill and Labhound by Joey and Christy. @{"JNUGC-21.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-21.DMS"} 328K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - PD disk 21, a collection of 3 courses; Funky Hills By Bill, New York City Central Park by Night by Bill and Sylvan Lake by Joey and Christie. @{"JNUGC-cg.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/JNUGC-cg.DMS"} 330K Jack Nicklaus Ultimate Golf - Calgary Courses by Andy of Trauma. @{"k-monroe.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/k-monroe.DMS"} 697K Klondike Cardset - Maralyn Monroe. Requires Klondike 2 or 3. @{"k-perihe.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/k-perihe.DMS"} 685K Klondike Cardset - Perihelion. Requires Klondike 2 or 3. @{"k-ripyar.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/k-ripyar.DMS"} 692K Klondike Cardset - Ripping Yarns. Requires Klondike 2 or 3. @{"k-sfenn.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/k-sfenn.DMS"} 548K Klondike Cardset - Sherelyn Fenn. Requires Klondike 2 or 3. @{"k-SMoon.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/k-SMoon.DMS"} 607K Klondike Cardset - Sailor Moon. Requires Klondike 2 or 3. @{"k-sttng.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/k-sttng.DMS"} 535K Klondike Cardset - Star Trek: The Next Generation. Requires Klondike 2 or 3. @{"kdc3A.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/kdc3A.DMS"} 775K Klondike version 3.0. Requires AGA and a Hard Drive. Disk 1 of 4. @{"kdc3B.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/kdc3B.DMS"} 651K Klondike version 3.0. Disk 2 of 4. @{"kdc3C.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/kdc3C.DMS"} 697K Klondike version 3.0. Disk 3 of 4. @{"kdc3D.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/kdc3D.DMS"} 599K Klondike version 3.0. Disk 4 of 4. @{"LastSolA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/LastSolA.DMS"} 500K The Last Soldier, disk 1 of 2. @{"LastSolB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/LastSolB.DMS"} 492K The Last Soldier, disk 1 of 2. @{"m-beer01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/m-beer01.DMS"} 189K Beer Mine #1 @{"m-law01.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/m-law01.DMS"} 342K Law Mine #1. @{"m-NEM04.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/m-NEM04.DMS"} 296K New Emerald Mines #4. @{"m-RoyBol.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/m-RoyBol.DMS"} 327K Royal Boulderdash. @{"m-Spud09.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/m-Spud09.DMS"} 335K Spudmine #9. @{"Moria12.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Moria12.DMS"} 455K Moria 1.2, RPG. @{"MSPengo.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/MSPengo.DMS"} 281K Martinsoft Pengo, great version of the classic Penguin. @{"Pseudocp.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Pseudocp.DMS"} 253K Pseudocop, Robocop meets Blood Money! Not AGA compatable. @{"PucmanWo.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/PucmanWo.DMS"} 468K Pucman Worlds, a great PD version of Pacmania. @{"puzzpit2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/puzzpit2.DMS"} 440K Puzzle Pits 2, a puzzle game. @{"Pyngwyne.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Pyngwyne.DMS"} 551K Pyngwinne, great version of the classic Penguin, load from Workbench. @{"Rocketz.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Rocketz.DMS"} 738K Rocketz, 2 player PD version of Thrust. @{"rubber.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/rubber.DMS"} 552K Rubber, a Pacman clone. @{"skatroya.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/skatroya.DMS"} 395K Skat Royale, a German card game. @{"SomInTim.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/SomInTim.DMS"} 479K Somewhere in Time, AGA users must degrade their system. @{"SuicideM.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/SuicideM.DMS"} 337K Suicide Machine. @{"SuperOra.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/SuperOra.DMS"} 670K Super Orange Man, a levels-and-ladders game. @{"supFight.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/supFight.DMS"} 701K Supreme Fighter, a beat-em-up. @{"therapist.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/therapist.DMS"} 523K Fly by Nite present Therapist, you are the patient, the Amiga is the Therapist. @{"tronbb2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/tronbb2.DMS"} 562K Tron, written in Blitz Basic 2, load from Workbench. @{"Viper.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Viper.DMS"} 470K Viper, arcade game, requires AGA, load from Workbench. @{"Xeonstar.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Xeonstar.DMS"} 396K Xenostar, playable demo II. AGA required. @{"Zone66p.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/Games/Zone66p.DMS"} 417K Zone 66 non-playable preview, requires AGA. @endnode @Node 81 "Games Help" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"A320RankPilot.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/A320RankPilot.lha"} 0K A320 Airbus saved game with Rank of Pilot. @{"AbanPl1MapSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/AbanPl1MapSol.lha"} 132K Abandoned Places 1 Solution and maps. @{"AbanPl1SuperCha.dms" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/AbanPl1SuperCha.dms"} 19K Abandoned Places 1 Supercharacters gamedisk. @{"AbanPl2MapSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/AbanPl2MapSol.lha"} 93K Abandoned Places 2 Solution and Maps. @{"Alien3Maps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Alien3Maps.lha"} 43K Alien 3 Maps. @{"BardsTa1MapsSol.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/BardsTa1MapsSol.lha"} 124K Bards Tale 1 Maps, lists and Solution. @{"BardsTa2MapsSol.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/BardsTa2MapsSol.lha"} 100K Bards Tale 2 Maps and Solution. @{"bat2maps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/bat2maps.lha"} 10K B.A.T. 2 Maps. @{"BeastlordMapsSol.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/BeastlordMapsSol.lha"} 10K Beastlord Solution and Maps. @{"BlackCSolMaps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/BlackCSolMaps.lha"} 165K Black Crypt Solution and Maps. @{"BlackCSuperChars.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/BlackCSuperChars.lha"} 67K Black Crypt Supercharacters. @{"CaptiveHintsMap.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/CaptiveHintsMap.lha"} 59K Captive Hints and Maps. @{"CastleMasterHintsMa" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/CastleMasterHintsMap.lha"} 14K Castle Master Hints and Maps. @{"CastleOfHarkynMaps." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/CastleOfHarkynMaps.lha"} 10K Castle of Harkyn Maps. @{"ChampOfKrynnMapSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ChampOfKrynnMapSol.lha"} 15K Champions of Krynn Maps and Solution. @{"ChaosEngineCodesL2m" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ChaosEngineCodesL2mapsSol.lha"} 36K Chaos Engine Level 2 Maps and Solution. @{"ChaosSBMapsHintsSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ChaosSBMapsHintsSol.lha"} 66K Chaos Strikes Back Maps, Hints and Solution. @{"ChaosSBSuperChars.l" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ChaosSBSuperChars.lha"} 27K Chaos Strikes Back Supercharacters. @{"CoolCity.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/CoolCity.lha"} 8K A very Big city for Sim City 1. @{"CrackdownMapsSol.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/CrackdownMapsSol.lha"} 29K Crackdown Maps and Solution. @{"DarkmereMapsSol.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/DarkmereMapsSol.lha"} 8K Darkmere Maps and Solution. @{"DarkseedMapsSol.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/DarkseedMapsSol.lha"} 11K Darkseed Solution and Maps. @{"DelGalagaCheat.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/DelGalagaCheat.lha"} 206K Two cheat files for Deluxe Galaga, one giving tons of $$$, the other gives infinate lives. @{"dkokSuperChars.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/dkokSuperChars.lha"} 4K Death Knights of Krynn Supercharacters. @{"DragonLanceMaps.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/DragonLanceMaps.lha"} 25K DragonLance Maps. @{"drakkhenSolMap.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/drakkhenSolMap.lha"} 5K Drakkhen Solution and Map. @{"DungeonMasterMapsSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/DungeonMasterMapsSolHelp.lha"} 73K Dungeon Master maps, solution and help files. @{"EliteSave.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/EliteSave.lha"} 505K Two Saved characters from the classic game Elite (version 2.0). You have all the equipment you need, there is a legal character here and a fugative. Inside this archive is a DMS file, dearchive it to a floppy. @{"Elvira1SolMaps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Elvira1SolMaps.lha"} 13K Elvira 1 Solution and Maps. @{"Elvira2MapsSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Elvira2MapsSol.lha"} 23K Elvira 2 Solution and Maps. @{"eotb1MapSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/eotb1MapSol.lha"} 65K Eye Of The Beholder complete Maps and Solution. @{"EyeOfHorusMaps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/EyeOfHorusMaps.lha"} 14K Eye of Horus Maps. @{"EyeOTB2MapSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/EyeOTB2MapSol.lha"} 83K Eye of the Beholder 2 Solution and Maps. @{"EyeOTB2superchars.l" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/EyeOTB2superchars.lha"} 15K Eye of the Beholder 2 Super Characters. @{"FaeryTaleAdvSolMaps" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/FaeryTaleAdvSolMaps.lha"} 21K Faery Tale Adventure Solution and Maps. @{"HeimdallHintsMaps.l" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/HeimdallHintsMaps.lha"} 8K Heimdall 1 Hints and Maps. @{"InfestationMapsHint" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/InfestationMapsHints.lha"} 49K Infestation Maps and Hints. @{"Ishtar3Maps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Ishtar3Maps.lha"} 140K Ishtar 3 Maps. @{"ishtar3Superchars.l" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ishtar3Superchars.lha"} 2K Ishtar 3 Supercharacters. @{"JetsonsMapsSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/JetsonsMapsSol.lha"} 14K Jetsons Maps and Solution. @{"KingsBountyCheat.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/KingsBountyCheat.lha"} 7K Kings Bounty saved-game Cheat. @{"KQ6CataMaps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/KQ6CataMaps.lha"} 10K Maps of the Catacombs in Kings Quest VI and how to conquer them. @{"m&m3SuperChars.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/m&m3SuperChars.lha"} 67K Might and Magic 3 Super Characters. @{"mb_Fantas.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/mb_Fantas.lha"} 8K new levels for the registered version of Megaball III. @{"MegaLoManiaTrainer." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/MegaLoManiaTrainer.lha"} 2K Mega-lo-Mania ingame Trainer for original (not pirate cracked) version. @{"NipponSafesSolMaps." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/NipponSafesSolMaps.lha"} 20K Nippon Safes Inc. Solution and Maps. @{"ObliteratorMaps.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ObliteratorMaps.lha"} 14K Obliterator Maps. @{"PerihelionMapsHelp." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/PerihelionMapsHelp.lha"} 18K Perihelion Help and Maps. @{"PersionGulfinfernoM" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/PersionGulfinfernoMapSol.lha"} 22K Persian Gulf Inferno Maps and Solution. @{"Phantasie3Maps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Phantasie3Maps.lha"} 164K Phantasie 3 Maps. @{"PiratesEd1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/PiratesEd1.lha"} 85K Saved Game Editor for Pirates! Kickstart 1 only, or try relokick etc. @{"PoliceQuest3SolMap." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/PoliceQuest3SolMap.lha"} 10K Police Quest 3 Solution and Map. @{"PoolOfRadianceMaps." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/PoolOfRadianceMaps.lha"} 42K Pool of Radiance Maps. @{"Populus2Trainer.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Populus2Trainer.lha"} 2K Populus 2 Trainer for original (not Pirate cracked) version. @{"ReunionSave.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ReunionSave.lha"} 5K A great saved game for Reunion, all your wishes answered! @{"RichCity.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/RichCity.lha"} 3K A very rich City for Sim City 1. @{"Robocop3CheatMapsHi" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Robocop3CheatMapsHint.lha"} 10K Robocop 3 Cheat, Hints and Maps. @{"ShadOTB1Maps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ShadOTB1Maps.lha"} 46K Shadow of the Beast 1 Maps. @{"ShadOTB2SolMaps.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ShadOTB2SolMaps.lha"} 57K Shadow of the Beast 2 Solution and Maps. @{"shadowSorcerorSuper" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/shadowSorcerorSuperChar.lha"} 8K Shadow Sorceror Supercharacters. @{"SherlockHolmesSolMa" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/SherlockHolmesSolMap.lha"} 22K Sherlock Holmes Solution and Map. @{"SimCity2000Cash.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/SimCity2000Cash.lha"} 12K A saved game for Sim City 2000, with millions of $$$. @{"StargliderMapsCheat" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/StargliderMapsCheatHint.lha"} 16K Starglider 1 Maps, hints and Cheat. @{"StryxMap.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/StryxMap.lha"} 5K Stryx Map. @{"ThemePrk.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ThemePrk.lha"} 5K Theme Park Cheat Account, start in the Game with 123,000,000 Credits! @{"TimesOfLoreSolMap.l" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/TimesOfLoreSolMap.lha"} 10K Times of Lore Solution and Maps. @{"Turrican3Maps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/Turrican3Maps.lha"} 65K Turrican 3 Maps. @{"tvsbbe.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/tvsbbe.lha"} 14K TV Sports Baseball editor. @{"TVSportsBoxingCheat" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/TVSportsBoxingCheat.lha"} 21K TV Sports Boxing saved-game Cheat. @{"UfoEndCheat.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/UfoEndCheat.lha"} 24K UFO Enemy Unknown saved game, so you can see the end sequence, also a supercharachter in here! @{"UfoSave.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/UfoSave.lha"} 25K How to get loads of cash and awesome soldiers in UFO Enemy Unknown. Start the Game with 2,147,483,647 Credits! @{"UninvitedMapSol.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/UninvitedMapSol.lha"} 10K The Uninvited Map and Solution. @{"WaxWorksMapSol.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/WaxWorksMapSol.lha"} 23K Waxworks Solution and Maps. @{"WizardryHintsSolMap" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/WizardryHintsSolMaps.lha"} 42K Wizardry 6 Hints, Solution and Maps @{"WonderlandSolMap.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/WonderlandSolMap.lha"} 16K Wonderland solution and map. @{"ZenomorphMapsHints." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/GameHelp/ZenomorphMapsHints.lha"} 70K Zenomorph Maps and Hints. @endnode @Node 52 "Demo Makers" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"vtv-nmar.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DemoMake/vtv-nmar.DMS"} 586K Video Tracker Vidule - Nightmare. Requires Video Tracker. @{"vtv-synd.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DemoMake/vtv-synd.DMS"} 820K Video Tracker Vidule - Syndrome and Credits. Requires Video Tracker. @{"vtv-womn.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/DemoMake/vtv-womn.DMS"} 862K Video Tracker Vidule - Woman. Requires Video Tracker. @endnode @Node 120 "Slide Shows" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"a68xxxGfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/a68xxxGfx.DMS"} 375K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the Amiga 68xxx party. @{"ade-bbsS.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ade-bbsS.DMS"} 347K A slideshow called BBS Ad by Arcade. @{"aparty91gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/aparty91gfx.DMS"} 392K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the 1991 Amiga party. @{"ass92gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ass92gfx.DMS"} 720K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the Assembly 1992 party. Not AGA compatable. @{"ass93gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ass93gfx.DMS"} 660K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the Assembly 1993 party. @{"bnc-imag.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/bnc-imag.DMS"} 698K A slideshow of Raytraced Imagine pictures by Barry Nelson Claytor. @{"bze-hype.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/bze-hype.DMS"} 875K A slideshow called Hypertension by Blaze. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"bze-unre.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/bze-unre.DMS"} 834K A slideshow called Unreal by Blaze. @{"cc-imaCA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/cc-imaCA.DMS"} 575K A slideshow of Raytraced pictures called the Imagine Video Collection by Craig Collins, to advertise the 17 Bit video of the Same name. Disk 1 of 2. @{"cc-imaCB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/cc-imaCB.DMS"} 691K The Imagine Video Collection by Craig Collins. Disk 2 of 2. @{"CC93gfxA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/CC93gfxA.DMS"} 579K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the 1993 Computer Crossroads party. disk 1 of 2. @{"CC93gfxB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/CC93gfxB.DMS"} 508K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the 1993 Computer Crossroads party. disk 2 of 2. @{"crs-ricA.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/crs-ricA.DMS"} 800K A slideshow called The Fantastic art of Tobias Ricter by The Crusders. Disk 1 of 2. @{"crs-ricB.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/crs-ricB.DMS"} 806K A slideshow of the The Fantastic art of Tobias Ricter by The Crusders. Disk 2 of 2. @{"dge-da2nd.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/dge-da2nd.DMS"} 482K A slideshow called Da 2nd Commingn by Damage. @{"dtl93gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/dtl93gfx.DMS"} 269K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the 1993 Digital party. @{"ecc93gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ecc93gfx.DMS"} 392K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the ECC party 1993. @{"ece-tech.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ece-tech.DMS"} 536K A slideshow called technicolour Dreams by Eclipse. @{"euphoria.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/euphoria.DMS"} 495K A slideshow by Euphoria. @{"exd-mosa.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/exd-mosa.DMS"} 799K Exceed present Mosiac, AGA required. @{"ferrari.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ferrari.DMS"} 807K A slideshow pictures and an animation of the Ferrari car, AGA required. @{"gath93gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/gath93gfx.DMS"} 840K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the 1993 Gathering party. @{"hra-slig2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/hra-slig2.DMS"} 387K A slideshow called Sligo 2 by Heretia. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"isch-gall.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/isch-gall.DMS"} 833K A slideshow called Gallery by ISCH. @{"ise-art&go.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ise-art&go.DMS"} 583K A slideshow called Art and Go by Impulse. @{"isn-faces.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/isn-faces.DMS"} 634K A slideshow called Faces by Illusion. @{"lsd-comc.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/lsd-comc.DMS"} 811K LSD present Comics disk 1. @{"marvel.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/marvel.DMS"} 551K A slideshow of Marvel comic characters, drawn not digitised. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mlm-prsm.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/mlm-prsm.DMS"} 650K A slideshow of pictures by Mack of Melon called Prism. Not AGA compatable. @{"mtc-imag.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/mtc-imag.DMS"} 781K A slideshow of raytraced pictures called Imaginations by Mystic. @{"mtc-visn.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/mtc-visn.DMS"} 548K A slideshow called Vision of the Art by Mystic. @{"navy-slid.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/navy-slid.DMS"} 520K A slideshow of pictures by Navy. @{"nds-sol470.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/nds-sol470.DMS"} 523K A slideshow called Sol 470 by Nihondreamers. @{"ored-jap.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/ored-jap.DMS"} 537K A slideshow of female Japanise cartoon characters by oreo called Japanimation. @{"pil-spheres.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/pil-spheres.DMS"} 657K A Raytraced slideshow called Spheres by Public Image Ltd. @{"pwe-cart.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/pwe-cart.DMS"} 554K A slideshow called Cartoons by Phantomware. @{"sat93gfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/sat93gfx.DMS"} 714K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the 1993 Saturne party, brought to you by Instinct. @{"scx-expl.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/scx-expl.DMS"} 479K A slideshow called Explicit Pictures by Scoopex. @{"sls-tech.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/sls-tech.DMS"} 820K A slideshow called Techni Colour Slide by Solaris. Not AGA compatable. @{"southgfx.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/southgfx.DMS"} 523K A slideshow of the results from the graphics competition of the Southern party 1993. @{"sst-akira.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/sst-akira.DMS"} 663K A slideshow called Akira by Sunteam. @{"stx-myst.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/stx-myst.DMS"} 624K A slideshow called mystic Worlds by Syntax. @{"tce-cron.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/tce-cron.DMS"} 744K A slideshow by Trance called Chronicle. @{"tlt-ray2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/tlt-ray2.DMS"} 759K A slideshow of raytraced pictures called Raytraced Dreams 2 by Tilt. @{"tnt-neb1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/tnt-neb1.DMS"} 406K A slideshow called Raytraced pictures One by Neblins on TNT. @{"troopJuga.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/troopJuga.DMS"} 384K This is a slideshow, but its also a comic in the Anime veign, called Troop Jugernort. @{"utd-lim2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/utd-lim2.DMS"} 803K A slideshow of raytraced pictures by Unlimited, called Lets Imagine #2. AGA required. @{"utd-lim3.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/utd-lim3.DMS"} 839K A slideshow of raytraced pictures by Unlimited, called Lets Imagine #3. AGA required. @{"utd-lim4.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/utd-lim4.DMS"} 857K A slideshow of raytraced pictures by Unlimited, called Lets Imagine #4. AGA required. @{"vtl-ima0.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/vtl-ima0.DMS"} 589K A slideshow raytraced pictures called Imagine by Virtual. @{"zom-pixa.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Leisure/SlideShw/zom-pixa.DMS"} 450K A slideshow called Pixalium by Zoom. Not AGA compatable. @endnode @Node 72 "Amiga E Programming Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AutoBuild11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/AutoBuild11.lha"} 10K Autobuild 1.1 by Jan Hendrik Schulz - An automatic build tool for AmigaE. It can do the same thing as the build tool that came with AmigaE v3 if it is used to build programms which are splitted over several modules, but it does it automaticly. That meens, you need no .build-file to define the dependencies etc. @{"debug_m.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/debug_m.lha"} 3K debug.m by Lionel Vintenat - The E module equivalent to the C linked library debug.lib. @{"e_update30e.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/e_update30e.lha"} 49K Amiga E 3.0e patch by Wouter van Oortmerssen - This archive contains the EC v3.0e compilers (demo and registered, as patches). This is a fix of several bugs, at least one of which had to be fixed immediately. @{"FDtoM_13.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/FDtoM_13.lha"} 10K FDtom 1.3 by Detlef Riekenberg - converts a Standard '.fd'-File in the special Form, needed by Amiga_E. (The Library Function File "libname.m" for Amiga_E, and a "libname_lvo.m" with all LVOFUNKTIONNAME's for the Inline-Assembler). FDtom also generates "libname_lvo.i" for any Assembler (ASM-Switch). @{"GED-E2.0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/GED-E2.0.lha"} 40K GED 1.0 2.0 by Eric Burghard - The E Language Environment for GED. @{"GenCodeE_v22.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/GenCodeE_v22.lha"} 108K GenCodeE 2.2 by Lionel Vintenat - An E code generation module for MUIBuilder. @{"Mac2E_v40.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/Mac2E_v40.lha"} 117K Mac2E 4.0 by Lionel Vintenat - A preprocessor for Amiga E which only supports macro replacing. @{"stayrandom.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/stayrandom.lha"} 1K stayrandom by Trey Van Riper - Just call stayrandom() once at the beginning of your program to seed the random number generator (Amiga E's random number generator). Afterwards, enjoy better random numbers. @{"StdErr.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AmigaE/StdErr.lha"} 8K StdErr by Trey Van Riper - Amiga E module providing a flexible, durable, downright NICE standard error port, in an object oriented fashion. @endnode @Node 73 "Arexx Programming Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"RexxDos21.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Arexx/RexxDos21.lha"} 25K RexxDosSupport 2.1 by hartmut Goebel - An ARexx function lib for V37+ dos functions (ReadArgs, pattern matching, etc. ) @{"ZedREXX.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Arexx/ZedREXX.lha"} 110K ZedREXX 1.0c by David N. Junod - Provides users with the ability to quickly and easily build a graphical user-interface into any of their REXX scripts. ZedREXX syntax is structured, simple and easy to read. @endnode @Node 76 "Assembly Source Code" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"Booty.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Booty.lha"} 0K Hardware programming: A bootblock by the Cryptoburners. @{"C64Menu.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/C64Menu.lha"} 6K Hardware programming: The Pussy C64-style menu. @{"CCSPorn.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/CCSPorn.lha"} 3K Hardware programming: CCS porno intro. @{"Cube.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Cube.lha"} 4K Hardware programming: Vector Cube source. @{"dif-pcks.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/dif-pcks.lha"} 36K Hardware programming: Diffusion packmenu by Astral. @{"DiskFont.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/DiskFont.lha"} 1K System Programming: How to use diskfont.library to change your font in a window, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"ExtremeDemon.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ExtremeDemon.lha"} 45K Hardware programming: Demon intro by Extreme. @{"ExtremeIntro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ExtremeIntro.lha"} 12K Hardware programming: An intro by Extreme, by Mystic. @{"FatBoysIntro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/FatBoysIntro.lha"} 1K Hardware programming: A Fat Boys intro by Goldleek. @{"FatBoysIntro2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/FatBoysIntro2.lha"} 1K Hardware programming: A Fat Boys intro by Goldleek. @{"FontTest.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/FontTest.lha"} 1K System Programming: Check where the fonts are. @{"ICDocsMenu.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ICDocsMenu.lha"} 9K Hardware programming: Inner City`s Docs menu. @{"ICMusicDisk.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ICMusicDisk.lha"} 6K Hardware programming: An Inner city Music Disk (No Modules). @{"ICSources.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ICSources.lha"} 139K Hardware programming: Some demo and game sources by Inner City. @{"ImploderDecr.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ImploderDecr.lha"} 2K System Programming: Imploder compatable decrunch routine, by Cath of LSD. @{"InnerCityInt.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/InnerCityInt.lha"} 1K Hardware programming: An Inner City intro. @{"JungleCIntro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/JungleCIntro.lha"} 1K Hardware programming: A Jungle Command intro. @{"LSDBigScroll.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDBigScroll.lha"} 5K Hardware programming: A very old LSD intro, with a giant bob-scroller, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"LSDMiniTrain.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDMiniTrain.lha"} 3K Hardware programming: A mini LSD trainer-menu, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"LSDMonty.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDMonty.lha"} 21K Hardware programming: LSD`s Monty Python intro. @{"LSDScrollMenu.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDScrollMenu.lha"} 5K Hardware programming: A very old LSD menu, with scrolling selectables, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"LSDsup3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDsup3.lha"} 47K Hardware programming: LSD`s Supreme music 3 musicdisk, no modules, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"LSDSuperScr.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDSuperScr.lha"} 11K Hardware programming: Giant Bobscroller intro, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"LSDTrain2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/LSDTrain2.lha"} 4K Hardware programming: An old LSD trainer-menu, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"lsdTrainer.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/lsdTrainer.lha"} 6K Hardware programming: A very old LSD trainer-menu, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"Mandlebrot.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Mandlebrot.lha"} 1K System Programming: A fast Mandlebrot set. @{"MayhemSine.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/MayhemSine.lha"} 5K Hardware programming: A Sine intro by Mayhem. @{"MeltDown.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/MeltDown.lha"} 152K Hardware programming: A lot of Demo routines by Melt Down of Arena. @{"MFIntro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/MFIntro.lha"} 17K Hardware programming: A Magnetic Fields intro by Spook. @{"miscHards.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/miscHards.lha"} 24K Hardware programming: A collection demo of routines by Psycho. @{"newLoadWB.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/newLoadWB.lha"} 0K System Programming: LoadWB replacement. @{"PEintro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/PEintro.lha"} 2K Hardware programming: A Pendle Europa intro by Goldleek. @{"phagexSources.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/phagexSources.lha"} 185K Hardware programming: A collection demo sources by Phagex of LSD. @{"ply-int1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ply-int1.lha"} 30K Hardware programming: A crack intro by Ply2 of TRSI, includes a trainer-menu. @{"ply-int2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ply-int2.lha"} 21K Hardware programming: A crack intro by Ply2 of TRSI, looks like the German RTL TV Screen. @{"PodSlip.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/PodSlip.lha"} 15K Hardware Programming: A BBS intro by Pod of Slipstream. @{"RebelsSource.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/RebelsSource.lha"} 6K Hardware programming: Some demo source by the Rebels. @{"RemRad.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/RemRad.lha"} 0K System Programming: Fixed version of Commodores RemRad, I assume they have now fixed this anyway, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"ReqTool.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ReqTool.lha"} 1K System Programming: Using the file selector in Reqtool.library, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"ResetLed.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ResetLed.lha"} 0K System Programming: Resetting the LED. @{"RoundEqul.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/RoundEqul.lha"} 29K Hardware programming: Fading Equalizers from Jesus on E`s, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"SFintro1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/SFintro1.lha"} 17K Hardware programming: The old intro Shagratt of LSD put on games he single filed. @{"ShadeBobs.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/ShadeBobs.lha"} 5K Hardware programming: Shade bobs from Jesus on E`s, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"SlzPD.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/SlzPD.lha"} 13K Programmers Text file: Compression using the LZ buffer by Adisak Pochanayon. @{"Sparkint.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Sparkint.lha"} 3K Hardware programming: Sparks intro. @{"SpriteMove.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/SpriteMove.lha"} 1K System Programming: Moving a Sprite. @{"sprites.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/sprites.lha"} 4K Hardware programming: Using Sprites by Judas of Saintgroup. @{"st23ToExe.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/st23ToExe.lha"} 2K System Programming: How to make a Soundtracker 2.3 into an executable file, by 17 Bit. @{"StarCreate.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/StarCreate.lha"} 2K Hardware programming: Starfield Creator. @{"Tango2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Tango2.lha"} 126K Hardware programming: Another collection of routines by Tango. @{"TangoInt.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/TangoInt.lha"} 13K Hardware programming: Cryptic intro by Tango. @{"TangoSources.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/TangoSources.lha"} 52K Hardware programming: A collection of routines by Tango. @{"technowar.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/technowar.lha"} 107K Hardware programming: Full assembler for LSD`s Techno Warrior music disk (no modules), by Shagratt of LSD. @{"TheSource-7.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/TheSource-7.lha"} 619K The Source magazine for programmers, with sources, articles etc. @{"TMMIntro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/TMMIntro.lha"} 7K Hardware programming: A TMM intro. @{"TomLanVec.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/TomLanVec.lha"} 8K Hardware programming: Thomas Landspurg`s unfilled vector source. @{"tripple.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/tripple.lha"} 198K Hardware programming: Full assembler source for LSD`s The Tripple Breasted Whore of Eroticon six music disk (no modules), by Shagratt of LSD. @{"Turn.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Turn.lha"} 0K System Programming: Moving a sprite. @{"UCopper.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/UCopper.lha"} 1K System Programming: How to put a copperlist on a system-window, by Shagratt of LSD. @{"VectorScope.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/VectorScope.lha"} 13K Hardware programming: Inner City`s Vector Scope. @{"Vec_3d.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/Vec_3d.lha"} 10K Hardware programming: Shagratt of LSD`s old vector routine, includes Copper Blitting (useful!) filled vectors and Glenzvectors. @{"xxxIntnl.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/AsmSrc/xxxIntnl.lha"} 8K Hardware programming: XXX International intro. @endnode @Node 77 "C Programming Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"3D.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/3D.lha"} 51K C Programming: 3d source calculations in C, some interesting stuff here including demo in C. @{"aedoor4.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/aedoor4.lha"} 4K C Programming: Source for an Ami Express door framework. @{"ae_doors.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/ae_doors.lha"} 10K C Programming: Text file and source on creating Ami Express doors. @{"AllAtC.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/AllAtC.lha"} 5K C Programming: All at C, a tutorial on C Programming. @{"AnotherCTutorial.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/AnotherCTutorial.lha"} 11K C Programming: Another C Tutorial, a tutorial on C Programming. @{"Back2ECS.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Back2ECS.lha"} 1K C Programming: Source for turning an AGA machine back to ECS. @{"CardPkg_1.3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/CardPkg_1.3.lha"} 140K Card Image Package 1.3 by Todd M. Lewis - C source code for incorporating playing card images into Intuition programs. Three complete sets of card images are provided. One set has horizontal cards, the others have vertical cards. @{"cency_1.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_1.dms"} 212K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 01 of 12. @{"cency_10.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_10.dms"} 295K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 10 of 12. @{"cency_11.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_11.dms"} 269K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 11 of 12. @{"cency_12.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_12.dms"} 542K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 12 of 12. @{"cency_2.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_2.dms"} 256K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 02 of 12. @{"cency_3.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_3.dms"} 307K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 03 of 12. @{"cency_4.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_4.dms"} 311K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 04 of 12. @{"cency_5.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_5.dms"} 293K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 05 of 12. @{"cency_6.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_6.dms"} 212K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 06 of 12. @{"cency_7.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_7.dms"} 222K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 07 of 12. @{"cency_8.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_8.dms"} 294K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 08 of 12. @{"cency_9.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/cency_9.dms"} 315K C Programming: The Amiga C Encyclopedia, disk 09 of 12. @{"contourC.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/contourC.lha"} 3K C Programming: Source for calculating Contours. @{"CTutorial.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/CTutorial.lha"} 42K C Programming: C Tutorial, a tutorial on C Programming. @{"c_tutor.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/c_tutor.lha"} 292K C Programming: C Tutorial with source. @{"ddjcomp.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/ddjcomp.lha"} 81K C Programming: Dr. Dobb's compression contest - Sources in C and Assembler. @{"Deform.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Deform.lha"} 0K C Programming: How to deform a polygon mesh sphere when "pressure" is applied. @{"DitherSrc.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/DitherSrc.lha"} 1K C programming: Source on how to Dither Vectors. @{"DMSSplit.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/DMSSplit.lha"} 5K C Programming: Source for a DMS splitter. @{"DrChip1_03.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/DrChip1_03.LHA"} 104K Dr. Chip's C Beautifier 1.02 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr - A collection of C and C++ tools. @{"Ellipse.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Ellipse.lha"} 1K C Programming: A quick method to render ellipes. @{"f2c3.2bin.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/f2c3.2bin.lha"} 294K Fortran to C 3.2 by Torten Poulin - Converts Fortran 77 source code in files with names ending in `.f' or `.F' to C (or C++) source files in the current directory, with `.c' substituted for the final `.f' or `.F'. If no Fortran files are named, f2c reads Fortran from standard input and writes C on standard output. @{"f2c3.2src.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/f2c3.2src.lha"} 337K Fortran to C 3.2 by Torten Poulin - Converts Fortran 77 source code in files with names ending in `.f' or `.F' to C (or C++) source files in the current directory, with `.c' substituted for the final `.f' or `.F'. If no Fortran files are named, f2c reads Fortran from standard input and writes C on standard output. Source Code. @{"Illum.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Illum.lha"} 29K C Programming: How to do various illumination models. @{"lineclip.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/lineclip.lha"} 6K C Programming: How to do line clipping. @{"metre.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/metre.lha"} 89K Metre 1.08 by Paul Long - A portable rule-based software-metrics tool for Standard C. @{"peano.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/peano.lha"} 1K C Programming: Source for making Peano Maps. @{"PointInPoly.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/PointInPoly.lha"} 0K C Programming: Source to calculate if a point is within a given polygon. @{"Poly2Tri.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Poly2Tri.lha"} 2K C Programming: Converts a polygon into a group of triangles. @{"ProgrammingInC.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/ProgrammingInC.lha"} 22K C Programming: Programming in C, a tutorial on C Programming. @{"Quantize.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Quantize.lha"} 5K C Programming: More dithering theory and source. @{"Shade2Obj.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Shade2Obj.lha"} 2K C Programming: Takes a picture of shaded polygons and converts it to a "depth map". @{"Sphere.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Sphere.lha"} 2K C Programming: How to create a sphere object. @{"TDDDConv.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/TDDDConv.lha"} 37K C Programming: Code to convert TDDD (imagine) format objects to other formats. @{"Triangle.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Triangle.lha"} 5K C Programming: Convert any polygon to triangles and render the triangles quickly. @{"Vectors_C.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/Vectors_C.lha"} 17K C Programming: C vector source. @{"voronoi.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/voronoi.lha"} 9K C Programming: Compute "VORONOI" diagram and DELAUNAY triangulation (phew!). @{"wrapdemo.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/CProg/wrapdemo.lha"} 29K C Programming: a demo Using the OS that maps a bitmap onto a sphere. @endnode @Node 111 "Miscellaneous Programming Arcs" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"agaiff16.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/agaiff16.lha"} 37K AGAiff 1.60 by Michael Krause - A tool that converts IFF graphics into several RAW formats, supporting the AGA and future chipsets. This is very useful for game and demo programmers. Full Intuition GUI, ARexx Port, Commodity, Assembler code, many different save formats. @{"amake_v1.00.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/amake_v1.00.lha"} 23K make 1.0 by Alexis Wilke - A Unix like file maker. @{"aprof334.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/aprof334.lha"} 52K Amiga Profiler 3.34 by Michael G. Binz - A profiler is a development tool supporting the developer in code optimization. A specified program is executed by the profiler which collects several informations (ie. call counts, time values) while executing. This data can be used to locate the so-called hot spots in your code. @{"Barfly1_10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/Barfly1_10.lha"} 559K Barfly 1.10 by Ralph Schmidt - A very powerful Assembler Development system with an Intuition controlled Sourcelevel Debugger that also supports SAS and GCC. @{"btoc_v12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/btoc_v12.lha"} 42K BtoC 3.1 by Stefano Reksten - This program is written to allow the user to transform an IFF ILBM file in C (or Assembler) source code for Image structures along with their data, or in sprite data (for 16, 32 and 64 bit wide AGA sprites!), or in ANSI escape sequences to create a picture by simply typing the file to your CLI window. @{"BumpSeq371.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/BumpSeq371.lha"} 3K BumpSeq 37.1 by Klaus Alexander Seistrup - Just a quick hack to bump a specified seqFile. @{"Cursor.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/Cursor.lha"} 119K Cursor 1.7 by J rgen Forster - A compiler for AmigaBASIC-programs. Includes a simple editor which can control the compiler. @{"date.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/date.lha"} 262K Date 33.089 by Kai Hofmann - A collection of routines for calculating dates. @{"DeCon.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/DeCon.lha"} 12K DeCon 1.0 by Martin Mares - Many debugging utilities send their output to serial port using simple communication mechanism embedded in the exec.library - the RawPutChar function. This simple utility patches that function, opens a window on WB screen and redirects all to this window. @{"DesignerV1_50.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/DesignerV1_50.lha"} 603K The Designer 1.50 by Ian OConnor - This program was written to make designing Intuition interfaces for your programs easier and quicker. It will produce code to open and close Windows, Menus, Screens make Images and much more. @{"FlexCat1_4.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/FlexCat1_4.lha"} 249K FlexCat 1.4 by Jochen Wiedmann - A flexible catalog editor. @{"frefs11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/frefs11.lha"} 123K FetchRefs 1.1 by Anders Melchiorsen - A feature packed utility that provides you with the most comfortable access to your AutoDoc and include file references. @{"gfront11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/gfront11.lha"} 241K GUIFront 1.1 by Michael Berg - This library provides a means of creating fully font sensitive graphic user interfaces (GUIs) with a minimum of programming efford. It also provides a couple of visual enhancements over GadTools, and a more convenient method of handling gadget hotkey shortcuts. @{"ghostr19.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/ghostr19.lha"} 125K GhostRider 1.9 by Jesper Skov - A new generation monitor. @{"golded-1_0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/golded-1_0.lha"} 889K GoldED 1.0 by Dietmar Eilert - A text editor for programmers. Suggested hardware: OS3.1, 68030, 2MB RAM, HD. Features: fast scrolling, folding, project management, DICE-C compiler frontend, ARexx port (380+ commands), asynchronous printing, flexible GUI: any mode, any font, user defined menus, user-defined gadgets, and more. @{"guienv374.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/guienv374.lha"} 177K GUIEnviroment 37.4 by Carsten Ziegeler - A package which simplifies the creating and interacting with GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces). @{"hpasm3.10e.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/hpasm3.10e.lha"} 50K Saturn Assembler 3.10e by Vallee Christophe - An assembler for HP calculators with the Saturn microprocessor (HP28,HP48...). @{"iffed_v1.01.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/iffed_v1.01.lha"} 64K IFF Editor 1.01 by Alexis Wilke - This tool was created because while making a new file format, one must usually change it often. This editor allows the user to edit and adjust the file data easily, without complex programming which would result in lost time. @{"Interfaces3_5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/Interfaces3_5.lha"} 283K OberonInterfaces 40.15 by hartmut Goebel - This archive holds the AmigaOberon System Interfaces for AmigaOS 3.1 (V40), based on includes V40.15, Oberon Version 3.5. @{"LK_V1.06.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/LK_V1.06.lha"} 558K lk 1.06 by Alexis Wilke - A linker editor. It may be used to link any object all together. Objects can be created with any language and compiler or assembler which generate normal Amiga object files (not AztecC from manx.) @{"mapcreator.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/mapcreator.lha"} 7K Map Creator by Chris Coulson - This is a demonstration of the map creation/zoom technique described by Mike Singleton for use in his game Midwinter. The maps, which are generated entirely from a seed value supplied by the user, end up as 128*128 32 colour maps, looking like satellite images or the like. @{"MMS1_0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/MMS1_0.lha"} 16K MUI MemSnap 1.0 by Klaus Melchior - A tool to show the usage of mem and to generate low memory situations. @{"MUIBuilderV20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/MUIBuilderV20.lha"} 541K MUIBuilder 2.0 by Eric Totel - With MUI-Builder, you'll be able to write MUI applications without technical problems, and with no more effort than thinking about your final goal. @{"Pattern.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/Pattern.lha"} 71K pattern.library 5.01 by Angela Schmidt - This is a library that helps you in pattern matching, pattern matching with AmigaDOS 2.0 compatible calls (very slow) and converting strings and characters to uppercase and lowercase including international characters. @{"RevUp11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/RevUp11.lha"} 11K RevUp 1.1 by Boris Folgmann - Generates and maintains include and header files with revision information. 100% compatible to the CBM developer tool BumpRev, but offers a lot of new features. Multiple depency files are supported. @{"SetRev.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/SetRev.lha"} 12K SetRev 1.1 by Jochen Wiedmann - This is a small little hack very similar to Commodore's BumpRev or Dice's UpRev. The difference is that SetRev does not need a special _rev.h file, instead it may scan a given source file for the current version and revision and modify it. @{"skoed1.14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/skoed1.14.lha"} 192K SkoEd 1.14 by David McPaul - A Programmer's Editor. @{"svlib93D.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/svlib93D.lha"} 159K superview-Library 9.3 developer by Andreas R. Kleinert - A modularian Shared Library System for loading, saving and displaying of various Graphic File Formats via Datatype-like sub-libraries (SVObjects). Supports Graphic Cards/Framebuffers via various external Driver-Libraries (SVDrivers). @{"TDS-2.04.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/TDS-2.04.lha"} 362K TDS 2.04 by Claudio Zani - The Twilight Development System provides an integrated environment for writing and compiling source files like Turbo Pascal or Borland C/C++. The main program of the package is a powerful text editor called Twilight Editor (Ted) which includes an integrated project manager. @{"TimeKeepD94Oct16.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/TimeKeepD94Oct16.lha"} 50K TimeKeep-Dev 94.Oct.16 by Scott Dhomas Trenn - TimeKeep-Dev is a time-clock utility for keeping track of time spent on project development. Projects and Modules can be defined and a time clock interface used to TimeIn and TimeOut on a selected Module. TimeKeep-Dev will remember which Module is currently in progress and will se @{"unpl3951.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/unpl3951.lha"} 73K Unpack.Library 39.51 by Thomas Neumann - A library you can use in your virus killer or whatever you are doing. One of the things this library can do, is to help a virus killer programmer to scan files that are crunched. @{"VisualArts2.0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/VisualArts2.0.lha"} 405K Visual Arts 2.0 by Danny Y. Wong - Demo of a new powerful GUI designer. Features includes: Menu and List manager, Object Master, Insert custom codes into any GadTools or GadTool Menu items, primitive drawing tools such as rectangle, circle and lines; Supports AppWindow and Multi Processing windows. And much more. @{"XES120.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Prog/Misc/XES120.lha"} 81K XES 1.20 by Fergus Duniho - A set of macros, menus, and ARexx scripts for XDME. Features include: spell checking, outlining, localized major modes, automatic mode selection upon loading, various Emacs-like keymappings, region and rectangle editing a la Emacs, xpk support, diary maintenance, pagination, many requesters, and much more. @endnode @Node 65 "AmigaDos Related Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"abiread.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/abiread.LHA"} 8K ABRead .100 by Gary Holland - The purpose of this program is to list the File and Directory structure of an index file created by Ami-Back. It will try its best to indent each level of directories with a TAB. @{"AFile_v330.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/AFile_v330.lha"} 129K AFile 3.30 by Denis Gounelle - A data file manager, that is a tool which lets you create and manage your files (addresses, video collections, clients, etc...) using an Intuition interface. There is not limitation to the number of fields or records. @{"AmiCDROM-1.15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/AmiCDROM-1.15.lha"} 202K AmiCDROM 1.15 by Frank Munkert - A CDROM disk filing system for the Commodore Amiga. It supports the IS0-9660 standard (single and multiple sessions), the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol and the Macintosh HFS format. @{"aminavi.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/aminavi.lha"} 21K AminNavi by John Corigliano - a very simple directory utility designed with CD-ROMs in mind. It's not one of those overblown file listers with eight-zillion totally configurable gadgets that takes a year or two to learn how to use. You should have AmiNavi up and running in about two minutes. @{"AntiCicloVir.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/AntiCicloVir.lha"} 60K AntiCicloVir 2.3a by Matthias Gutt - A link virus detector and exterminator. Also detects other types of viri. This version recognizes: 188 Bootblock, 28 File, 15 Link, 7 Disk-Validator, 11 Trojans, and 17 Bombs. Automatically checks each inserted disk for boot block and disk-validator viruses. @{"APipe-37.6.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/APipe-37.6.lha"} 16K APipe-Handler 37.6 by Per Bojsen - The special thing about this handler is that it interprets the name after the prefix `APIPE:' as a command line to be executed. If the `APIPE:' file is opened as MODE_OLDFILE the standard output from the command will be available for reading;. @{"Aren.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/Aren.lha"} 13K Aren 1.2 by Marc Mendez - An extension of the C= Rename command. It allows you to change a part of filename, or either to remove a prefix/suffix. Wildcards are supported. @{"AUSH_v317.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/AUSH_v317.lha"} 67K AUSH 3.17 by Denis Gounelle - A new command line interpreter, designed to replace Commodore's shell. It takes several features from some UNIX and Amiga shells. @{"AXDiff.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/AXDiff.lha"} 29K AxDiff 1.0 by Jim Lawrie - A graphical file comparison and merge utility. It allows you to see files side by side with differences between the files highlighted. You may move within the files looking at the differences within context of the rest of the file. @{"AZap_v240.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/AZap_v240.lha"} 69K AZap 2.40 by Denis Gounelle - A "new generation" binary editor able to edit files, memory or devices like hard disks. It can open several windows at the same time, and while this program cannot be considered as a tool to help you to recover a disk, it has a lot of useful functions (print block, fill block, search string, etc...). @{"bcount12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/bcount12.lha"} 8K BCount 1.12 by Norbert Bazin - Counts files, directories, hardlinks to files and directories and softlinks on your (hard)disks. @{"BPTools.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/BPTools.lha"} 33K BPTools 1.1 by Milt Henderson - A collection of BridgePort tools for use on the Amiga side. JDIR will read JDISK directories. MAKEJD will create JDISKS. READJD and WRITEJD will read and write to JDISKs'. READJD and WRITEJD are approximately ten times faster than AREAD and AWRITE. @{"bushtree.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/bushtree.lha"} 7K Bush 1.2 by Lee Kindness - Many of you may have seen Tree on PC machines. Bush is similar to Tree. Bush produces directory listings showing the structure of a directory and all sub-directories. Why Bush you may ask, we already have DTree on the Amiga? Simple speed and simplicity. @{"cd_stop.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/cd_stop.lha"} 3K CD_Stop 1.1 by Paul Heams - The CD32's appearance leaves a lot to be desired, but one of its major drawbacks is the CD lid. If you have an expanded CD32 you will know that in order to change disks you must lift the lid and allow the cd to scrape to a halt. This little util prevents you from having to do that. @{"chkcd10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/chkcd10.lha"} 2K CheckCD 1.0 by Ricardo Martinez - This program checks if a defined SCSI device is or not a CD-ROM drive returning a return code that you can use in a script. @{"CmpV1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/CmpV1_1.lha"} 37K CMP 1.1 by Andreas Wiencke - A tool to compare 2 files and display the differents between them. @{"comkil12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/comkil12.lha"} 2K ComKiller 1.2 by Bo Krohn - A new virus has been made. No killers are able to deal with it. Try this killer for removing this nasty breed. Since it was made in 30 min., no fancy user interface has been made. @{"crz-ec11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/crz-ec11.lha"} 34K ExeChecker 1.1 by RiCK/CRaZe - Executable program hunk checker. @{"CRZFCASE.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/CRZFCASE.LHA"} 3K FileCASE 2.1 by RiCK/CrZ&uNL - A small util which simply renames some files with the wrong case to Upper/lower case. @{"cshe539.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/cshe539.lha"} 252K C-Shell 5.39 by Andreas M. Kirchwitz - C-Shell provides a convenient AmigaDos alternative command interface. All its commands are internal and thus it does not rely on the c: commands for any functionality. @{"ddopus12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ddopus12.lha"} 3K DOS-DOpus 1.2 by MoOnBoOt/Outlaws - Transfer directory's from Shell to a DOpus window. @{"DevRen15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/DevRen15.lha"} 6K DevRen 1.5 by Stefan Rosewig - A DEVice RENamer, you can rename every device like df1:, ram:, rad: or newcon: for example. The only restriction is, the old and the new name must have the same length. @{"Dfrags.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/Dfrags.lha"} 29K Dfrags 3.12 by Tony Preston - This utility will report on the file and bitmap fragmentation plus will do a 100 % check on the file system. Currently, the OFS and FFS are supported, not the caching and International FS. @{"dirf241a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/dirf241a.lha"} 22K DirFool 2.41 by Chris Lawrence - A small (10.6k) utility that, when using AmigaDOS 2.04, replaces the Dir and List commands with a single command. DF has several different operating modes and can work in a used-defined manner. @{"diskinf2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/diskinf2.lha"} 56K DiskInfoTools 2.0 by Barney Blankenship - Tools to help you manage your disk space (and stay sane!). @{"diz200.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/diz200.lha"} 215K FileShow 2.0 by TGI-Soft - This program (Semi Dopus.Module) shows you the File_ID.diz about the selected files ,LHA, DMS, ZIP, GIF, TXT, EXE (if there is one) and then it lets you perform actions on this file. @{"DopusCom.LhA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/DopusCom.LhA"} 3K DOpus-Commander 1.0 by Icarus - A small program, that sends the actual directory in your SHELL into DOpus, so that you are able to use DOpus on your files. If DOpus is not running, it wil be started immediatly, and the actual directory will be sent to DOpus. @{"dosformat.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/dosformat.lha"} 69K Dosformat 1.0 by Manfred Klier - A filter which passes only 'allowed' arguments to the format-command. Normally on a MultiUser system the format-command is only available for 'root'. 'Dosformat' makes this command available to all users with the restriction, only formatting floppy disks. @{"dosprefs.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/dosprefs.lha"} 33K DOSPrefs 2.2 by Norbert P schel - A small commodity with three functions: Control the "Wildstar"-flag of the Amiga OS 2.0+ dos.library, Control the "Noclick"-flags of the Amiga OS 2.0+ trackdisk.device and Provide an all new "Unixdirs"-feature. @{"DrTree1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/DrTree1.lha"} 53K DirecTree 1.0 by Aaron M. Fisher - A program which, when given a device to read, whether it is hard disk, floppy disk, ram disk, or even a PCMCIA card, will scan the media in the relevant device, in whatever format it is in, whether it is AmigaDOS, MS-DOS or even ST TOS (CrossDOS support required). It will then produce a directory tree. @{"dskprot2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/dskprot2.lha"} 5K Disk Protector 2 by Peter van Campen - This util puts a copy-protection on any disk you like. Use it on "NO-DOS" disks for optimal effect. The disk is protected against all hardware-copiers & nibblers. There is no error-track on disk. @{"dta100.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/dta100.lha"} 9K DTA 1.00 by Trevor Andrews - Gives a very general and simple analysis of transfer speeds. @{"du.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/du.lha"} 24K DU 1.0 by Carsten Orthbandt - Every harddisk gets full some day. But where are all the files wasting megabytes of space? DU helps you to find it out. @{"empcd11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/empcd11.lha"} 5K empcd.device 1.1 by Nicola Salmoria - This device allows the EMPLANT Mac emulation to use a CD-ROM drive not connected to the EMPLANT SCSI port. Only Mac HFS discs are recognized; ISO-9660 and audio discs cannot be used. @{"Exemine.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/Exemine.lha"} 10K Exemine 1.0 by Martin Mares - Programmers sometimes want to look at an executable file to find out what does it consist of. For this reason, many hunk structure analysers have been written. It's another one! Exemine understands all the hunk types supported by Kickstart 3.0. @{"Filer3_20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/Filer3_20.lha"} 207K Filer 3.20 by Matthias Scheler - An Intuition controlled file manager for OS 2.04 and newer. You can use Filer for copying, deleting and renaming files or creating directories. You can create, list and extract archives with it or use it as an universal viewing tool. @{"FInf1_155.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/FInf1_155.lha"} 15K File INFo 1.155 by Peter Struijk - A very versatile directory listing utility. It can examine the contents of files and display a short type description. In addition to this, FInf has a whole slew of options that allow you to filter files by type, date, age, size etc. @{"FSG.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/FSG.lha"} 14K File System Guardian 2.0 by Martin Mares - There exists people which need to monitor disk / file activity. And there also exists AmigaDOS / disk / file activity monitors. Oh yes, they are not quite the same, there are many differences between them. FSG tries to be the best of them. @{"GCAT431.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/GCAT431.lha"} 52K Gcat 43.01 by John Marchant - A simple disk catalogger. @{"GDu1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/GDu1_1.lha"} 16K GDu 1.1 by Rainer K hler - A program for displaying a graphical tree of disk space utilization, similar to the UN*X utilities "du" and "xdu". The user can navigate through the tree structure, using the mouse or the keyboard. Boxes are drawn for each directory. @{"heartbea.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/heartbea.lha"} 51K HeartBeat 1.0 by Laurence Vanhelsuw Let's you snoop on ANY library, device or resource's calls, whether system or third-party, as long as you've got a standard Commodore ".FD" file for it. @{"ide2ami5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ide2ami5.lha"} 85K IDE2AMI 5 by Hydra of Perspex and LSD - A collection of files that'll help you to understand how to install a 3.5" hard drive into an A1200. This is NOT a definative guide or a set of rules on what to do/what not to do but it should make things a bit clearer to you all. @{"Inf134.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/Inf134.lha"} 7K INF 1.34 by Trevor Andrews - An extended Amigados info command. @{"lhadir19.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/lhadir19.lha"} 16K LhADir.dopus 1.9 by Edmund Vermeulen - An ARexx script for Directory Opus that allows you to show the contents of LhA archives in a DOpus window and operate on the files and directories inside an archive as if it is a normal directory. @{"ls.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ls.LHA"} 50K LS 4.7ljr by Loren J. Rittle - A Unix like list command which features intelligent columnar listing, versatile sort options, UNIX-style pattern matching, recursive subdirectory listing, customized output formatting and much more! @{"mfs11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/mfs11.lha"} 18K MultiFileSystem 1.1 by Nicola Salmoria - Merges DF0: and PC0: in a single device. @{"msplit.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/msplit.lha"} 85K msplit 1.3 by Rene Tschirley - Utility to split large files into several smaller ones in order to put them onto a floppy disk and recover the large file on another system. Optimized for speed and memory usage. @{"muformat.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/muformat.lha"} 7K muFormat by Tez Boyes - Allows the formatting of specific devices with muFS. @{"newest10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/newest10.lha"} 4K Newest 1.0 by Stefan Hochmuth - A very tiny utility (376 bytes) to determine the newest file of a directory. @{"ngmaster.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ngmaster.lha"} 42K NG-Master 4.01 by Douglas Henery - Fully operational CD-Rom mastering software (NOT disabled in any way!) Supports all known CD-Rom writers. @{"NoIDE11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/NoIDE11.lha"} 1K NoIDE 1.1 by Matthew Frost - A HACK to Disable the IDE device on an OS3.x equipped Amiga A4000 preventing a 9-25 second boot delay when no drive is present on the system. @{"nvram_tools.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/nvram_tools.lha"} 4K NVRamTools 1.00 by Werther 'Mircko' Pirani - Are you disappointed by the tiny amount of CD32 non volatile RAM, NVRAM for short, available to save your cool high scores? Are you supposed to delete your "Pinball Fantasies" high score to save a single game from "Simon The Sorcerer" or "Liberation"? Here's the solution! @{"pfs95.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/pfs95.lha"} 238K PFS 9.5.4 by Michiel Pelt - Professional file system for the Amiga. @{"PriMan20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/PriMan20.lha"} 87K PriMan 2.0 by Barry McConnell - Allows you to change the priority of any task with the greatest of ease. Unlike most other similar utilities, you need only drag a slider to change the priority - there is no messy clicking in string gadgets, deleting the old priority, and typing in a new one. There is also the facility to signal tasks. @{"PS135.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/PS135.lha"} 6K PS 1.35 by Trevor Andrews - Lists information about all tasks and processes currently in the system. @{"qinfo.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/qinfo.lha"} 2K QInfo 1.7 by Johan Billing - A replacement for C:Info. @{"RDBFLAGS12.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/RDBFLAGS12.LHA"} 7K RDBFlags 1.2 by Andreas M. Kirchwitz - This program lets you modify various flags in the RDB (Rigid Disk Block) of your harddisk drives. It has no GUI and it doesn't restrict you in making your harddisk a "totally useless piece of shit". So be careful! @{"REQASK10.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/REQASK10.LHA"} 22K ReqASK 1.0 by Marc Heuler - A powerful mouse-driven replacement for the shell command ASK. It's supposed to prompt the user with several choices. According to the result, a certain action can be taken. Unlike similar programs, ReqASK gives you a large palette of features to customize to fit your needs. @{"REQUESTSTRING.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/REQUESTSTRING.LHA"} 5K RequestString 1.02 by Nicolas Dade - This program lets you request a string from the user, similarly to the many Yes/No/Maybe requesters. It can be used from a CLI or from ARexx. If it is started from WorkBench it automatically goes into arexx mode, since the workbench does not supply a standard output to which to write the strin @{"ro_v082.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ro_v082.lha"} 152K RO 0.82 by Oliver Rummeyer - a new Intuition controlled, fully user configurable file manager for OS 2.04 and newer. RO's mighty features will assist and help you on your daily work with your Amiga. With RO there is no need to learn those cryptic shell commands, because you have the complete power of your your Amiga in one hand. @{"RO_V083.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/RO_V083.lha"} 204K RO 0.83 by Oliver Rummeyer - A new intuition controlled, fully user configurable file manager for OS 2.04 and newer. RO's mighty features will assist and help you on your daily work with your Amiga. With RO there is no need to learn those cryptic shell commands, because you have the complete power of your Amiga in one hand. @{"RSCP.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/RSCP.lha"} 13K RSCP 1.0 by Russel Miranda - RawSpeed Controller Performance Test. @{"scout13.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/scout13.lha"} 175K Scout 1.3 by Andreas Gelhausen - A tool that allows you to monitor your computer system. It displays many different things - like tasks, ports, assigns, expansion boards, resident commands, interrupts, etc. - and you can perform some certain actions on them. @{"scriptfile253.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/scriptfile253.lha"} 37K Script File 2.5.3 by Carsten Schubert - This program allows you to easily access programs deeply hidden on your CD. It generates an appicon on your WB. @{"SCSI-Prefs.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/SCSI-Prefs.lha"} 7K SCSI Prefs 36.2 by Martin A. Blatter - This small program allows you to change the bits in the Amiga 3000's battery backed up memory that control some parameters of the embedded SCSI host adaptor. @{"scsiu202.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/scsiu202.lha"} 57K SCSIUtil 2.0 by Gary Duncan and Heiko Rath - A little utility to do some low level stuff with SCSI devices. @{"snoop30.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/snoop30.lha"} 128K SnoopDos 3.0 by Eddy Carroll - A utility that allows you to monitor a variety of system operations carried out by programs on your Amiga. This includes what files a program is trying to open, what fonts, libraries, devices and environment variables it is looking for, and so on. @{"snoopdos30.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/snoopdos30.lha"} 130K SnoopDos 3.0 by Eddy Carroll - A utility that allows you to monitor a variety of system operations carried out by programs on your Amiga. This includes what files a program is trying to open, what fonts, libraries, devices and environment variables it is looking for, and so on. @{"Split1_0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/Split1_0.lha"} 14K Split 1.0 by Marius Chwalczyk - A CLI command. With it you can for example split a file in smaller parts when it's too big to copy to a disk. So splited file you can join later together with the "Join" command. All parts are numbered so you know the corect order. @{"SPlit20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/SPlit20.lha"} 39K Splitter 2.0 by Scott 8eard - A simple file splitting program written in Blitz Basic. @{"ssearch10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ssearch10.lha"} 4K ssearch 1.0 by Stefan Sticht - Does nearly the same as the AmigaDOS's search command does, but faster. Example: searching for "foobar" in the C=-Autodocs (plus some other Autodocs, 82 files, 1937 KBytes) requires 78 seconds with search and 14 seconds with ssearch. @{"stest20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/stest20.lha"} 31K Scsi Tester 2.0 by John Yeager - Exercises your hard drives, your SCSI controller, your SCSI cabling, SCSI device driver code and more to determine if there are any faults present on your SCSI bus and/or hard drives. @{"systemtr.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/systemtr.lha"} 32K SystemTracer 1.0 by Guido Burkard - A tool for viewing and editing the Amiga system structures. @{"TwinOpus2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/TwinOpus2.lha"} 17K TwinOpus 2 by K.P. van Beem - Allows control of Twin Express with Directory Opus. @{"VCopy20.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/VCopy20.lha"} 9K VCopy 2.0 by Mikael Lund - This small utility can totally substitute the 'copy' command in DirOpus. It works as the normal copy-command, but when it finds duplicate files, it will display the versions and dates (if any) of the two files. Then it asks you if you would like to continue. @{"vmm_v2.1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/vmm_v2.1.lha"} 107K VMM 2.1 by Martin Apel - A virtual memory manager for Amigas with 68030 or 68040 (not EC). @{"vw45.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/vw45.lha"} 420K VirusWorkshop 4.5 by M.Schmall - Another new viruskiller on the Amiga. @{"ZShell21.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AmigaDos/ZShell21.lha"} 137K ZShell 2.1 by Paul Hayter & Martin Geirich - A small, fast and powerful SHELL replacement. @endnode @Node 50 "Assassins Utility Disks" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"asi-am1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-am1.DMS"} 697K Assassins Utility Disk: Audio Magic #1.1. Contains too many audio packages and utilities to list! @{"asi-am10.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-am10.DMS"} 576K Assassins Utility Disk: Audio Magic #10. Contains Sampex 1.2, Sound Effect 2.2 and Super Play. @{"asi-am2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-am2.DMS"} 631K Assassins Utility Disk: Audio Magic #2. Contains too many audio packages and utilities to list! @{"asi-am3.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-am3.DMS"} 692K Assassins Utility Disk: Audio Magic #3. Contains too many audio packages and utilities to list! @{"asi-am4.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-am4.DMS"} 652K Assassins Utility Disk: Audio Magic #4. Contains too many audio packages and utilities to list! @{"asi-cnc2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-cnc2.DMS"} 663K Assassins Utility Disk: Crunch n Copy #2. Contains too many file crunchers, disk crunchers and disk copiers to list! @{"asi-da1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-da1.DMS"} 641K Assassins Utility Disk: Disk Archivers #1. Contains DMS Win 1.53, Pack Disk, P-Compress, LHsfx, AII, All to Lha and Formatter. @{"asi-dh1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-dh1.DMS"} 647K Assassins Utility Disk: Disk Helpers #1. Contains ARestaure, Disk Salve 2.0, D-Copy 3.1, Dir Works 1.62, Sys Info 3.22, ABackup 4.01, Cache Clock, Scrubber, Reorg 2.33 and No Errors. @{"asi-dh2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-dh2.DMS"} 613K Assassins Utility Disk: Disk Helpers #2. Contains AF Copy, No Clicks, Assign Manager, Dos Trace 2.0, Crunchmania 1.9, Seek Speed, Dynami Cache, Disk Mate 4.01, DMS II and Installation Master 3.1. @{"asi-fd3.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-fd3.DMS"} 407K Assassins Utility Disk: AGA Fix Disk #3. Contains Run Shit 1.06, Run it 1.8, Half n Half, Run Lame 1.34, Chip Munch, Amiga to NTSC, No NTSC, Embedder II, SKick and Fake 20. @{"asi-hm1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-hm1.DMS"} 538K Assassins Utility Disk: Home Manager #1. Contains Dialing Codes, Home Accountant, Address Manager 2.0, Amiga Diary 1.13, FH Spread and PPrefs. @{"asi-mi1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-mi1.DMS"} 346K Assassins Utility Disk: Magic Icons #1. Contains Remap info, DR Icon, IEv4, Icon Toolbox, plus a load of icons to use! @{"asi-mi2.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-mi2.DMS"} 425K Assassins Utility Disk: Magic Icons #2. Contains Icon Miser, Icon Pack, Mr Icon Sort, Icon Trace, Icon to Clip, Tool Type, Pic Icon and Appisizer. @{"asi-mp1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-mp1.DMS"} 515K Assassins Utility Disk: Multi-Print #1. Contains MD Spool, Doc Dump 3.6, Env Print, AZ, Font Manager, Prefs, Print Manager, Amiga Dex and Powerpacker Patch. @{"asi-mv1.DMS " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/AsiUtils/asi-mv1.DMS"} 631K Assassins Utility Disk: Multi-Vision #1. Contains too many graphic packages and utilities to list! @endnode @Node 243 "Audio Related Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AccMidiMon.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/AccMidiMon.lha"} 12K Accurate MIDI Monitor 1.0 by Roger Westerlund - A tool to monitor each of the 16 Midi channels for note activity. (If you have seen a Roland D-10 in action then you should have a quite clear view of what this is.) AccMidiMon will open a window on your workbench and indicate whether there are notes on for a channel or not. @{"aed025.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/aed025.lha"} 26K AudioEd 0.25 by Christian A. Weber - A little utility to convert sound samples between different file formats, and to manipulate these samples. @{"AIFF-dtc-110.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/AIFF-dtc-110.lha"} 16K AIFF Sound DataType 1.10 by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel - "AIFF" is an acronym for "Audio Interchange File Format". This file format was devised by Apple Computer, Inc. and a number of third party developers and is mostly used on Apple Computers, such as the notorious Apple II, Apple IIGS and the Apple Macintosh. @{"AIFF_dt.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/AIFF_dt.lha"} 15K AIFF_dt 1.5 by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel - A DataTypes class which permits reading and playing of AIFF and AIFC format sound files which are very common on Apple Macintosh machines. @{"AlgoRhythms.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/AlgoRhythms.LHA"} 141K AlgoRhythms 3.0 by Thomas E. Janzen - Improvises music in real-time. AlgoRhythms decides which pitch to play at which loudness and for how long just before it plays the individual note. @{"AMFC3.1.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/AMFC3.1.dms"} 520K AMFCPro v3.1 - The AMFCPro program allows @{"APLAY10.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/APLAY10.LHA"} 342K AccessiblePlayer 1.00 by Thomas Neumann - A module player that Supports 26 different module formats, recognizes and unpacks 150 different cruncher types (using the Unpack.library, has a Favourite Song System, plays samples by the keyboard while listening to the module, can be used to rip your favourite samples, and much more! @{"cdda112.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/cdda112.lha"} 15K cdda 1.12 by Michael van Elst - Reads audio data from a CD-DA disk (normal audio CDs) and plays back via audio.device (22kHz) and stores to outputfile either in 16bit, stereo, 44.1kHz AIFF or in 8bit, mono or stereo, 22.05kHz 8SVX. @{"cdp1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/cdp1.lha"} 62K YACDP 1.1 by Frank W rkner - Yet Another CD Player. @{"CDPlay-2.01.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/CDPlay-2.01.lha"} 16K CDPlay 2.01 by Nic Wilson - A small CD Player designed for the Xetec CDx Software. The program uses a small window that opens on the Workbench screen. Smaller with many more functions than those on the player that is supplied with the Xetec Software. @{"CDTV-Player-2.31.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/CDTV-Player-2.31.lha"} 132K CDTV-Player 2.31 by Daniel Amor - A utility for all those people, who'd like to play Audio CD's while multitasking on WorkBench. It's an emulation of CDTV's remote control, but is a little more sophisticated. Allows access to the archive even without a CDROM drive (i.e. AMIGA 500-4000), although you can't play a CD. @{"cls-apl.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/cls-apl.lha"} 115K AmazePlay 4.0 by Origo/C-Lous - Nothing more than another one of those numerous musicplayers. One thing though, it does NOT support any weird module-formats. This could be seen as an advantage because this means it will not eat alot of memory. @{"DCPlayer10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/DCPlayer10.lha"} 8K DCPlayer 1.0 by Blender Software - Yet another music CD player. This one sits quietly in the background and watches the buttons on the control pad (or joystick) plugged into controller port 1. @{"delay013.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/delay013.lha"} 87K DeliAY 0.13 Beta by Patrik Rak - An AY emulator for DeliTracker 2.07 and above. @{"DMODP34.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/DMODP34.lha"} 296K D.A.S.ModulePlayer 3.4 by Pauli Porkka - A pro level module player. @{"doepctrl.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/doepctrl.lha"} 8K dIROPUS_eAGLEpLAYER_aREXX_cONTROL_sCRIPT 1.5 by STuN/MYSTiC - An ARexx script which enables you to control all most important EaglePlayer functions from your Directory Opus environment! @{"dolbyp11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/dolbyp11.lha"} 129K Dolby Pro 1.01 by Jeroen Petrick - This program is just a little test to 'prove' to all the SNES freaks that an amiga (ALL AMIGA's including the A1000!) are capable of creating surround sound. @{"dtl-mm10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/dtl-mm10.lha"} 109K Module Master 1.0 by Chip-Ram/Digital - A simple OS2.x/3.x gui-driven editor tool, which makes editing sample- and filename strings of standard Sound / Noise / Protracker Modules an easy task. @{"eagl152a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/eagl152a.lha"} 463K Eagleplayer 1.52 by Defect - A program which comfortably plays music in different sound formats. It is NOT able to create music modules or songs, and should therefore not be mixed up with a music editor, sequencer, tracker etc. Part 1/2. @{"eagl152b.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/eagl152b.lha"} 772K Eagleplayer 1.52 by Defect - A program which comfortably plays music in different sound formats. It is NOT able to create music modules or songs, and should therefore not be mixed up with a music editor, sequencer, tracker etc. Part 2/2. @{"ExoticRip226.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/ExoticRip226.lha"} 328K ExoticRipper 2.26 by Ren "Turbo" Trolldenier and Mark "Marley" Leitiger - This program is for detecting and ripping the largest variety of musicformats available for the Amiga. Detection is possible in both a dynamic buffer you can read any data to and in specified valid system memory ranges. @{"gfft1_12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/gfft1_12.lha"} 307K GFFT 1.12 by Charles P. Peterson - An FFT-based spectrum analysis program with many features. By operating from stored sample data files, it offers higher resolution and/or accuracy than real-time analyzers. It accepts 8, 12, or 16-bit data in IFF 8SVX, AIFF, and AVR formats, or in unformatted files. @{"hip134.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/hip134.lha"} 96K HippoPlayer 1.34 by K-P Koljonen - A multiformat moduleplayer for Amiga. It works perfectly under Kickstart 1.2 and has about all the same features as the Multiplayer, which is Kick2.0+ only. @{"hjb-lc1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/hjb-lc1.lha"} 64K ListComm 1.0 by FLi7e/HAUJOBB - A comfortable module list generator which gives you a nice looking output in two different ways! ANSI & PLAIN. @{"jukebox.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/jukebox.lha"} 332K JukeBox 2.83 by Franz-Josef Reichert - A program to play compact digital audio discs by emulating a graphical user interface similar to common CD players. It provides a command line oriented, fully programmable ARexx user interface as well. It will work on CD-ROM players plugged to a scsi hostadapter or CDTV. @{"Juno106Editor.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/Juno106Editor.lha"} 42K Juno106Editor 94.Jun.22 by Scott Dhomas Trenn - an editor for the Roland Juno106 Synthesizer. It allows editing of all parameters in real time. It also displays edits being made on the the Juno106 in real time, and receives patch data when patch changes are made. @{"MacSND-dtc-107.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/MacSND-dtc-107.lha"} 19K MacSND Sound DataType 1.7 by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel - Handles both files in MacBinary format and plain resource fork files. It scans the resource fork for "snd" type resources and will load the first entry to feature sampled sound. @{"MDEXCH112.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/MDEXCH112.lha"} 27K MaudExchange 1.12 by Kamran Shah - A tool that converts uncompressed Maud to Aiff samples. @{"Metro-10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/Metro-10.lha"} 46K Metronome 1.0 by Michael W. George - As well as going click like the original metronome (which was patented by Maelzel in 1815) this metronome also has some additional features. @{"midiplay221a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/midiplay221a.lha"} 95K MidiPlay 2.21a by Janne Syv niemi - A program that can play format 0 and 1 MIDI files (format 2 has not been tested). It can also print their contents. @{"MoA_1.10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/MoA_1.10.lha"} 99K Module Administrator 1.10 by Florian Vorberger - 'MoA' is an administrator especially designed for Amiga modules. It is capable of storing more than only name and location of files. MoA also provides an interface that is fast and easy to handle. @{"MPMaster.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/MPMaster.lha"} 82K MPMaster 2.0 by Antonio J. Pomar Rossell - A useful MIDI program that enables to transmit/receive samples via MIDI between the Amiga and any MIDI device that supports the MIDI Sample Dump Standard format (such the Yamaha SY85 synthesizer). @{"muispeak.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/muispeak.lha"} 53K MuiSpeak 0.04 by Andreas Jung - Another Speechtoy clone based on the MUI GUI system written by Stefan Stuntz. @{"MusicWeb.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/MusicWeb.lha"} 244K MusicWeb 1.2 by Pete Goodeve - An extensible, interactive, graphic-diagram environment for building configurations of elements to manipulate MIDI event streams. Modules with specific functions can be `plugged together' by placing icons in a diagram and linking them in the desired configuration. @{"octa504.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/octa504.lha"} 555K OctaMED Professional Demo 5.04 by Teijo Kinnunen - Demo version of the 8 channel sequencer with 16 bit sound card support. @{"pgp-m204.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/pgp-m204.lha"} 118K DaMoosePlayer 2.04 by F.Ultra - A tool for playing music_modules, using 4-8 digital channels. @{"Pro-Wizard.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/Pro-Wizard.lha"} 238K Pro-Wizard 2.0 by Nicolas "Gryzor" Franck - A multi-converter for Amiga music files packed with tools like NoisePacker, ProPacker, ProRunner, and so on. It converts all these weird formats in the standard Protracker format! @{"ps3m301.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/ps3m301.lha"} 24K PS3M 3.01 by Jarno Paananen - A Screamtracker module player. @{"PT23A1.2K.LhA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/PT23A1.2K.LhA"} 119K ProTracker 2.3d fixed by Detron - A1200 version. @{"pt23a4k.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/pt23a4k.lha"} 119K ProTracker 2.3d fixed by Detron - A4000 version. @{"QuadraComp.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/QuadraComp.lha"} 326K Quadra Composer 2.1 by Bo Lincoln - An intuition based module editor. @{"QuadraPlayer.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/QuadraPlayer.lha"} 43K QuadraPlayer 1.2 by Bo Lincoln - A nice module player. @{"SCDB_07fB.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/SCDB_07fB.LHA"} 234K SCDB 0.7 by Achim Gorski - SCDB is based on isam (indexed sequential acces method) and uses a multilevel index structure. If you search for Artist/Title and you know the first characters of Artist, SCDB should find this entry in N/72 comparisons and (N/36)+1 for a unsuccessful search. ( N = number of entries). @{"smalplay.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/smalplay.lha"} 42K SmallPlayer 1.0 by Hallvard Korsgaard - A small player for those really big modules. The file is less than 10k. Plays powerpacked Protracker modules. @{"SoundMachine.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/SoundMachine.lha"} 59K SoundMachine 1.5 by Syd L Bolton - Allows you to load, save, and play various sound file formats including RAW, IFF, VOC, and WAV. @{"SPlayLib31.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Audio/SPlayLib31.lha"} 206K superplay.library 3.1 by Andreas R. Kleinert - The "superplay.library" is used in many of my programs and it consists of many functions, which make playing, saving and converting of various sound formats (SoundTracker, MED, IFF-8SVX, VOC, ...) much easier. @endnode @Node 59 "Business Utilities" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"ABank_102.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/ABank_102.lha"} 275K ABank 1.02 by David Gaussinel - Domestic bank account software. The idea is simple. When you make an transaction on your account, you signal it to the software which permanently updates your account state. @{"AddressAssist.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/AddressAssist.lha"} 137K AddressAssist 1.0 by A.H.Schneider - A very easy to use, but yet a really powerful address managment program for use at work, at home or combined. @{"amicheck1_11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/amicheck1_11.lha"} 162K amiCheck 1.11 by Douglas M. Dyer - A checkbook/bank account manager (Demo). @{"AmigaWorld.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/AmigaWorld.lha"} 600K AmigaWorld 3.1 by Wolfgang Lug - A database program that contains information about every country on Earth. It enables you to have a look at the data of one country, or to compare several ones. Among other things it displays location, capital, area, population, languages, currency and the flag of each country. @{"bBaseIII.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/bBaseIII.lha"} 181K bBaseIII 3.01 by Robert Bromley - An easy to use, versatile, yet full featured database program. Search or sort on any field, print mailing labels, (un)delete records, mail merge, get reports in many formats, scramble files, flag records, and more. Fields are user-conigurable, so bBase can be used to keep track of anything you can think of. @{"blocnotes30.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/blocnotes30.lha"} 31K BlocNotes 3.0 by Roberto Ferorelli - A WB commodity that allows you to take some notes. When you hit a custom hotkey it opens a window: in that window you can insert as much text as you want. All the text will be stored, together with a description of the window, in a file, so, at startup, they will all be reopened. @{"CheckItOut.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/CheckItOut.lha"} 110K CheckItOut! 01.01a - A powerful personal finance management tool used for tracking your assets and liabilities. You can configure the program to manage and balance single checking account or many accounts including checking, savings, credit cards, cash, other liabilities and assets. @{"ComicDemo.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/ComicDemo.lha"} 210K comicDemo 2.0 by Andreas Zottmann - A program for collectors of comics, magazines or novels. You have to enter all your comics and rate them into different conditions. With different kinds of evaluations you are able to get a good survey of your collection. @{"ComicMaster.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/ComicMaster.LHA"} 144K ComicMaster by Wayne Quigley Sr. - A database program for comic book collectors. @{"DataMasterDEMO.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/DataMasterDEMO.lha"} 128K DataMasterDEMO 1.01 by Teemu Sipil - A very powerful database program for an average user. It should be usable on any Amiga and it's multi-tasking friendly. @{"DDBASE.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/DDBASE.lha"} 142K DDBase 6.42 by Peter Hughes - A Database that can view various formats. @{"FthLuc132.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/FthLuc132.lha"} 63K Filthy Lucre 1.32 by J. Pritchard - A straight forward, easy to use yet powerful accounts program. @{"intudx10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/intudx10.lha"} 39K Intuidex 1.0 by Jeff May - An easy to use club membership database and mailing list manager. @{"INVOICER.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/INVOICER.lha"} 74K Inoicer 1 by P.A.Hughes - A program that will allow you to enter and print Invoices. It is geared mainly for regular customers and regular jobs etc. It is however still quite easy to issue a invoice on a one off basis. It will also save all the Invoices that you print to disk enabling you to print or edit any invoice that you hae issued. @{"MemoMaster.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/MemoMaster.lha"} 40K MemoMaster 2.1 by Simon Dick - One of those programs which can be used to avoid forgetting events such as your wedding anniversary. @{"OnTheBall_V130.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/OnTheBall_V130.lha"} 221K On The Ball 1.3 Demo by Pure Logic Software - A Calendar, Addressbook, To-Do List and NotePad. @{"pcal-4.5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/pcal-4.5.lha"} 201K Pcal 4.5 by Ken Keirnan - A program to print PostScript calendars for any month and year. @{"RoutePlanner14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/RoutePlanner14.lha"} 185K RoutePlanner 1.4 by Chris Lawrence - a highway trip planner program. It works out the best available route between two cities by consulting a Map file, also known as a database. With RouteEdit, an included utility, you can create and edit your own map files. @{"sbrain.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/sbrain.lha"} 111K Scatterbrain 7.646 by Jack Holt - A hierarchical database for projects, idle thoughts, and lists of things to do. Use it to keep track of all those things you might never get around to doing. It will generate a checklist for you to work from when you get motivated. @{"spice3f4Guide.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/spice3f4Guide.lha"} 87K Spice3f4 1.1 by Henric Jungheim - Help in AmigaGuide format. @{"spice3f4r1_000.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/spice3f4r1_000.lha"} 894K Spice3f4 1.1 by Henric Jungheim - This is a full port of Spice3f4. All device models and analyses in the 3f4 distribution have been included. The full simulator has been built, but the standalone "nutmeg" has not (nutmeg is spice without any simulation capabilities). Any CPU version. @{"spice3f4r1_030.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Business/spice3f4r1_030.lha"} 851K Spice3f4 1.1 by Henric Jungheim - This is a full port of Spice3f4. All device models and analyses in the 3f4 distribution have been included. The full simulator has been built, but the standalone "nutmeg" has not (nutmeg is spice without any simulation capabilities). 030+ version. @endnode @Node 78 "Graphics Related Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AGATunnel.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/AGATunnel.lha"} 15K agatunnel by J rgen Grahn - The 'tunnel' is a very simple effect, but it is cheaper than hallucinogen drugs - unless there are Psilocybin mushrooms growing where you live anyway ;-) @{"anim3d.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/anim3d.lha"} 64K Anim3D 1.4 by Michael George - A real-time vector movie player for Workbench 3 machines. @{"apcd.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/apcd.lha"} 5K PhotoCD converter 1.1 by Pascal Lauly - Converts PhotoCD pictures to IFF. @{"Art-Pro.062.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/Art-Pro.062.lha"} 78K Art-Pro 0.62 by Frank Pagels - The idea behind ART-Pro is to combine image format conversion with IFF-to-RAW conversion for programmers with powerful image and color processing with a well-designed and comfortable graphical user interface. @{"atx-swr.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/atx-swr.lha"} 128K Super Wild Ripper 1 by Pan/Anthrox - A program which allows you to extract a game's graphics to an IFF file. It translates the data from a Super Wild Card DX Real-Time Save file to your screen, allowing you to select the vram address and palette colors to use. @{"BluffTitler.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/BluffTitler.lha"} 80K BluffTitler 1.0 by Michiel den Outer - A Realtime 3D Titling program. It allows you to animate 3D texts in all sorts of 3D effects using a simple graphical user interface. You no longer have to use difficult,expensive and slow 3D rendering software to make those stunning 3D leaders. @{"Bview_110.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/Bview_110.lha"} 84K Bview 1.10 by Joeri Alberty - An IFF picture viewer with and extensive GUI (ECS/AGA). @{"cachefn.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/cachefn.lha"} 7K CacheFont 1.0 by Adam Dawes - A little utility that makes accessing your fonts significantly quicker -- in fact, near instant. @{"Daleks.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/Daleks.lha"} 140K 2 Dr Who Dalek objects for Imagine 2.0 by Andrew Nunn. @{"DPaintVDemoPatch.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/DPaintVDemoPatch.lha"} 1K DPaint V Demo Patch by Darius Hardy - This program was written to allow DPaintVDemo to run under Workbench V2.04. The DPaintVDemo originally asks for asl.library V38 which to my understanding is from Workbench 2.1, so after applying this patch it will try for V37 instead. @{"dt2iff.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/dt2iff.lha"} 8K DTConvert 1.0 by Markus Hillenbrand - Converts any picture-datatype to standard IFF-ILBM format. @{"egsphotoalb17.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/egsphotoalb17.lha"} 140K EGSPhotoAlbum 1.7 by Helmut Hoffmann - A Shareware picture management and presentation software fo EGS. @{"egstv35.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/egstv35.lha"} 390K EGS-TV-Professional 3.5 by Helmut Hoffmann - A Desktop Video and framegrabber software for the EGS system with harddisk recording and editing, blue screen keying system and more. @{"EpsLab_1.02.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/EpsLab_1.02.lha"} 151K EpsLab 1.02 by Alessandro Sala - The successor of BinEps. The name has changed because it can now convert PostScript files to EPS files, and the preview image can also be created in ASCII format (EPSI files). @{"fform17.dms " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/fform17.dms"} 324K FreeForm 1.7 by Fori Owurowa - Latest version of b-spline editor & renderer for Imagine, Real3d, LightWave, Alladin, etc. Also does format conversion. @{"FightPln.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/FightPln.lha"} 79K Fighter Plane object for Imagine @{"FlickV1.2.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/FlickV1.2.LHA"} 65K Flick 1.2 by Peter McGavin - Plays FLI and FLC format bitmapped animation files on any ECS or AGA Amiga running OS2.04 or higher. @{"flip_141.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/flip_141.lha"} 14K FliP 1.41 by Dominik Tonn - A player for FLI and FLC animation files, common for IBM PCs and compatibles. It is not as fast as a player for the PC and it needs much performance. @{"fractint26.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/fractint26.lha"} 563K Fractint 2.6 by Terje Pedersen - A fractal generator. (Requires MUI). @{"FreeForm3D1_9.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/FreeForm3D1_9.lha"} 267K FreeForm Demo 1.9 by Fori Owurowa - A Bspline and NURB editor for Real3D2, Aladdin, LightWave, Caligari and Imagine. (Requires a 68030 or better and a math co-processor.) @{"FView109.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/FView109.lha"} 11K FastView 1.09 by John Hendrikx - A program which shows IFF/GIF pictures on your screen. Of course many programs exist for this task, but this one is special because it is very fast and was designed with both OCS/ECS and AGA users in mind. For example: FastView can show HAM8 and IFF24Bit pictures on OCS/ECS machines in HAM. @{"GfxList.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/GfxList.lha"} 4K GfxList 36.5 by Thomas Hagen Johansen - Shows useful information on graphic files. @{"I2LW.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/I2LW.lha"} 77K I2LW 1.0 by Peter Verswyvelen - A simple 3D object converter. It takes as input an Imagine group of TDDD objects and outputs a LightWave object. @{"IITextures.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/IITextures.lha"} 21K Ian's Imagine Textures 1.0 by Ian M. Smith - A collection of Imagine textures for Imagine 3 and above. @{"imstu121.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/imstu121.lha"} 421K ImageStudio 1.2.1 by Andy Dean & Graham Dean - For the casual graphics user who wishes to convert or manipulate various graphics formats on a modest Amiga system. There are several commercial offerings available, however the casual user is paying a lot of money for many facilities and options they would probably never use. @{"imstud.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/imstud.lha"} 413K ImageStudio 1.0.0 by Andy and Graham Dean - For the casual graphics user who wishes to convert or manipulate various graphics formats on a modest Amiga system. There are several commercial offerings available, however the casual user is paying a lot of money for many facilities and options they would probably never use. @{"IMTguide.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/IMTguide.lha"} 511K IMTguide 1.0 by D.F. Duck - Creates a Texture.guide from Imagine 3.0 texture.txt & litetex.txt. @{"jfif_dt3924.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/jfif_dt3924.lha"} 79K Tower JFIF DataTypes Class & Tower JPEG Codec Class 39.24 by Christoph Feck - Using this JFIF datatype you can enhance the functionality of MultiView and other datatypes-aware applications: The Tower JFIF DataTypes Class allows you to read and view JFIF files. JFIF is the de facto standard file format for JPEG images. @{"Jumbo.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/Jumbo.lha"} 52K This is an object for Imagine of the famous Boeing "Jumbo" 747. This archive includes a version for Imagine 2.0 and one for 3.0. @{"lsd_asco.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/lsd_asco.lha"} 87K Associate 1.0 by Hydra of LSD - A Workbench utility who's job is to create icons for files that you drop on it's appicon. @{"MainActor1_55.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/MainActor1_55.lha"} 607K MainActor 1.55 by MainConcept - A full featured animation program. You can create / edit / time / play animations of any size on your native amiga chipset or your graphic card (if supported). @{"Mandela1021Unr.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/Mandela1021Unr.lha"} 79K Mandela 1.02 by Henrik "Leopold" Herranen - A nice fast mandelbrot generator. @{"mcdp.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/mcdp.lha"} 117K ManageCDPics 1.0 by Markus Hillenbrand - A program to manage all your pictures. @{"mcdp11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/mcdp11.lha"} 123K ManageCDPics 1.1 by Markus Hillenbrand - A GUI-Based cataloger that allows you to create "picture-databases" and easily view the pictures. @{"mpegint.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/mpegint.lha"} 16K MPEG Interface 1.0 by John Godley - This program is a GUI interface for the MPEG-Play program by Michael van Elst. Basically it allows you to control the different dither / colour settings which are then sent to the CLI based MPEG viewer. All options of MPEG-Play V1.03 are supported, including saving the MPEG as a series of IFF's. @{"PAP12Patch.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/PAP12Patch.lha"} 3K Part And Particle 1.2 by Carmen Rizzolo - This little rexx script will upgrade Part And Particle v1.1 for OPALVISION to version 1.2. @{"pcd100.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/pcd100.lha"} 9K PCDIFX 1.00.00 by Gunnar Niclase - An Image-FX loader, as opposed to a standalone PhotoCD to PPM converter. @{"PhotoCDAGA10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/PhotoCDAGA10.lha"} 199K PhotoCDAGA 1.0 by G nther R hrich - A viewer/converter for pictures in the PhotoCD format. It is based on the sources of the program "hpcdtoppm" written by Hadmut Danisch. @{"POVControl.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/POVControl.lha"} 365K POVControl 1.0 by Nicolas Mougel - A utility that can set the parameters of the Persistence Of Vision 2.x raytracer from the POV Team, only by using an intuition interface. @{"ProTitler11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/ProTitler11.lha"} 325K ProTitler 1.1 by Jason Henegan - ProTitler purports to be one of the finest video titling systems for the Amiga (all bar Scala!). It has a wide range of effects mainly designed with the genlock-user in mind, however if you don't have a genlock, the program still remains useful for video titling work. @{"rend105.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/rend105.lha"} 132K Rend24 1.05 by Thomas Krehbiel - Converts one or more input images into individual viewable ILBM images or a single viewable ANIM animation. The input images may be 24-bit ILBMs, GIF format images, or even JPEG compressed images. @{"ReNum.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/ReNum.lha"} 17K ReNum 2.1 by Emil m - A utility that changes the names of sequences of files. ReNum is aimed at helping animators that wish to transfer files, say from Real3d to DPaint. Real3d calls IFF-files generated as an anim something like this: Pic0, Pic1, ..., while DPaint wants multiple IFF-files to build an animation, to be in alpha order. @{"rexxmpeg.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/rexxmpeg.lha"} 127K MPEG encoder/decoder 1.2 alpha by Andy C. Hung - This is the port of Stanford's MPEG utility. It can encode/decode a mpeg file (.mpg) to its separate Y,U and V components. Combined with cyuv2ppm (another utility by Andy C. Hung) you can convert these component files into a standard PPM file. @{"sdt24.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/sdt24.lha"} 43K ShowDT 2.4 by Chris Lawrence - A viewer for any datatypes-supported picture format. This viewer also supports proportional scaling to screen size of pictures. @{"SuperViewEL40.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/SuperViewEL40.lha"} 67K SuperView 4.0 EL (evaluation) by Andreas R. Kleinert - A localized Graphics Viewer / Converter / ScreenGrabber for the superview.library, with ARexx-Support, GUI, Online-Help, Cx-Support and many more features. Converting of graphics and "Screen-Grabbing" is possible in a very comfortable and object-oriented manner. @{"SViewE42.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/SViewE42.lha"} 80K SuperView 4.2 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert - A program that has been designed for the purpose, to display any kind of graphic as fast and as comfortable as possible. @{"svlib93U.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/svlib93U.lha"} 191K superview-Library 9.3 user by Andreas R. Kleinert - A modularian Shard Library-System for loading, saving and displaying of various Graphic File Formats via Datatype - like sub-libraries (SVObjects). Supports Graphic Cards/Framebuffers via various external Driver-Libraries (SVDrivers). @{"TDDDInfo15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/TDDDInfo15.lha"} 5K TDDDInfo 1.5 by Tony Jones - A small utility tht enables you to examine Imagine 3.0 objects without having to use Imagine. @{"TIFFV112.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/TIFFV112.LHA"} 67K TIFFView 1.12 by Wynants Bert - This is a utility to read, view and print TIFF, MacPaint, GIF and IFF files and to write them as TIFF or IFF files. @{"viewtek2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/viewtek2.lha"} 435K Viewtek 2.1.378 by Thomas Krehbiel - A picture and animation viewer utility designed for Workbench 2.0 and up. @{"XAnim2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/GFX/XAnim2.lha"} 174K XAnim 1.01 by Mark Podlipec & Terje Pedersen - This is a 'no changes whatsoever' 'port' of the X11 animation viewer Xanim by Mark Podlipec. @endnode @Node 79 "Intuition Enhancement Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"aavd1_2b.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/aavd1_2b.lha"} 16K AAVD 1.2b by Jimmy Westerlund - Almost A Virtual Desktop, opens a window that shows a miniature of the default public screen (usually the Workbench) where each "box" represents a window. From the AAVD window you will be able to move, resize, activate, depth arrange a window, center the screen over a window and some more. @{"agaRun.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/agaRun.lha"} 3K AGARun 1.3 by H2O Design Corp - Alows some non AGA programs to run. @{"AIBB_61.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/AIBB_61.lha"} 205K Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks 6.1 by LaMonte Koop - A system performance evaluation utility. @{"AlarmingClock.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/AlarmingClock.lha"} 76K AlarmingClock 2.5 by Brian Neal - An alarm clock that plays a user selectable IFF 8SVX sound for the alarm. It has 12 or 24 hour modes, an optional hourly chime and a snooze button. It can be iconified down to just a title bar or opened to reveal a graphic user interface. @{"alfa1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/alfa1.lha"} 12K alfa1 by Michael Nilsson - A replacement font for users of a 1:1 aspect ratio display (i.e. DblPAL, Multiscan:Productivity, etc). @{"anim.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/anim.lha"} 161K AnimPoint 1.0 by Steve Koren - This is a pointer animator for AmigaDos 3.0 or later (it might also work on OS 2.1, but I've only tried it under AGA), and >=68020 CPUs. It supports standard IFF anim-brushes or op-5 animations, 16 colors sprites, ARexx, icon direct-drag-and-drop, and a graphical user interface. @{"AWS-15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/AWS-15.lha"} 56K AmigaWorkStation 1.5 by Paul Hernik & Adam Bakalarz - This utility opens Windows like screen during boot and shows some info about your machine: CPU, FPU, GFX Chips, video system, Kickstart version, memory, current time and date. You can change palette from 8 presets, monitor/screen mode and select hour system if you want. @{"BarClock.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/BarClock.lha"} 10K BarClock 1.2 by David Boucher - A clock that sits on the Workbench title bar. @{"ButtonMenu_120.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ButtonMenu_120.lha"} 64K ButtonMenu 1.20 by Oliver Roberts - Allows Kickstart 2.0 (or higher) owners to create menus in the form of a window full of GadTools buttons. Two programs are provided: one to allow you to create the menu and one which runs the menu. It is then possible to run your menu from a startup-sequence, for example. @{"ButtonMenu_121.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ButtonMenu_121.lha"} 58K ButtonMenu 1.21 by Oliver Roberts - Allows you to create menus in the form of a window full of GadTools buttons. Two programs are provided: one to allow you to create the menu and one which runs the menu. @{"CBE36.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/CBE36.lha"} 39K ClipBoard Enhancer 3.6 by Anthony Moringello - Makes use of all 256 ClipBoard units by saving all Cut/Copy actions in a review history list. @{"CBE38.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/CBE38.lha"} 59K Clip Board Enhancer 3.8 by Anthony J Moringello - Adds a history to the Clipboard. @{"checkaga.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/checkaga.lha"} 0K AGA Chipset Check 1.0 by Kenneth 'Pc Pay' Nilsen - Tells you if you have an AGA chipset or not. @{"chgreqs.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/chgreqs.lha"} 4K ChangeReqs 0.9 by Heikki Linnakangas - Have you ever noticed how awful the system requesters are? They always open to the top-left corner, and they don't have very good shortcuts (Amiga-V & B). Of course, you could use Arq, but are you low on memory? If you answered Yes for both questions, ChangeReqs is for you. @{"Clipbook1_2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Clipbook1_2.lha"} 25K ClipBook 1.2 by Nick Portalski - Allows you to store text and graphics clips, scan through them and copy any of them to the standard Amiga clipboard. They can then be pasted into applications. @{"ClipHistory.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ClipHistory.lha"} 80K ClipHistory 2.2 by Magnus Holmgren - A program that adds a history to the clipboard. @{"ClockServer102.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ClockServer102.lha"} 3K ClockServer 1.02 by Tomi Blinnikka - Waits for some action on the file 'T:CS_DateTime' and then replaces it with the current time and date. Its main use is with ParNet and a machine that does not have a battery backed up clock. @{"closewb_v16.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/closewb_v16.lha"} 13K CloseWB 1.6 by Stefano Reksten - A small proggy that rids you of the Workbench screen. Why? If you are in need of CHIP ram, or, if you are fed up with passing from CED to DM2 passing always thru' WB screen! But, CloseWB is able to reopen the WB screen, too. @{"cmdlst11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/cmdlst11.lha"} 24K CommandList 1.1 by Johan Billing - A comfortable program launcher, with individual hotkeys for programs. @{"ColorSaver118.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ColorSaver118.lha"} 62K ColorSaver 1.18 by Dan Fish - A general purpose color palette tool designed to be available at any time through the use of a hotkey. It contains several features not generally found in other palette tools. @{"CreaTV-Icons.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/CreaTV-Icons.lha"} 337K CreaTV-Icons 1.0 by Karsten B hm - A sample bunch of Drive-icons, Dock-icons (usable with e.g. Toolmanager or as Tool-icons), default icons for use with the whatis.library package and more. These artworks are reflecting the style of the Magic WorkBench Icons. @{"ctask11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ctask11.lha"} 56K CronTask 1.10 by Johan Ljunggren - A Cron utility, a program that allows you to select different actions to be made at different times. It runs in the background, can be made to execute multiple lines on one time. Can be configured to do something at a special time/date, monthly, dayly, or whateveryou can think of! @{"cx13.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/cx13.lha"} 45K CX 1.3 by Fin Schuppenhauer - A replacement of the original "Exchange" program from the Workbench. @{"CXHandlerV33.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/CXHandlerV33.lha"} 20K CXHandler 3.3 by Martin Stengle - A commodities exchange clone. @{"dboard.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/dboard.lha"} 13K Dashboard 1.2 by Marat Fayzullin - A combination of well known PerfMeter-alike utilities, clocks and RAM gauges. Its window can be opened on any public screen. @{"DClock12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DClock12.lha"} 17K DClock 1.2 by Karl Lukas - A Digital Clock program for the Amiga. @{"DClock14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DClock14.lha"} 19K DClock 1.4 by Karl Lukas - A digital clock program for the Workbench. @{"defdtic.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/defdtic.lha"} 42K DefDTIcon 1.7 by Lee Kindness - Creates a menu item on the Workbench tools menu. When this item is picked any icons that are selected have their icon imagery changed to the default for their datatype. If datatypes library is not available then the images used are those of the default tool, etc. @{"DefIcon.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DefIcon.lha"} 15K DefIcon 1.52 by Chris Hurst - A small commodity program which exploits many new features of Workbench 2 and above. By using the new Tools Application Menu DefIcon allows you to create new Icons for any Project, Tool, Drawer or Trashcan which do not have one already. It also allows you to overwrite the Icon's current Image. @{"Deft_II_v16.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Deft_II_v16.lha"} 92K Deft II 1.6 by Lionel Vintenat - A utility to replace icon default tools. @{"DInform11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DInform11.lha"} 9K DInform 1.1 by Joep Grooten - A small utility that can inform you about things that happened in your system (mail that arrives, users who log in etc.). @{"director15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/director15.lha"} 79K Director 1.5 - Allows the user to record all mouse and keyboard actions performed by the user into a macro. This macro can then be played back at any time and any number of times, as fast as the computer can handle it. @{"DoIcon12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DoIcon12.lha"} 47K DoIcon 1.2 by Lars 'SFX' Eilebrecht - DoIcon is yet another icon tool, but it's designed for quick shell-usage and can perfectly used together with DirOpus or any similar tool. @{"dragit3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/dragit3.lha"} 19K DragIt 3.00 by Steve Lemieux - The purpose of this program is to allow you to move or size a window without using the drag bar or the size gadget. Press on the configurable qualifier, while holding it, press your selected mouse button, and move the mouse. You'll see the window border appear, and you'll be able to drag or size it. @{"DropIt.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DropIt.lha"} 172K DropIt! 0.98 by Jean-Yves Oberl - DropIt! has been written in order to make the "exploration" of the public domain disks easier. More often than not, those disks contain numerous files which examination needs the use of quite a lot of different utilities (ILBM reader, text viewer, archive utility, ...). @{"DropnAct.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/DropnAct.lha"} 14K Drop'n Act 1.0 by R diger Hanke - Installs an AppIcon on your Workbench. Whenever you drop a file on the icon, it will analyse the file - if it's a picture, it will show it, if it's a module, it will play the music etc. @{"drw_org_2.1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/drw_org_2.1.lha"} 34K Drawer Organizer 2.1 by Bjarke Hvejsel - This utility will scan all the selected directories and sub-directories and provide them with a new icon. @{"editkeys162.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/editkeys162.lha"} 40K EditKeys 1.62 by David Kinder - A keymap editing program designed to work under AmigaDOS 1.3 and higher. @{"Event.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Event.lha"} 11K Event 1.14 by Klaus Muckenhuber - With this software you have a good tool to remember everything you want. @{"exept49.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/exept49.lha"} 11K ExecPatch 4.9 by Arthur Hagen - This little util replaces some of the systems key functions with more speed-optimised, but exactly equal code. @{"fakemo.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/fakemo.lha"} 4K FakeMouse 1.0 - Emulates a mouse on the CD32. @{"FastMath405.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/FastMath405.lha"} 18K Fast Math Libraries 40.5 by Martin Berndt - This set of libraries is a replacement for the original libraries by Commodore. They are written in highly optimized assembler code using the 68881/68882 FPU chips and the 68040 FPU directly without any emulation or compatibility overhead. So they are much faster, much smaller, and still compatiable. @{"FICON16.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/FICON16.LHA"} 97K ForceIcon 1.6 by Kai Iske - A utility mainly for users of CDRom drives or users of networking software capable of sharing devices and icons. Since one can not snapshot the position of a volume`s icon (on read only media), nor replace it by a user-defined one, this utility was written. @{"GTDriver.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/GTDriver.lha"} 216K GTDriver 1.0 by Roberto Attias and Marco Zandonadi - A program to control serial graphic tablets and serial mice with your Amiga. @{"HotMaps.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/HotMaps.lha"} 7K HotMaps 1.0 by Norbervt Kopco & Marek Bednar - This program was developed mainly for people, who use also other than only english language with their computer. It makes it possible to use two keymaps in the same time and very comfortably change them whenever you need to. It changes the keymaps not the fonts! @{"ICONHAND.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ICONHAND.LHA"} 10K Icon Handler 1.3 by Kasper B. Graversen - A small WorkBench utility, that changes the Default tool and the stack size on chosen icons. It needs Kickstart 2.04 or better to run. You are now able to use wildcards and the search routine is case-insensitive and a filename match routine is also available now. @{"InfraRexx1.4.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/InfraRexx1.4.lha"} 108K InfraRexx 1.4 by Leon Woestenberg - The InfraRexx software along with the InfraJoy hardware serves as an ARexx-to-infrared interface, that adds the function of an infrared remote controller to your Amiga, and more. @{"Injector.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Injector.lha"} 96K Injector 2.00 by Fr ric DELACROIX - A hotkey-invoked commodity, wholly configurable, that enables you to inject all sorts of things as if they were typed on the keyboard. Totally rewritten since versions 1.x. Has a nice prefs program, full localization and ARexx support. @{"jup11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/jup11.lha"} 4K jup 1.1 by J rgen Weinelt - Displays your system uptime. @{"KeyComp.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/KeyComp.lha"} 14K Keymap Tools 1.0 by Martin Mares - There is no sufficiently smart tool allowing complex manipulation with Amiga keymap files. This package contains KeyRes -- the keymap resourcer that converts a keymap to human readable source file and KeyComp -- the keymap compiler that takes such a source and compiles it to standard binary keymap file. @{"killoldicon10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/killoldicon10.lha"} 4K KillOldIcon 1.0 by Michael Barsoom - Replaces the standard Workbench image of NewIcons, with the pixel image provided in the NewIcon package. The advantage of this is that if will allways have NewIcons installed, the icons will take up less space on your drives. @{"KTBrushs1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/KTBrushs1.lha"} 15K A few 16 or 8 colour ToolManager/MagicWB brush's. @{"KTBrushs1a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/KTBrushs1a.lha"} 15K A small collection of 8/16 colour Internet and general brush's suitable for ToolManager and MagicWorkbench. @{"lastalert2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/lastalert2.lha"} 26K LastAlert 2.1 by Jorgen Da Larsen - Are you tired of always having troubles with finding your pen and paper just to write down the last guru you got? This small and quick program that will show the last alert or guru that came up. @{"lockcolors1_1a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/lockcolors1_1a.lha"} 17K Have you ever wanted a 256 color screen, use 3 bitplane MagicWb icons AND make the whole thing look right? Well, now you can, with LockColors. @{"LonelyIcon10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/LonelyIcon10.lha"} 7K LonelyIcon 1.0 by Joep Grooten - A tool that scans devices for .info (icon) files that have no directory or file that belongs to it. After using your Amiga for years you may have deleted some files or directories and forgot to delete the .info file. LonelyIcon locates these 'stray' .info files for you. @{"MagicA2024_1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MagicA2024_1_1.lha"} 15K MagicA2024 1.1 by Klaus Melchior - A commodity which patches the private routines of the icon.library to recolor MagicWB icons to the four A2024 colors. The bitmap is adjusted on the fly, extra chip memory is needed for the new image, the blitter is used. @{"MagicBGs_IV.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MagicBGs_IV.lha"} 125K Magic Backgrounds 4 by Torsten Hiddessen - This is the fourth release of the Magic Background Collection with ten (not nine nor eleven $-) brand new backgrounds for your lovely Magic-Workbench. This time you get some 'winter-pictures' with ice and snow! @{"MagicLocker10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MagicLocker10.lha"} 10K MagicLocker 1.0 by SUCKS-Development - A small shell-tool which can be used for securing a directory or device. What does securing mean? This means, that nobody can use, abuse or delete the files after they have been locked with MagicLocker! @{"MagicSelector.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MagicSelector.lha"} 489K Magic Selector 1.40 by yvind Falch - A program which selects different background and SoundFX in Workbench each time you are booting up you Amiga. @{"MakeLink.TV.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MakeLink.TV.lha"} 3K makelink.TV 42.1 by Todd Vierling - A small soft and hard link maker. @{"MayFlower.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MayFlower.lha"} 162K MayFlower by Stephen D Childers - A collection of miscellaneous cli and script file programs the author has maintained over the years. All programs previously released have had minor/major improvements done to them. @{"mcd1_40.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/mcd1_40.lha"} 51K MCD 1.40 by Martin Weiss & Oliver Kaufmann - A Shell-command similar to CD with many additional features. @{"memcheck.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/memcheck.lha"} 3K MemCheck 37.2 by Andreas Gelhausen - A small utility that allows you to test your memory in two different ways. @{"memm11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/memm11.lha"} 12K MemMinister 1.1 by Tomas Karki - giving you information about the amount of free memory at your system. It shows you independant values for chipmemory and fastmemory, and of course even the total amount of free memory. MemMinister also offers features like a snap-function, monitoring the memory-usage since the time you napped the values @{"menuStay.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/menuStay.lha"} 3K MenuStay 1.0 by Alexandros Loghis - With this small tool it's now possible to go around the menus without holding the right mouse button. Just press AND release the right mouse button over the wished menubar. @{"MgExpansion141.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MgExpansion141.lha"} 210K MagicExpansion 1.4.1 by Johannes Beigel - A package with lots of expansions for MagicWB by Martin Huttenloher and MUI (Magic User Interface) by Stefan Stuntz. @{"MIA.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MIA.lha"} 165K MIA 1.2 by Boyd Edmondson - Mass Icon Alter allows manipulation of many icons all at once. It can change any of the following icon and file attributes: Stack size, date/time, comment, default tool, tool types (append or replace), images, icon type, protection bits, and Workbench's default icons. @{"MUGicWB2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MUGicWB2.lha"} 35K MUGicWB II by Mark Rose - Another edition of MUGicWB. It is more beautiful, more skilful, more colourful, in short: better. #define HYPE OFF. @{"MUIMousoMeter312.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/MUIMousoMeter312.lha"} 88K Mousometer 3.12 by Wolfgang Breyha and Michael Matzl - Measures the distance you drive with your Mouse on your Mousepad. For this purpose there are a day and a total counter. MousoMeter also remindes the time it was active and calculates your average speed. And last but not least MousoMeter stores all activities of your Mouseb @{"ntrash21.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ntrash21.lha"} 74K NewTrashcan 2.1 by Juergen Schmitz - An automatic trashcan which clears files after a set number of days. @{"opaque11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/opaque11.lha"} 27K Opaque 1.1 by Steve Koren - A commodity which provides opaque window movement, similar to the EGS window system bundled with some graphics cards, but for native intuition screens. It is primarily intended for users of 8 bit screens on accelerated graphics cards, although it should work (although slowly) on standard screens. @{"Picticon0_96.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Picticon0_96.lha"} 83K Picticon 0.96 by Chad Randall - A conversion program that creates "thumbnail" icons from pictures. This is accomplished through datatypes, and therefore many various formats are supported. Also, palette sharing routines are used to remap these scaled icons to the current Workbench's palette. @{"PictureClock.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/PictureClock.lha"} 51K PictureClock 39.72 by Maarten ter Mors - A clock like the ones you see on TV between programs. It takes any datatype supported picture as a background and any datatype supported sound for a 'chime' sound every half hour. @{"PromotionPrefs20.lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/PromotionPrefs20.lha"} 48K PPrefs 2.0 by Olaf Gschweng - A screenmode promotion utiltity which allows you to promote every available screenmode of your system (including HAM and EHB modes) to another mode. @{"PubIt_101.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/PubIt_101.lha"} 42K PubIt 1.01 by Christoph Rickers - This public screen tool is capable of creating screend in almost any resolution and screenmode. You can define dripens, color palette and more. @{"QuikClik.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/QuikClik.lha"} 20K QuikClick 2.212 by Anthony Mahaffey - A program that makes accessing programs just a little bit more simple. Remember those days when you wanted a program but had to fight your way through dozens of directories before you could find it? - Not any more. @{"Quotation.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Quotation.lha"} 12K Quotation 1.02 by Nigel Ellis - This is a small program that, like many others, will display a quote when it is run. @{"REKEYIT1_3.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/REKEYIT1_3.LHA"} 26K ReKeyIt 1.3 by Michael Barsoom - Allows you to change the keyboard shortcuts for the Workbench menu items to what ever you want. You can even add shortcuts to the items in the Tools menu. @{"Reminder58.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Reminder58.lha"} 65K Reminder 5.8 by Ebbe Holleris Petersen - Keeps an eye on a list of messages and commands, which the user (you) wants to be shown and/or executed at a specific time or time intervals. @{"ReqChange3_5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ReqChange3_5.lha"} 234K ReqChange 3.5 by Magnus Holmgren - Replaces most requesters in Intuition, Asl, Arp and Req with the equivalents found in ReqTools. It also offers a couple of extra features. @{"RomIcons5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/RomIcons5.lha"} 64K Roman's Magic WB Icons 5 by Roman Patzner - New, high quality, standard size, MagicWB2.0-style Icons/ImageDrawers. @{"rqchng34.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/rqchng34.lha"} 201K ReqChange 3.4 by Magnus Holmgren - A program that patches Intuition, ASL, ARP and REQ to use the ReqTools requesters instead. It also adds a couple of extra features, like an AssignWedge, the possibility to send ARexx-commands when a patched requester appears, and several options to configure how the patches should behave. @{"sbl_eyes.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/sbl_eyes.lha"} 19K Eyes by Kev Crate - Eyes just follow your mouse pointer, you can change the fequency of the update and save the window size and location. @{"ScreenFool30.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ScreenFool30.lha"} 118K ScreenFool 3.0 by Chris Lawrence - Allows you to work with so-called "Public" screens and thereby enhance your productivity, by allowing Workbench screen (and other) applications to use a different screen than the regular Workbench. @{"ScreenTab.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ScreenTab.lha"} 36K ScreenTab 1.13 by Michael Link - Allows application switching like in windoze. @{"setcfont.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/setcfont.lha"} 3K SetConFont 1.0 by Eddy Carroll - Lets you change the font used in your console window. Normally, this font is the same as your system default font. If you have your system font set to an 8 point font for compatibility with older programs, but like to use a larger font in CLI windows, then this is the program for you. @{"ShutWB.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/ShutWB.lha"} 7K ShutWB 1.0 by Carsten Orthbandt - Are you running low on Memory, it's useful to switch Workbench off. There are many programs requiring lots of RAM. But only a few are able to close Workbench. ShutWB toggles Workbench by a shorcut. @{"SmallMagic1-1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/SmallMagic1-1.lha"} 137K SmallMagic 1.1 by Eric van Velthooven - This is the solution for those who like MagicWb but can't afford to run a workbench in 640*512 or higher. @{"speeds10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/speeds10.lha"} 3K SpeedSys 1.0 by Bloodrock/SDC - A little collection of system patches, speeding up your Amiga OS a bit by replacing AmigaOS system functions by faster, highly optimized routines, doing exactly the same. @{"stool15.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/stool15.lha"} 7K ScreenTool 1.5 by Peter Marquardt - Lets you pop up existing screens just by remembering their name or part of their name. STool lets you also pop back the screens. STool represents the CLI-Version of . @{"swin203.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/swin203.lha"} 284K SunWindows 2.0.030 by Bernhard Scholz - A virtual screen/window manager, which makes it a lot easier to control windows on (virtual) public screens. The whole screen with its windows can be controlled via a little window which re-displays the whole screen. Lots of hotkeys offer you great control over windows and screens. @{"TimeE1_1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/TimeE1_1.lha"} 32K TimeEvent 1.1 by Alexander Lazarevic - With the TimeEvent Preference Editor you can control the execution times of a list of programs. You can popup a requester to remind you of a special date, start a backup every week or let your computer fetch your email during the night, because of the lower rates. @{"TimeKeep94Oct15.lha" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/TimeKeep94Oct15.lha"} 65K TimeKeep 94.Oct.15 by Scott Dhomas Trenn - A time-clock utility for keeping track of time spent on projects for client billing on a per hour basis. Clients and Projects can be defined and a time clock interface used to TimeIn and TimeOut on a selected project. TimeKeep will remember which project is currently in progress. @{"TM21BIN.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/TM21BIN.LHA"} 501K ToolManager 2.1 by Stefan Becker - A full featured program for either Workbench or CLI tool management. Includes the ability to add menu items to the 2.x "Tools" menu, add Workbench icons or dock windows. The configuration is based on a object-oriented concept and handled by a preferences program. Binaries and Documentation. @{"TM21GFX.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/TM21GFX.LHA"} 179K ToolManager 2.1 by Stefan Becker - A full featured program for either Workbench or CLI tool management. Includes the ability to add menu items to the 2.x "Tools" menu, add Workbench icons or dock windows. The configuration is based on a object-oriented concept and handled by a preferences program. Anims, Brushes and Icons. @{"Wacom_116.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/Wacom_116.lha"} 204K Wacom 1.16 by Roland Schwingel - This program enables you to use a pressure sensitive digitizer tablet from Wacom with your Commodore Amiga. The tablet can be used together with the mouse (or without it) as direct_input medium. Therefore the driver can be used together with (nearly) all software. @{"WBGrafitti.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/WBGrafitti.lha"} 11K WBGrafitti 1.0 by Christopher Naas - A package consisting of two programmes, one to read the coordinates you draw and write them to a file, the other to read the coordinates from the file and write them to the Workbench window. You can draw anything you like! The outputfiles produced are very small. @{"windamon.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/windamon.lha"} 48K WindowDaemon 1.9 by David Swasbrook - Gives you more control over intuition windows and screens. @{"yass_v23.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/yass_v23.lha"} 23K Yass 2.3 by Albert Schweizer - A Screen & Window-Selector Commodity for Amigas with OS2.0 or higher. @{"zedwb21.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Intui/zedwb21.lha"} 23K ZedWB 2.1 by Michael Zucchi - This is a little os-friendly 'hack' that puts a couple of spinning/scaling 3d filled polygon shapes on the back of Workbench! You need Workbench 2.0+ and an 020+ CPU. @endnode @Node 70 "Packing Related Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"acd-acde.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/acd-acde.lha"} 9K Access Denied 0.9b by Access - A Usefull En/Decryption program. @{"acs_diz.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/acs_diz.lha"} 40K Dizzer 1.0 by Cray-1 of Access - Extracts File_ID.diz's from EXE, DMS, LHA and TXT. After its extracted them it puts them together in a text file. @{"AddSecs.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/AddSecs.LHA"} 1K AddSecs 1.0 by Bill Beogelein - If you notice your Amiga's system-clock is x seconds fast each month, this will correct any errors automatically. (Keeping you on time, year after year.) @{"AppDecrunch.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/AppDecrunch.lha"} 24K AppDecrunch 1.0 by Simon Dick - A data file decruncher which is used by dropping the crunched files onto the AppIcon and they will be decrunched. AppDecrunch supports a number of different crunchers. @{"AppPP.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/AppPP.lha"} 61K AppPP 1.1 by Patrick Burnand - A crunching program made to avoid loading Powerpacker or another utility like that everytime you have one or several files to crunch or decrunch. It has an AppIcon and a Gadtools graphical user interface which makes it easy to configure and to use. Especially made to be used from WBStartUp. @{"ArcMan14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/ArcMan14.lha"} 14K Archives Manager 1.4 by Martin Mares - A small utility designed for people having many disks filled with archived files and trying to know where is which file located. @{"chscrun.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/chscrun.lha"} 8K ChsCrunch 0.9b by Jean-Francois Stenuit - This packer uses no memory to decrunch! Just like titanics cruncher but faster and smaller. @{"Cruncher.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/Cruncher.lha"} 39K Cruncher 1.4 by Simon Dick - a file cruncher which can crunch in a number of different formats. @{"delads48.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/delads48.lha"} 14K DelBBSAds.dopus 4.8 by Edmund Vermeulen - An ARexx script for Directory Opus for deleting those irritating BBS ads and '.displayme' files from LhA archives. DelBBSAds keeps a config file ('S:BBSAds.list') which holds a limited number (60 is the default) of BBS ads it has deleted. @{"dldchk4e.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/dldchk4e.lha"} 60K DLDCheck v4.0 Evaluation by Rasmus K. Ursem - DLDCheck can be used to remove (and add) BBS advertisments, socalled banners, from lha-archives. DLDCheck can also remove banners from textfiles. DLDCheck is aided by Artificial Intelligence. @{"DMSBVC.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/DMSBVC.lha"} 4K DMSChecker 1.0 by Martin Wulffeld - Coded for those who wish to check their DMS archives for bootblock vira and is therefore a perfect utility for sysop`s. @{"fileid26.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/fileid26.lha"} 13K FileID 2.6 by Mike Fitzgerald - Simply adds a File_ID.diz to an .lha or .dms archive, deleting any existing file_id.diz first. The user enters the description, line by line, and it is shown completed for approval. Then it checks for existing file_id.diz, deletes it if it finds one, and adds the new one. @{"ift_xld!.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/ift_xld!.lha"} 27K XL-Decruncher 1.0 by Turbo/Infect - XLD is the utility you were waiting for so long. It makes it possible to load and decrunch almost every packed file. This is especially useful for packers that don't have a decruncher. @{"IntuDMS22.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/IntuDMS22.lha"} 63K Intui-Dms Professional 2.2 by Roy Huntley - A graphical interface for the popular disk compressing utility from SDS software, namely Dms (DiskMasher). @{"LhA-ControlV2.1+.Lh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/LhA-ControlV2.1+.LhA"} 14K LhA-Control 2.1 by Allan 'Duff' Odgaard - An ARexx script for DirectoryOpus, which makes it possible to extract selected files in an LhA-Archive. You can also delete, execute, extract as, MultiView or truncate the file's path with LhA-Control. @{"lhadr110.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/lhadr110.lha"} 18K LhADir.dopus 1.10 by Edmund Vermeulen - An ARexx script for Directory Opus that allows you to show the contents of LhA archives in a DOpus window and operate on the files and directories inside the archive as if it is a normal directory. @{"lsd-ppde.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/lsd-ppde.lha"} 16K PPDecrypt 1.02 by 2-Cool/LSd - This program is one of the PowerPacker followers worst nightmares! It fully cracks the Password Encryption that PowerPacker applies to its files packed with the 'Encrypt' option, and it does this in minutes (sometimes even seconds!) not months or years! @{"otl-expl.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/otl-expl.lha"} 251K Explorer 1.1 by Wnder & Gandalf of OUTLAWS - The purpose of this programm is to view the common file_id.diz. This can be used via CLI or Directory Opus. @{"PDPro1_0.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/PDPro1_0.lha"} 168K PowerData Professional 1.0 by Michael Berg - A utility which lets any application transparently load and save data in the XPK format. XPK is a powerful new data encoding standard which provides a uniform interface to a large number of different crunching and encryption algorithms. @{"xfd106.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/xfd106.lha"} 60K XFD Package 1.06 by Georg H rmann, Anders Melchiorsen, Dexter & Bartman/Abyss - Almost every Amiga user has some crunched files on his (hard)disks, either Powerpacked docs or crunched demos, utilities or whatever. But what to do when you need the files to be uncrunched, and you don't call the cruncher your own? Enters XFD. @{"xpkMASH-r1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/xpkMASH-r1.lha"} 12K xpkMASH 1.16 by Zdenek Kabelc - An XPK compression sublibrary whose main purpose is to be fast in decrunch and have excelent crunch factor. @{"xpkrak.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Pack/xpkrak.lha"} 10K RAKE 1.00 by K. Dagef rde - An XPK packer sublibrary which implements a highly optimized form of the popular LZ77 compression algorithm. It uses static huffman coding for the 'len' and a three-step coding for the 'offset' information. The major feature of this packer is the highly optimized algorithm. @endnode @Node 112 "Text Related Archives" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"ADF10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ADF10.lha"} 7K AutoDoc Formatter 1.0 by Martin Mares - Simplifies the hard work of making AutoDoc files. @{"agix12.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/agix12.lha"} 3K AGIX 1.2 by Ralph Seichter - An Index generator for AmigaGuide files. @{"amigaguidepref.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/amigaguidepref.lha"} 20K AmigaGuide Prefs 36.144 by Lee Kindness - Amigaguide has various preference options. However no preference editor is supplied to alter them, now you can. AmigaGuide prefs is identical to the C= preference editors, it is therefore easy to use. @{"Badlinks.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Badlinks.lha"} 23K BadLinks 1.17 by Roger E. Nedel - A utility which tests the links in newly written amigaguide documents. Rather than manually clicking on every button in your amigaguide document to ensure each will link up with a valid node, just run BadLinks. Will work on documents which reference nodes in other amigaguide documents too. @{"bd-str27.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/bd-str27.lha"} 32K TextStrip 0.27 by Black Death - A Textfile BBSAd stripper. @{"ced36.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ced36.lha"} 2K patchED 1.0.0 by ASDG - CygnusEd Professional ED 3.5 to 3.6 Patch. @{"CharCo16.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/CharCo16.lha"} 8K CharConv 1.6 by Johan Billing - This program converts plain textfiles between different charsets. @{"chekguid.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/chekguid.lha"} 17K CheckGuide 1.0 by Eddy Carroll - Checks AmigaGuide files for common errors. @{"CleanUp.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/CleanUp.lha"} 161K CleanUp by Will Bow Colin Thompson - Strips ANSI & ASCII Ctrl chrs from text. @{"Converter.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Converter.lha"} 3K Converter 1.00 by Martin Leopold - A small Ascii, binary, hexadecimal and decimal converter. @{"cr2lf.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/cr2lf.lha"} 1K CR2LF 1.0 by Lauri Aalto - A small and fast utility which removes carriage returns from files fast and nicely without any side effects. @{"Edge20.LHA " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Edge20.LHA"} 330K Edge 2.0 DEMO by Inovatronics - An exclusive sneak preview of the latest Amiga text editor. @{"EqEd.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/EqEd.lha"} 251K Equation Edit 0.91 by Brian Aagaard Petersen - A program to create mathematical equations and expressions, which is to be inserted in a report or similar. It supports output to LaTex and wordprocessors. @{"FSort.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/FSort.lha"} 11K File Sorting Utility 1.1 by Martin Mares - A FAST replacement of C:Sort. @{"ftree0.3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ftree0.3.lha"} 283K PostScript Family Tree Formatter 0.3 by Peter Ivimey-Cook - A formatter for family history trees. Currently it only supports the standard form of tree, with a person at the top and branches down. @{"fv102.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/fv102.lha"} 63K FileView 1.02 by Nick Christie - A very fast text and hex file viewer. @{"gui2html.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/gui2html.lha"} 16K guide2html by Christian Scholz - This program will convert Amigaguide-Files into HTML-Documents. It is useful for manuals, which you want to make accessible via WWW or similar things. @{"Heddley11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Heddley11.lha"} 140K Heddley 1.1 by Edd Dumbill - An editor to help you create AmigaGuide files. @{"LABSLCT442.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/LABSLCT442.lha"} 42K LabSelect 4.42 by Gnome - The objective of this program is to print small batches of labels for a single addressee. @{"lsort11.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/lsort11.lha"} 7K LSort 1.1 by Konrad Dubiel - A localized Sort command, it uses standard locale.library's functions for string comparison. It adapts automatically to sorting rules of preferred language set in Locale preferences. LSort must be run from Shell only, can be made resident and is able to read files from PIPE: device. @{"lumberjack.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/lumberjack.lha"} 11K LumberJack 1.0 by Adam Dawes - A small utility that allows you to automatically cut down your log files. Lumberjack can be told to cut the log file to any size you like, and it will start to cut at a complete line of text (so if you ask it to keep 20000 bytes, it may only keep, say, 19987 bytes so as to avoid chopping a line of text in half) @{"Macro.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Macro.lha"} 369K GEDMacro 2.1 by various authors - A set of ARexx macros related to GoldED: TeX support, SAS/C macros, uuencode, DevKit macros and many more. @{"Man2ANSI.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Man2ANSI.lha"} 12K Man2ANSI 1.0 by Paul Hernik - If you are a UN*X user and want to read UN*X manuals at home this program will be useful for you. It converts control codes in manuals to Amiga ANSI. @{"man35.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/man35.lha"} 91K Man 3.5 by Markus Hillenbrand - A program to handle docs and hypertexts. They can by called easily by shell or by wb. Font sensitive gui to control features. Appwindow to add texts/guides. Realized as a commodity. @{"MasterGuide12a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/MasterGuide12a.lha"} 8K Master-Guide 1.2b by Kenneth Fribert - This arexx script will link all your AmigaGuide's in a directory into one amigaguide. So now you won't have to search through directories for a filename, just look through the alphabetized list in this guide. @{"matchit2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/matchit2.lha"} 167K PARex 3.10 by Chris P. Vandierendonck - A program which allows you to process files, mostly text files, whereby strings can be replaced by another, text between two strings can be stripped, strings put in lower or upper case. @{"mathscript.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/mathscript.lha"} 159K MathScript 1.0 by Simon Ihmig - A formula editor, which is used to integrate mathematical formulas into word processors. In principle this is nothing new but until now it was a deficit for the Amiga. Although it is possible to create such formulas with TeX, it is not very convenient. @{"MF_V2.71_User.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/MF_V2.71_User.lha"} 879K MetaFont 2.71 by Andreas Scherer - Amiga port of MetaFont 2.71. @{"mi23.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/mi23.lha"} 280K MultiIndicator 2.3 by Andreas Baum - An ASC - HEX - Guide - indicator, but you have to remember that you need AmigaGuide, MultiView or a similar program to indicate Guide files. @{"MoreText045.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/MoreText045.lha"} 17K MoreText 0.45 by Tero Oinas - A powerful, yet easy to use text / AmigaGuide viewer. It uses standard IO, so it's ideal for BBS usage. Of course it works fine on shell too. @{"PGPGEd_E.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/PGPGEd_E.lha"} 19K PGP for GoldEd 1.0 by Ditmar Eilert - Allows use of PGP from within GoldEd (English & German). @{"pgs30a.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/pgs30a.lha"} 667K Pagestream 3.0a by Soft-Logik - Free Update for Pagestream 3.0. @{"polyed.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/polyed.lha"} 197K PolyEd 1.242 by Robert Brandner - One of the most user friendly text editors for the Amiga. It is kept small and easy, but has all the features. PolyEd has all features, needed to edit texts, but no other features, like clocks, emory displays, calculators. @{"PrintSEL1.2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/PrintSEL1.2.lha"} 13K PrinterSEL 1.2 by Harald Loeffler - This commodity helps you managing the work with different printers by popping up a GUI that lets you select the printer you want to be active by pressing this printer's gadget. @{"PrtChpr36_5.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/PrtChpr36_5.lha"} 3K PrtCheaper 36.5 by Ralph Seichter - Reduces the amount of wasted printer paper when printing simple text files. @{"ps3b01.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ps3b01.lha"} 727K Upgrade for Pagestream 3.0 to 3.0b. @{"ps3b2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ps3b2.lha"} 424K PageStream 3.0b Patch 2 of 4 @{"ps3b3.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ps3b3.lha"} 156K PageStream 3.0b Pach 3 of 4 @{"ps3ba1.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ps3ba1.lha"} 685K Upgrade for Pagestream 3.0a to 3.0b. @{"ps3btu.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/ps3btu.lha"} 35K PageStream 3.0b Tune Up @{"PWIDXM.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/PWIDXM.lha"} 3K PWIDXM by Clark Williams - An ARexx macro to build an index for ProWrite. @{"Replace_14.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/Replace_14.lha"} 4K Replace 1.4 by Detlef - Replaces ASCII-Text in File's with other ASCII-Text's. @{"sort1_32.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/sort1_32.lha"} 21K Sort 1.32 by R diger Werner - The program was written for use in Shell only. It is started either by simply typing it's name (of course it should be in the current directory or in the path) or by giving additionally switches and/or the name of the file what should be sorted. @{"sprint35.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/sprint35.lha"} 99K SuperPrint 3.5b by Juergen Schmitz - A helpful utility for printing ASCII-things like documents or sourcecodes. @{"t2g2.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/t2g2.lha"} 15K Text2Guide 02.00 by Stephan S rken - Converts plain ASCII text into AmigaGuide (c) format. Sticking to some simple organisation of the text file one can simply realize a well structured guide file while still having a well readable text file at hand. @{"tec10.lha " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:A/Text/tec10.lha"} 17K TEC 1.0 by Martin Mares - Converts text files from one form to another. @endnode @Node 314 "Computer Related FAQ's" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"3DO24a.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/3DO24a.faq"} 30K Frequently asked questions about the 3DO console. @{"ada.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/ada.faq"} 100K Frequently asked questions about the Ada programming language. @{"AmigaScienceSchool." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/AmigaScienceSchool.faq"} 51K Frequently asked questions about Amiga Science and Maths. @{"AmigaTCP.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/AmigaTCP.faq"} 34K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about Amiga TCP/IP version 1.04. @{"apple2.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/apple2.faq"} 78K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about The Apple II. @{"Archemedes.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Archemedes.faq"} 61K Frequently asked questions about the Acorn Archemedes Computer. @{"ArtificialIntellega" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/ArtificialIntellegance.faq"} 261K Frequently asked questions about Artificial Intelligence @{"AtariST.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/AtariST.faq"} 96K Frequently asked questions about the Atari ST computer. @{"AudioFormats.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/AudioFormats.faq"} 86K Frequently asked questions about various computer audio formats. @{"cbm21.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/cbm21.faq"} 138K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about Commodores 8 Bit computers , version 2.1. @{"CompGraphics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/CompGraphics.faq"} 41K Frequently asked questions about Computer graphics @{"Compilers.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Compilers.faq"} 194K Frequently asked questions about compilers available for various computers. @{"Compression.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Compression.faq"} 183K Frequently asked questions about Compression techniques. @{"CompSecurity.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/CompSecurity.faq"} 51K Frequently asked questions about Computer security. @{"CompStandards.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/CompStandards.faq"} 66K Frequently asked questions about computer standards and compatability. @{"ComputerSpeech.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/ComputerSpeech.faq"} 83K Frequently asked questions about Computer speech. @{"CProgramming.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/CProgramming.faq"} 123K Frequently asked questions about C programming. @{"Eiffel.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Eiffel.faq"} 43K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Eiffel. @{"Fax.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Fax.faq"} 69K Frequently asked questions about Faxing and Fax machines. @{"FlightSims.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/FlightSims.faq"} 53K Frequently asked questions about Flight sims on various computers. @{"Fonts.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Fonts.faq"} 64K Frequently asked questions about Fonts and font formats. @{"Forth.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Forth.faq"} 62K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Forth. @{"Fortran.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Fortran.faq"} 62K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Fortran. @{"Fractals.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Fractals.faq"} 58K Frequently asked questions about Fractals. @{"FreeDatabases.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/FreeDatabases.faq"} 26K Frequently asked questions about computer databases which have feee access by the public via a modem (USA). @{"FuzzyLogic.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/FuzzyLogic.faq"} 59K Frequently asked questions about Fuzzy Logic. @{"gg2Bus.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/gg2Bus.faq"} 11K Frequently asked questions about the GG2 card for the amiga, enabling it to use PC cards. @{"GnuEmacs.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/GnuEmacs.faq"} 227K Frequently asked questions about Emacs on various computers. @{"Keyboards.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Keyboards.faq"} 81K Frequently asked questions about computer keyboards. @{"LinearProgramming.f" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/LinearProgramming.faq"} 50K Frequently asked questions about linear programming. @{"MIDI.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/MIDI.faq"} 26K Frequently asked questions about the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). @{"Minix.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Minix.faq"} 57K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Minix. @{"Modula2.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Modula2.faq"} 14K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Modula-2. @{"NetcommModems.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/NetcommModems.faq"} 10K Frequently asked questions about Netcomm Modems. @{"NeuralNet.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/NeuralNet.faq"} 83K Frequently asked questions about Neural Networks. @{"Oberon.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Oberon.faq"} 10K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Oberon. @{"PacketRadio.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/PacketRadio.faq"} 32K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about Packet Radio. @{"Postscript.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Postscript.faq"} 209K Frequently asked questions about Postscript, the page description programming language. @{"Prolog.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Prolog.faq"} 107K Frequently asked questions about the programming language Prolog. @{"scsi.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/scsi.faq"} 38K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about Small computers Systems Interface (SCSI). @{"TCL.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/TCL.faq"} 143K Frequently asked questions about TCL, the Tool Command Language. @{"Tex.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Tex.faq"} 165K Frequently asked questions about Tex, the system to typeset text. @{"Text.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Text.faq"} 29K Frequently asked questions about various text formats. @{"TrailblazerModems.f" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/TrailblazerModems.faq"} 10K Frequently asked questions about Trailblazer modems. @{"TStreetFighter2.faq" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/TStreetFighter2.faq"} 47K Frequently asked questions about Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo game (consoles). @{"VirusL.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/VirusL.faq"} 84K Frequently asked questions about Computer Virii and Virus L on-line magazine. @{"Weather.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/Weather.faq"} 52K Frequently asked questions about Weather data available across various networks. @{"ZyxelModems.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQComp/ZyxelModems.faq"} 59K Frequently asked questions about Zyxel Modems. @endnode @Node 344 "Miscellaneous FAQ's" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"AirTravel.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/AirTravel.faq"} 114K Frequently asked questions about Air Travel. @{"AlternativeHistory." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/AlternativeHistory.faq"} 288K Frequently asked questions about Alternative History (Science-Fiction/Fantasy). @{"AltFanLemurs.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/AltFanLemurs.faq"} 165K Frequently asked questions about Lemurs humour. @{"Animation.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Animation.faq"} 14K Frequently asked questions about Cartoon Animation. @{"Anime.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Anime.faq"} 199K Frequently asked questions about Anime (Japanese cartoons). @{"ArthurianBooks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ArthurianBooks.faq"} 54K Frequently asked questions about Books available featuring King Arthur. @{"Atheism.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Atheism.faq"} 101K Frequently asked questions about Atheism and Atheists. @{"Audio.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Audio.faq"} 194K Frequently asked questions about Audio sound. @{"Automobiles.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Automobiles.faq"} 59K Frequently asked questions about Cars. @{"Aviation.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Aviation.faq"} 43K Frequently asked questions about Avaition. @{"B&Butthead20.FAQ " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/B&Butthead20.FAQ"} 10K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about MTV's Beavis and Butthead, with an episode listing. @{"BahaiReligion.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/BahaiReligion.faq"} 35K Frequently asked questions about the Bahai Religion. @{"Billiards.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Billiards.faq"} 14K Frequently asked questions about the game Billiards. @{"Birds.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Birds.faq"} 88K Frequently asked questions about keeping pet Birds. @{"Bladerunner.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Bladerunner.faq"} 63K Frequently asked questions about the cult movie Bladerunner. @{"Bolo.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Bolo.faq"} 41K Frequently asked questions about Bolo. @{"Bonsai.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Bonsai.faq"} 76K Frequently asked questions about Bonsai trees. @{"BookCatalogues.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/BookCatalogues.faq"} 33K Frequently asked questions about ordering book catalogues. @{"Books.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Books.faq"} 36K Frequently asked questions about Books. @{"BooksFromAuthors.fa" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/BooksFromAuthors.faq"} 69K Frequently asked questions about books available directly from the authors. @{"Brewing.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Brewing.faq"} 21K Frequently asked questions about Home Brewing. @{"BritishTelecom.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/BritishTelecom.faq"} 153K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about Telecommunications in the UK. @{"BuddhaShortFatGuy.f" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/BuddhaShortFatGuy.faq"} 8K Frequently asked questions about Buddha (humour). @{"CalifornianDriving." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/CalifornianDriving.faq"} 80K Frequently asked questions about driving in California. @{"CanadianFootball.fa" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/CanadianFootball.faq"} 20K Frequently asked questions about Canadian football. @{"Cappella.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Cappella.faq"} 49K Frequently asked questions about Cappella music. @{"CarAudio.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/CarAudio.faq"} 64K Frequently asked questions about Car audio. @{"CBRadio.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/CBRadio.faq"} 60K Frequently asked questions about Citizens Band Radio. @{"Co-operatives.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Co-operatives.faq"} 7K Frequently asked questions about working Co-operatives @{"Cooking.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Cooking.faq"} 35K Frequently asked questions about cooking. @{"Copyright.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Copyright.faq"} 96K Frequently asked questions about Copyright laws. @{"CreditCards.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/CreditCards.faq"} 110K Frequently asked questions about Credit cards and credit. @{"Crosswords.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Crosswords.faq"} 129K Frequently asked questions about Crossword puzzles. @{"Cryonics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Cryonics.faq"} 54K Frequently asked questions about Cryonics. @{"cryptography.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/cryptography.faq"} 96K Frequently asked questions about Cryptography (codes). @{"DaveBarry.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DaveBarry.faq"} 19K Frequently asked questions about the comedian Dave Barry. @{"DigitalAmateurRadio" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DigitalAmateurRadio.faq"} 33K Frequently asked questions about Digital amateur radio. @{"Disney.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Disney.faq"} 155K Frequently asked questions about Disney studios. @{"Disneyland.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Disneyland.faq"} 15K Frequently asked questions about Disneyland. @{"DogsBloodhounds.faq" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsBloodhounds.faq"} 10K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Bloodhound. @{"DogsChesapeake.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsChesapeake.faq"} 10K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Chesapeake. @{"DogsChowChow.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsChowChow.faq"} 20K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Chow Chow. @{"DogsCollies.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsCollies.faq"} 17K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Collies. @{"DogsGreyhounds.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsGreyhounds.faq"} 7K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Greyhounds. @{"DogsHavanese.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsHavanese.faq"} 32K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Havanese. @{"DogsHuskies.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsHuskies.faq"} 19K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Huskies. @{"DogsKingCharles.faq" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsKingCharles.faq"} 41K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: King Charles Spaniel. @{"DogsLabradors.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsLabradors.faq"} 26K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Labrador. @{"DogsMalamutes.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsMalamutes.faq"} 30K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Malamute. @{"DogsRidgebacks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsRidgebacks.faq"} 16K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Ridgeback. @{"DogsTollers.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DogsTollers.faq"} 16K Frequently asked questions about the Dog breed: Troller. @{"DouglasAdams.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DouglasAdams.faq"} 15K Frequently asked questions about Douglas Adams and his books. @{"DrumCorps.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/DrumCorps.faq"} 67K Frequently asked questions about the marching drum and bugle corps. @{"EckankarReligion.fa" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/EckankarReligion.faq"} 8K Frequently asked questions about the Eckankar religion. @{"ElectMotors.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ElectMotors.faq"} 16K Frequently asked questions about Electric motors. @{"ElectVehicles.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ElectVehicles.faq"} 31K Frequently asked questions about Electric powered vehicles. @{"ElectWiring.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ElectWiring.faq"} 76K Frequently asked questions about Electric wiring. @{"Enya.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Enya.faq"} 16K Frequently asked questions about the singer Enya. @{"Esperanto.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Esperanto.faq"} 29K Frequently asked questions about the language Esperanto. @{"EuropeanBookshops.f" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/EuropeanBookshops.faq"} 51K Frequently asked questions about European Bookshops. @{"Feminism.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Feminism.faq"} 241K Frequently asked questions about Feminism. @{"FiresignTheater.faq" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/FiresignTheater.faq"} 18K Frequently asked questions about Firesign Theatre radio program. @{"Gambling.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Gambling.faq"} 119K Frequently asked questions about gambling. @{"German.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/German.faq"} 38K Frequently asked questions about Germans and their culture. @{"GermanPublications." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/GermanPublications.faq"} 38K Frequently asked questions about German publications available outside Germany. @{"Golfing.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Golfing.faq"} 33K Frequently asked questions about golf and golfing. @{"GothicPunks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/GothicPunks.faq"} 24K Frequently asked questions about Gothic Punks and their music. @{"Greek.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Greek.faq"} 169K Frequently asked questions about Greeks and their culture. @{"HamRadio.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HamRadio.faq"} 88K Frequently asked questions about Ham radio. @{"HistoricalCostuming" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HistoricalCostuming.faq"} 39K Frequently asked questions about Historical costuming. @{"Hockey.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Hockey.faq"} 69K Frequently asked questions about the sport hockey. @{"HoloCamps.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HoloCamps.faq"} 61K Frequently asked questions about Nazi Holocaust camps. @{"HoloHisto.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HoloHisto.faq"} 66K Frequently asked questions about Nazi Holocaust history. @{"HoloLeuchter.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HoloLeuchter.faq"} 66K Frequently asked questions about Nazi Holocaust Leuchter. @{"HongKong.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HongKong.faq"} 159K Frequently asked questions about Hong Kong and its culture. @{"HowardStern.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/HowardStern.faq"} 16K Frequently asked questions about the comedian Howard Stern. @{"India.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/India.faq"} 55K Frequently asked questions about India and its culture. @{"Investments.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Investments.faq"} 141K Frequently asked questions about investments. @{"JapaniseCulture.faq" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/JapaniseCulture.faq"} 40K Frequently asked questions about Japan and its culture. @{"Judaism.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Judaism.faq"} 415K Frequently asked questions about Judaism and Jews. @{"Languages.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Languages.faq"} 29K Frequently asked questions about Languages. @{"Lebanon.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Lebanon.faq"} 159K Frequently asked questions about Lebanon and its culture. @{"Letterman.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Letterman.faq"} 17K Frequently asked questions about the US TV star David Letterman. @{"Libertarianism.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Libertarianism.faq"} 31K Frequently asked questions about Libertarianism. @{"Magic.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Magic.faq"} 113K Frequently asked questions about Magic. @{"Manga.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Manga.faq"} 44K Frequently asked questions about Manga, the Anime video company. @{"Marillion&Fish.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Marillion&Fish.faq"} 63K Frequently asked questions about the musician Fish and his old band Marillion. @{"Mathematics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Mathematics.faq"} 61K Frequently asked questions about Mathematics. @{"Mensa.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Mensa.faq"} 46K Frequently asked questions about Mensa. @{"MysteryScienceTheat" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/MysteryScienceTheatre.faq"} 162K Frequently asked questions about Mystery Science Theatre 3000 TV show. @{"NorthernExposure.fa" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/NorthernExposure.faq"} 45K Frequently asked questions about the TV show Northern Exposure. @{"PaddleBoats.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/PaddleBoats.faq"} 31K Frequently asked questions about Paddle powered boats. @{"Pern.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Pern.faq"} 29K Frequently asked questions about the Pern books. @{"Photography.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Photography.faq"} 22K Frequently asked questions about Photography. @{"Physics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Physics.faq"} 153K Frequently asked questions about Physics. @{"Pratchet.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Pratchet.faq"} 66K Frequently asked questions about Terry Pratchet and his books. @{"pyrotechnics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/pyrotechnics.faq"} 49K Frequently asked questions about Pyrotechnics. @{"Quaker.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Quaker.faq"} 19K Frequently asked questions about the Quaker religion. @{"Queensryche.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Queensryche.faq"} 27K Frequently asked questions about the Rock group Queensryche. @{"Quotations.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Quotations.faq"} 17K Frequently asked questions about Quotations. @{"RCFlying.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/RCFlying.faq"} 41K Frequently asked questions about Radio Controlled Flying models. @{"reddwarf.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/reddwarf.faq"} 48K Frequently asked questions about the BBC TV show Red Dwarf. @{"Ren&Stimpy.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Ren&Stimpy.faq"} 115K Frequently asked questions about the TV show Ren and Stimpy. @{"RobinHoodBooks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/RobinHoodBooks.faq"} 19K Frequently asked questions about Books available featuring Robin Hood. @{"Robotics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Robotics.faq"} 83K Frequently asked questions about Robotics. @{"Running.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Running.faq"} 133K Frequently asked questions about Running. @{"SatelliteTV.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/SatelliteTV.faq"} 55K Frequently asked questions about Satellite TV. @{"Scientology.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Scientology.faq"} 31K Frequently asked questions about Scientology "religion". @{"ScoutGames.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ScoutGames.faq"} 152K Frequently asked questions about Scouting games. @{"Scouting.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Scouting.faq"} 203K Frequently asked questions about Scouting. @{"ScoutSkits.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ScoutSkits.faq"} 104K Frequently asked questions about Scouting stories. @{"Scuba.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Scuba.faq"} 34K Frequently asked questions about Scuba diving. @{"SeaLevel.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/SeaLevel.faq"} 17K Frequently asked questions about changing the Sea level. @{"Seinfeld.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Seinfeld.faq"} 100K Frequently asked questions about the Seinfield TV show. @{"SFWritten.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/SFWritten.faq"} 29K Frequently asked questions about Science Fiction novels. @{"shamanism.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/shamanism.faq"} 9K Frequently asked questions about Shamanism. @{"Shenanigan.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Shenanigan.faq"} 13K Frequently asked questions about Shenanigans. @{"SherlockHolmesBooks" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/SherlockHolmesBooks.faq"} 52K Frequently asked questions about Books available featuring Sherlock Holmes. @{"ShortwaveRadio.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/ShortwaveRadio.faq"} 66K Frequently asked questions about Shortwave radio. @{"Simpsons.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Simpsons.faq"} 57K Frequently asked questions about the Simpsons TV show. @{"Ska.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Ska.faq"} 38K Frequently asked questions about Ska music. @{"Skating.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Skating.faq"} 309K Frequently asked questions about ice and roller Skating. @{"Skeptics.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Skeptics.faq"} 134K Frequently asked questions about Skeptics. @{"Skydiving.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Skydiving.faq"} 26K Frequently asked questions about Sky diving. @{"Space.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Space.faq"} 202K Frequently asked questions about outer Space. @{"StarTrekActors.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/StarTrekActors.faq"} 333K Frequently asked questions about Star Trek actors. @{"Supermodels.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Supermodels.faq"} 32K Frequently asked questions about Supermodels. @{"TableTennis.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TableTennis.faq"} 160K Frequently asked questions about Table Tennis. @{"TechnicalBooks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TechnicalBooks.faq"} 11K Frequently asked questions about Technical books. @{"Tennis.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Tennis.faq"} 79K Frequently asked questions about Tennis. @{"Textiles.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Textiles.faq"} 43K Frequently asked questions about Textiles. @{"TextlsBooks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TextlsBooks.faq"} 83K Frequently asked questions about Books available about textiles. @{"Theatre.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Theatre.faq"} 83K Frequently asked questions about the Theatre. @{"TheyMightBeGiants.f" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TheyMightBeGiants.faq"} 36K Frequently asked questions about They Might be Giants group and TV show. @{"TiddlyWinks.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TiddlyWinks.faq"} 12K Frequently asked questions about the game of Tiddly Winks. @{"TinyToons.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TinyToons.faq"} 30K Frequently asked questions about Tony Toons TV show. @{"TouristInfo.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/TouristInfo.faq"} 76K Frequently asked questions about how to get Tourist information. @{"Turkish.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Turkish.faq"} 36K Frequently asked questions about the Turkish culture. @{"typingInjury.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/typingInjury.faq"} 101K Frequently Asked Questions with Answers about Typing injuries. @{"USABookshops.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/USABookshops.faq"} 248K Frequently asked questions about bookshops in the USA. @{"Vegeterian.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Vegeterian.faq"} 40K Frequently asked questions about being a vegeterian. @{"Volleyball.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Volleyball.faq"} 51K Frequently asked questions about the sport Volleyball. @{"WirelessCableTV.faq" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/WirelessCableTV.faq"} 19K Frequently asked questions about Wireless cable TV. @{"Writing.faq " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/FAQMisc/Writing.faq"} 55K Frequently asked questions about writing. @endnode @Node 280 "Ready to Read Ascii Artwork" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"-5d-[sa].asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/-5d-[sa].asc"} 59K 5th Dynasty present an ascii collection called Strange Addiction. @{"-rs!303.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/-rs!303.asc"} 22K Art present 303 ascii collection by Redskin. @{"2rbo-kol.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/2rbo-kol.asc"} 63K Bronx present Turbo`s 1st ascii collection. @{"7-wayz.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/7-wayz.asc"} 84K Crusader presents an ascii collection called 7 Ways @{"a-m!s.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/a-m!s.asc"} 3K Misthaufen of Aldi presents his 1st ascii collection. @{"ac!-bd.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-bd.asc"} 62K Artcore present an ascii collection called U-Mad born dead. @{"ac!-hat.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-hat.asc"} 81K Artcore present an ascii collection called Hat 2 da Back. @{"ac!-hos.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-hos.asc"} 40K Artcore present an ascii collection called House of Style. @{"ac!-jmp.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-jmp.asc"} 99K Artcore present an ascii collection called Jump on my Dick. @{"ac!-obu3.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-obu3.asc"} 92K Artcore present an ascii collection called Old but Unreleased part 3. @{"ac!-obu4.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-obu4.asc"} 86K Artcore present an ascii collection called Old but Unreleased part 4. @{"ac!-roa.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!-roa.asc"} 80K Artcore Present an ascii collection called Rebirth of Art. @{"ac!sded1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!sded1.asc"} 117K Artic Cat of Mystic presents an ascii collection called the Brick wall. @{"ac!sded2.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac!sded2.asc"} 41K Artcore present an ascii collection called Artcore is dead. @{"ac-hyhy.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ac-hyhy.asc"} 145K Artcore present Ascii collection #2. @{"afl-dex.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/afl-dex.asc"} 33K Dexter of Alpha Flight presents his 3rd ascii collection. @{"aftjg.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/aftjg.asc"} 77K Frame of C-Lous present an ascii collection. @{"ang-asci.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ang-asci.asc"} 20K Analog present Little Ascii Collection. @{"AnGeST-1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/AnGeST-1.asc"} 45K Angest present File IDs collection 1. @{"ar!-same.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ar!-same.asc"} 35K Azki Rated present an ascii collection called Same as it Ever Was. @{"arte!-bb.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/arte!-bb.asc"} 24K Arte present an ascii collection called Big Boards. @{"arte!-bs.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/arte!-bs.asc"} 18K Arte present an ascii collection called Some Boardstyle. @{"arte!-se.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/arte!-se.asc"} 27K Arte present an ascii collection called Secret Land #1. @{"arte!-tr.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/arte!-tr.asc"} 37K Arte present an ascii collection called Personal tributes. @{"ASCIPic1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ASCIPic1.txt"} 205K Best of the Ascii Pics 1.0. @{"ast-lc.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ast-lc.txt"} 21K Assault present London Calling, Wedlock's 2nd ascii collection. @{"bce-slam.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/bce-slam.asc"} 167K Brilliance present an ascii collection called Sounds like a Melody. @{"bhs&ftl.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/bhs&ftl.asc"} 20K Fatal of Epsilon design present an ascii collection called Black Hole Sun. @{"bobos.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/bobos.asc"} 77K Bobo presents a collection of File_id.diz`s @{"cg-desco.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/cg-desco.asc"} 11K Dybergod presents an ascii collection called Dreamphase. @{"cg bbs.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/cg bbs.asc"} 3K CG presents ascii`s for Basen Din. @{"coi-diy1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/coi-diy1.txt"} 93K Castle of Illusion present Do it Yourself. @{"coi-gnr.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/coi-gnr.asc"} 85K Castle of Illusion presents an ascii collection called Guns n Roses. @{"coi-rst.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/coi-rst.asc"} 111K Castle of Illusion presents an ascii collection called Rave Station. @{"crbcoll7.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/crbcoll7.asc"} 55K Epsilon presents an ascii collection called Drain me. @{"crb^a2g.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/crb^a2g.asc"} 23K Chrombacker presents an ascii collection called Sidetracked. @{"crb^bdz.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/crb^bdz.asc"} 27K Chrombacker presents an ascii collection called How to Clean Everything. @{"crb^trib.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/crb^trib.txt"} 37K Tribute Ascii collection by Chrombacher. @{"d!-sukkaz.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/d!-sukkaz.asc"} 16K Dezign present an ascii collection called Peha is still rocking Tough. @{"dd-enter.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/dd-enter.asc"} 149K Dream Design present an ascii collection called Enter the Arena. @{"dino11.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/dino11.txt"} 5K Dino of Progidy presents his 11th ascii collection! @{"ed-back.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ed-back.asc"} 30K Epsilon Design present an ascii collection called Juan is Back. @{"ed-brde.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ed-brde.asc"} 46K Epsilon Design present an ascii collection called Board Dead by Juan. @{"ed^clip1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ed^clip1.asc"} 22K Fatal of Epsilon Design present an ascii collection called Clipart issue #1. @{"ed^usa.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ed^usa.asc"} 308K Fatal of Epsilon Design presents an ascii collection called Elite USA BBS list. @{"fastmade.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/fastmade.asc"} 45K Elvis presents an ascii collection called Fastmade. @{"frz-ecol.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/frz-ecol.asc"} 14K Exel of Freezers present an Ascii Collection. @{"hol1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/hol1.asc"} 47K Arte present an ascii collection called House of Love #1. @{"ibb.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ibb.asc"} 12K Flux present an ascii collection called I`m back Bitch. @{"icd3vor.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/icd3vor.asc"} 24K Vortex present an ascii collection called Hasciish Collection #3. @{"ins-om1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ins-om1.asc"} 28K Coco pops of insane present an ascii collection called Original me. @{"ins-zmb3.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ins-zmb3.asc"} 66K Zombie of insane present an ascii collection called Reverberate Option. @{"kimcoll1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/kimcoll1.asc"} 11K Trz presents an ascii collection called Entry. @{"led-skz1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/led-skz1.asc"} 30K Led present his 1st Ascii Collection. @{"lng-snus.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/lng-snus.asc"} 23K No Snus present an ascii collection. @{"mafasc.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/mafasc.asc"} 14K Cyberdreams present Adept by Maffia ascii collection #1. @{"mgc'col.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/mgc'col.asc"} 12K Donuts present the big ascii collection. @{"mo!-du.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/mo!-du.asc"} 51K Mogue of Artcore present an ascii collection called Destination Unknown. @{"nbnixts1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/nbnixts1.asc"} 27K Nobody present an ascii collection. @{"omn-asc.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/omn-asc.asc"} 16K Lummie of Omen present an Ascii collection. @{"ott_ctg.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ott_ctg.asc"} 26K Elric of the Loons present an ascii collection called Closer to God. @{"pirthir.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/pirthir.asc"} 8K Pirate present his 3rd ascii collection. @{"pss_rave.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/pss_rave.asc"} 76K Psychic Santa present an ascii collection called Rave Bamse ascii collection. @{"qzn-frg.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/qzn-frg.asc"} 24K Quizone of Disorder presents an ascii collection called Fragments. @{"ra!stddp.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ra!stddp.asc"} 101K DDP present Ascii nest #1. @{"rave_s1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/rave_s1.asc"} 17K Pussy Posse present an ascii collection called The Raving Society #1. @{"rbs_exc1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/rbs_exc1.asc"} 36K Rebels ascii collection by Exciter of Rebels. @{"rd-sub!.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/rd-sub!.asc"} 29K Redd of Alpha Flight present an ascii collection called Subliminal. @{"SAAAs1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/SAAAs1.txt"} 610K Best of ScareCrows Ascii art archives 1.0 @{"scx-tr.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/scx-tr.asc"} 75K Scoopex present an ascii collection called Township Rebel. @{"sc_fever.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/sc_fever.txt"} 112K Shape Changer presents Fever in the Jungle. @{"sc_ocean.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/sc_ocean.asc"} 25K Shapechanger of Design present an ascii collection called Ocean of Dreams. @{"SigAscii.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/SigAscii.txt"} 207K Best of the ScareCrows Signiture Gallery 1.0. @{"slam2.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/slam2.asc"} 30K Crazy presents an ascii collection called Slam part 2. @{"slam3.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/slam3.asc"} 34K Crazy presents an ascii collection called Slam part 3. @{"slam4.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/slam4.asc"} 39K Crazy presents an ascii collection called Slam part 4. @{"slam5.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/slam5.asc"} 44K Crazy presents an ascii collection called Slam part 5. @{"slam6.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/slam6.asc"} 41K Crazy presents an ascii collection called Slam part 6. @{"smi^cool.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/smi^cool.asc"} 20K Oxyron presents an ascii collection called Coolction #1. @{"sox-inc1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/sox-inc1.asc"} 34K Inc issue #1, the Zra D-sine. @{"spx-par1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/spx-par1.asc"} 65K Fanatic presents an ascii collection called Pradigma. @{"stz!-rm9.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/stz!-rm9.asc"} 62K Stz of humane presents an ascii collection called Real Men Wear Black. @{"stz-rm1o.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/stz-rm1o.asc"} 59K Stezotehic of 6 Crew presents ascii collection #10, Real men Wear black - Part two. @{"SYB-ANS1.TXT " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/SYB-ANS1.TXT"} 21K Cyberia presents an ansi Movie. @{"ts-dr245.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ts-dr245.asc"} 123K Terminal silence present an ascii collection called Description Riot v2.45. @{"ts-union.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/ts-union.txt"} 282K Terminal Silence presents Union ascii collection. @{"wlk_asc1.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/wlk_asc1.asc"} 17K Wedlock present an ascii collection called Genocide. @{"zs!^rust.asc " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AsciiArt/zs!^rust.asc"} 31K Zeus presents an ascii collection called Rust in Pieces. @endnode @Node 304 "Ready to Read Console Mags" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"dzine01.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/dzine01.txt"} 39K Datazone Console magazine issue #1. @{"DZINE04.TXT " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/DZINE04.TXT"} 36K Datazone Console magazine issue #4. @{"frntr03.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/frntr03.txt"} 87K The Frontier Console magazine issue #3. @{"gen0594.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/gen0594.txt"} 140K Sega Genesis (Megadrive) Tricks, Tips and Hints list, 05/94. @{"GURU1-3.TXT " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/GURU1-3.TXT"} 131K The Game Guru Volume 1.3. @{"snesdx41.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/snesdx41.txt"} 456K SNES Dox 4 part 1, a collection of Hints Solves, Codes and cheats. @{"snesdx42.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/Consoles/snesdx42.txt"} 346K SNES Dox 4 part 2. @endnode @Node 345 "Ready to Read Games Help" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"Advent550Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Advent550Sol.txt"} 24K Adventure 550 Solution. @{"AdventQuestSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AdventQuestSol.txt"} 7K Adventure Quest Solution. @{"AdventSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AdventSol.txt"} 5K Adventureland Solution. @{"AdvOfRobinHoodGuide" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AdvOfRobinHoodGuide.txt"} 6K Adventures of Robin Hood Players Guide. @{"AliceInWonderlandSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AliceInWonderlandSol.txt"} 14K Alice in Wonderland Solution. @{"AlienBr2CodeHint.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AlienBr2CodeHint.txt"} 4K Alien Breed 2 Level Codes and Hints. @{"AlienBrSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AlienBrSol.txt"} 9K Alien Breed 1 Solution. @{"AlienFiresHints.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AlienFiresHints.txt"} 4K Alien Fires Hints. @{"AmazonSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AmazonSol.txt"} 12K Amazon Solution. @{"AMindForeverVoyagin" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AMindForeverVoyagingSol.txt"} 6K A Mind Forever Voyaging Solution. @{"AnotherWorldSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/AnotherWorldSol.txt"} 8K Another World Solution. @{"ArthurQuestExcalSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ArthurQuestExcalSol.txt"} 22K Arthur and the Quest for Excalibur Solution. @{"BartSimpsonSpaceMut" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BartSimpsonSpaceMutSol.txt"} 5K Bart Simpson and the Space Mutunts Solution. @{"BatmanSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BatmanSol.txt"} 4K Batman Solution. @{"BATSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BATSol.txt"} 15K B.A.T. Solution. @{"BattletechSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BattletechSol.txt"} 7K Battletech Solution. @{"BeneathASSkySol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BeneathASSkySol.txt"} 10K Beneath A Steel Sky Solution. @{"BeyondZorkSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BeyondZorkSol.txt"} 22K Beyond Zork Solution. @{"Bill&TelExAdvsol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Bill&TelExAdvsol.txt"} 4K Bill and Teds Excellant Adventure Solution. @{"BlackscarMountainSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BlackscarMountainSol.txt"} 10K Blackscar Mountain Solution. @{"BladeODCheats.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BladeODCheats.txt"} 3K Blade of Destiny Cheats. @{"BladeOfBlackpooleSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BladeOfBlackpooleSol.txt"} 5K Blade of Blackpoole Solution. @{"BorderZoneSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BorderZoneSol.txt"} 3K Borderzone Solution. @{"BreakersSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BreakersSol.txt"} 4K Breakers Solution. @{"BrianTLionHelpCode." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BrianTLionHelpCode.txt"} 3K Brian The Lion Help and Level Codes. @{"BrimstoneSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BrimstoneSol.txt"} 2K Brimstone Solution. @{"BuckRogersSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BuckRogersSol.txt"} 20K Buck Rogers Solution. @{"BureocracySol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/BureocracySol.txt"} 7K Bureocracy Solution. @{"CadaverSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CadaverSol.txt"} 41K Cadaver Solution. @{"CadaverZeroLevelSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CadaverZeroLevelSol.txt"} 6K Cadaver - The Zero Level Solution. @{"CastleOfDrBrainSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CastleOfDrBrainSol.txt"} 17K Castle of Doctor Brain Solution. @{"Chronoquest2Sol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Chronoquest2Sol.txt"} 6K Chronoquest 2 Solution. @{"CivilisationHints.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CivilisationHints.txt"} 80K Civilisation Hints. @{"ClockWiserCodes.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ClockWiserCodes.txt"} 2K ClockWiser Codes. @{"CodenameIcemanSol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CodenameIcemanSol.txt"} 4K Codename Iceman Solution. @{"ColoradoSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ColoradoSol.txt"} 8K Colorado Solution. @{"ConqOfLongbowHintSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ConqOfLongbowHintSol.txt"} 17K Conquest of the Longbow Hints and Solution. @{"ConquestOfCamelotSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ConquestOfCamelotSol.txt"} 14K Conquest of Camelot Solution. @{"CorporationHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CorporationHints.txt"} 5K Corporation Hints. @{"CorruptionSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CorruptionSol.txt"} 4K Corruption Solution. @{"CrystalKingdomDizzy" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CrystalKingdomDizzySol.txt"} 8K Crystal Kingdom Dizzy Solution. @{"CurseCrowleyManorSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CurseCrowleyManorSol.txt"} 12K Curse of Crowley Manor Solution. @{"CurseOfEnchantiaSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CurseOfEnchantiaSol.txt"} 16K Curse of Enchantia Solution. @{"CutthroatsSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CutthroatsSol.txt"} 9K Cutthroats Solution. @{"CYAirCombatGuide.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/CYAirCombatGuide.txt"} 5K Chuck Yeagers Air Combat Guide. @{"DeadlineSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DeadlineSol.txt"} 6K Deadline Solution. @{"DeathQOKHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DeathQOKHints.txt"} 54K Death Queen of Krynn Hints. @{"DejaVuHintsSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DejaVuHintsSol.txt"} 13K Deja Vu 1 Hints and Solution. @{"deuterosSolHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/deuterosSolHints.txt"} 12K Deuteros Solution and Hints. @{"DGenerationHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DGenerationHints.txt"} 4K D-Generation Hints. @{"DizzyPYolkFolkSolHi" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DizzyPYolkFolkSolHint.txt"} 7K Dizzy, Prince of the Yolk Folk Solution and Hints. @{"DragonsLair2Sol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DragonsLair2Sol.txt"} 5K Dragons Lair 2 Solution. @{"DragonWarsHintsSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DragonWarsHintsSol.txt"} 62K Dragon Wars Hints and Solution. @{"DragonWorldSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DragonWorldSol.txt"} 13K Dragon World Solution. @{"DreamZoneSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DreamZoneSol.txt"} 20K Dream Zone Solution. @{"Dune2Hints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Dune2Hints.txt"} 4K Dune 2 Hints. @{"DungeonAdventureSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/DungeonAdventureSol.txt"} 13K Dungeon Adventure Solution. @{"ElfGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ElfGuide.txt"} 10K Elf Players Guide. @{"EliteHintsCheat.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/EliteHintsCheat.txt"} 6K Elite Hints and Cheat. @{"EmmanuelleSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/EmmanuelleSol.txt"} 4K Emmanuelle Solution. @{"EscapeFromColditzHi" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/EscapeFromColditzHints.txt"} 4K Escape From Colditz Hints. @{"EssexSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/EssexSol.txt"} 5K Essex Solution. @{"f19StealthHints.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/f19StealthHints.txt"} 19K F19 Stealth Fighter Hints. @{"fascinationSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/fascinationSol.txt"} 7K Fascination Solution. @{"FederationOFTGuide." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FederationOFTGuide.txt"} 10K Federation of Free Traders Players Guide. @{"FighterBomberHints." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FighterBomberHints.txt"} 10K Fighter Bomber Hints. @{"FinalBattleSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FinalBattleSol.txt"} 8K Final Battle Solution. @{"FireForceSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FireForceSol.txt"} 6K Fire Force Solution. @{"FirstSamuraiSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FirstSamuraiSol.txt"} 25K First Samurai Solution. @{"FishSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FishSol.txt"} 6K Fish Solution. @{"FlashbackSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FlashbackSol.txt"} 12K Flashback Solution. @{"FlightOTIntruderHin" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/FlightOTIntruderHints.txt"} 5K Flight of the Intruder Hints. @{"Ghostbusters2Sol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Ghostbusters2Sol.txt"} 4K Ghostbusters 2 Solution. @{"GhostTownSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GhostTownSol.txt"} 7K Ghost Town Solution. @{"GhoulsNGhostsSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GhoulsNGhostsSol.txt"} 10K Ghouls `n` Ghosts Solution. @{"GnomeRangerSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GnomeRangerSol.txt"} 7K Gnome Ranger Solution. @{"Goblins1HintsCodes." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Goblins1HintsCodes.txt"} 5K Goblins 1 Hints and Level Codes. @{"Goblins2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Goblins2Sol.txt"} 17K Goblins 2 Solution. @{"Goblins3Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Goblins3Sol.txt"} 23K Goblins 3 Solution. @{"GodsGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GodsGuide.txt"} 9K Gods Players Guide. @{"GoldOfTheAztecsSol1" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GoldOfTheAztecsSol1.txt"} 2K Gold of the Aztecs Solution to level 1. @{"GravityHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GravityHints.txt"} 7K Gravity Hints. @{"GrimoireSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GrimoireSol.txt"} 6K Grimoire Solution. @{"GuildOfThievesSol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/GuildOfThievesSol.txt"} 10K Guild of Thieves Solution. @{"Gunship2000Hints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Gunship2000Hints.txt"} 6K Gunship 2000 Hints. @{"HammerOfGrimmoldSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HammerOfGrimmoldSol.txt"} 5K Hammer of Grimmold Solution. @{"HardNovaSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HardNovaSol.txt"} 18K Hard Nova Solution. @{"HareRaisingHavokSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HareRaisingHavokSol.txt"} 6K Hare Raising Havok Solution. @{"HerosQ1SolHints.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HerosQ1SolHints.txt"} 17K Heroes Quest 1 Solution and Hints. @{"HerosQ2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HerosQ2Sol.txt"} 31K Heroes Quest 2 Solution. @{"HillsfarSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HillsfarSol.txt"} 11K Hillsfar Solution. @{"HiredGunsGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HiredGunsGuide.txt"} 12K Hired Guns Players Guide. @{"Hugo2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Hugo2Sol.txt"} 6K Hugo 2 Solution. @{"HunterGuideSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/HunterGuideSol.txt"} 8K Hunter Players Guide and Solution. @{"ImpossamoleHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ImpossamoleHints.txt"} 6K Impossamole Hints. @{"IndianaJones4Sol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/IndianaJones4Sol.txt"} 17K Indiana Jones 4 Solution. @{"IndyJonesLastCrusGf" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/IndyJonesLastCrusGfxSol.txt"} 16K Indianna Jones and the Last Crusafe (Graphic adventure) Solution. @{"IngridsBackSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/IngridsBackSol.txt"} 17K Ingrids Back Solution. @{"InnocentUntilCaught" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/InnocentUntilCaughtSol.txt"} 13K Innocent Until Caught Solution. @{"InstituyeSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/InstituyeSol.txt"} 9K Institute Solution. @{"InvasionSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/InvasionSol.txt"} 2K Invasion Solution. @{"ItCameFromTDSolHelp" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ItCameFromTDSolHelp.txt"} 25K It Came From the Desert Solution and Help. @{"JadeStoneSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/JadeStoneSol.txt"} 9K Jade Stone Solution. @{"JamesPondHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/JamesPondHints.txt"} 5K James Pond Hints. @{"JimmyWhitesHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/JimmyWhitesHints.txt"} 3K Jimmy Whites Hints. @{"KeefTheThiefSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KeefTheThiefSol.txt"} 20K Keef the Thief Solution. @{"KGBSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KGBSol.txt"} 11K KGB Solution. @{"KickOff2Hints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KickOff2Hints.txt"} 14K Kick Off 2 Hints. @{"KillingCloudHints.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KillingCloudHints.txt"} 7K Killing Cloud Hints. @{"kingsQuest6Hints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/kingsQuest6Hints.txt"} 28K Kings Quest 6 Hints. @{"KnightOrcSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KnightOrcSol.txt"} 19K Knight Orc Solution. @{"KnightsOfCrystallio" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KnightsOfCrystallionHints.txt"} 3K Knights of thee Crystallion Hints. @{"KrystalSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/KrystalSol.txt"} 3K Krystal Solution. @{"LancelotSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LancelotSol.txt"} 27K Lancelot Solution. @{"LastN2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LastN2Sol.txt"} 7K Last Ninja 2 Solution. @{"LastN3GuideSOL.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LastN3GuideSOL.txt"} 6K Last Ninja 3 players Guide and Solution. @{"LeatherGoddessOfPho" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LeatherGoddessOfPhobosSol.txt"} 20K Leather Goddess of Phobos Solution. @{"LeisureSuitLarry5So" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LeisureSuitLarry5Sol.txt"} 40K Leisure Suit Larry 5 Solution. @{"LifeAndDeathSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LifeAndDeathSol.txt"} 22K Life and Death Solution. @{"LordsOfTimeSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/LordsOfTimeSol.txt"} 13K Lords of Time Solution. @{"lureOfTheTemptressS" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/lureOfTheTemptressSol.txt"} 5K Lure of the Temptress Solution. @{"M&M2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/M&M2Sol.txt"} 11K Might and Magic 2 Solution. @{"M&M3HintCheatsol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/M&M3HintCheatsol.txt"} 80K Might and Magic 3 Hint`s, Cheat and Solution. @{"M1TankPlatoonHints." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/M1TankPlatoonHints.txt"} 3K M1 Tank Platoon Hints. @{"MagicLandDizzySol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MagicLandDizzySol.txt"} 11K Magic Land Dizzy Solution. @{"ManchesterUnitedHin" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ManchesterUnitedHints.txt"} 3K Manchester United Hints. @{"ManiacMansionSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ManiacMansionSol.txt"} 5K Maniac Mansion Solution. @{"MaskOfTheSunSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MaskOfTheSunSol.txt"} 4K Mask of the Sun Solution. @{"MeanStreetsHintsSol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MeanStreetsHintsSol.txt"} 8K Mean Streets Hints and Solution. @{"MegaloManiaGuide.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MegaloManiaGuide.txt"} 5K Mega-lo-Mania Players Guide. @{"Megatraveller2Sol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Megatraveller2Sol.txt"} 12K Megatraveller 2 Solution. @{"Mercenary2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Mercenary2Sol.txt"} 12K Mercenary 2 Solution. @{"Midw1Guide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Midw1Guide.txt"} 13K Midwinter 1 Players Guide. @{"Midw2GuideSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Midw2GuideSol.txt"} 9K Midwinter 2 Players Guide and Solution. @{"Millenium22Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Millenium22Sol.txt"} 2K Millenium 2.2 Solution. @{"MindshadowSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MindshadowSol.txt"} 3K Mindshadow Solution. @{"MindWalkerSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MindWalkerSol.txt"} 7K Mind Walker Solution. @{"MindwheelSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MindwheelSol.txt"} 13K Mindwheel Solution. @{"MissionImpossibleSo" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MissionImpossibleSol.txt"} 3K Mission Impossible Solution. @{"MoebiusHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MoebiusHints.txt"} 7K Moebius Hints. @{"MontyPythonHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MontyPythonHints.txt"} 5K Monty Python Flying Circus Hints. @{"MoonMistSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MoonMistSol.txt"} 6K Moon Mist Solution. @{"MutantSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MutantSol.txt"} 4K Mutant Solution. @{"MysteryFunhouseSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MysteryFunhouseSol.txt"} 5K Mystery Funhouse Solution. @{"MythSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/MythSol.txt"} 9K Myth Solution. @{"NeverMindCodes.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/NeverMindCodes.txt"} 18K Never Mind Level Codes. @{"NewAdventrureSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/NewAdventrureSol.txt"} 14K New Adventrure Solution. @{"NewZealandStoryHint" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/NewZealandStoryHints.txt"} 3K New Zealand Story Hints. @{"NinjaSpiritSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/NinjaSpiritSol.txt"} 5K Ninja Spirit Solution. @{"NinjaWarriorsHintCh" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/NinjaWarriorsHintCheat.txt"} 4K Ninja Warriors Hints and Cheat. @{"OoToposSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/OoToposSol.txt"} 4K Oo-Topos Solution. @{"OozeSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/OozeSol.txt"} 2K Ooze Solution. @{"OperStealthSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/OperStealthSol.txt"} 9K Operation Stealth Solution. @{"OperWolfHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/OperWolfHints.txt"} 3K Operation Wolf Hints. @{"PangHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PangHints.txt"} 3K Pang Hints. @{"Paradroid90Hints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Paradroid90Hints.txt"} 7K Paradroid `90 Hints. @{"PawnSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PawnSol.txt"} 2K The Pawn Solution. @{"Phant1Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Phant1Sol.txt"} 11K Phantasie 1 Solution. @{"phant2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/phant2Sol.txt"} 8K Phantasie 2 Solution. @{"PhantHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PhantHints.txt"} 8K Phantasie Hints. @{"PiratesHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PiratesHints.txt"} 5K Pirates Hints. @{"Plan9OuterSpaceSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Plan9OuterSpaceSol.txt"} 8K Plan 9 from Outer Space Solution. @{"PlanetFallSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PlanetFallSol.txt"} 6K Planet Fall Solution. @{"PlayerManagerHints." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PlayerManagerHints.txt"} 2K Player Manager Hints. @{"PlunderedHeartsSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PlunderedHeartsSol.txt"} 4K Plundered Hearts Solution. @{"populous2Codes.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/populous2Codes.txt"} 14K Populous 2 Level Codes. @{"PopulousHintsEtc.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PopulousHintsEtc.txt"} 60K Populous Hints, lists etc. @{"PowerdromeHints.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PowerdromeHints.txt"} 5K Powerdrome Hints. @{"PrinceOfPersiaSol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PrinceOfPersiaSol.txt"} 5K Prince of Persia Solution. @{"PyramidOfDoomSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/PyramidOfDoomSol.txt"} 7K Pyramid of Doom Solution. @{"Quest1Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Quest1Sol.txt"} 11K Questron 1 Solution. @{"Quest2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Quest2Sol.txt"} 7K Questron 2 Solution. @{"QuestKingSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/QuestKingSol.txt"} 28K Quest for the King Solution. @{"QuestTimeBirdSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/QuestTimeBirdSol.txt"} 6K Quest for the Time Bird Solution. @{"RailTycoonGuide.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RailTycoonGuide.txt"} 8K Railroad Tycoon Players Guide. @{"RainbowIslandsGuide" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RainbowIslandsGuide.txt"} 15K Rainbow Islands Players Guide. @{"ReturnAtlantisHints" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ReturnAtlantisHints.txt"} 6K Return to Atlantis Hints. @{"ReturnEdenSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ReturnEdenSol.txt"} 10K Return to Eden Solution. @{"RingsOfZilfinSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RingsOfZilfinSol.txt"} 4K Rings of Zilfin Solution. @{"RiseOfTheDragonSol." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RiseOfTheDragonSol.txt"} 23K Rise of the Dragon Solution. @{"Robocop1Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Robocop1Sol.txt"} 4K Robocop 1 Solution. @{"RockNRollSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RockNRollSol.txt"} 6K Rock `n` Roll Solution. @{"RockStarHamsterHint" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RockStarHamsterHints.txt"} 3K Rock Star ate my Hamster Hints. @{"RodlandGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RodlandGuide.txt"} 7K Rodland Players Guide. @{"RogueHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/RogueHints.txt"} 4K Rogue Hints. @{"ScapeGhostSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ScapeGhostSol.txt"} 17K Scape Ghost Solution. @{"SeaStalkerSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SeaStalkerSol.txt"} 12K Sea Stalker Solution. @{"SecOMI1Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SecOMI1Sol.txt"} 13K Secret of Monkey Island 1 Solution. @{"SecOMI2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SecOMI2Sol.txt"} 48K Secret of Monkey Island Solution. @{"SecretOSilverBladeS" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SecretOSilverBladeSol.txt"} 21K Secret of the Silver Blades Solution. @{"SexOlympicsHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SexOlympicsHints.txt"} 4K Sex Olympics Hints. @{"ShadowOTB3Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ShadowOTB3Sol.txt"} 6K Shadow of the Beast 3 Solution. @{"ShardsOfTimeSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ShardsOfTimeSol.txt"} 9K Shards of Time Solution. @{"SimulcraGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SimulcraGuide.txt"} 2K Simulcra Players Guide. @{"SinbadThroneFalconS" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SinbadThroneFalconSol.txt"} 3K Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon Solution. @{"SnowballSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SnowballSol.txt"} 9K Snowball Solution. @{"SourcerorSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SourcerorSol.txt"} 3K Sourceror Solution. @{"SpaceA1Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpaceA1Sol.txt"} 5K Space Ace 1 Solution. @{"SpaceA2Hints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpaceA2Hints.txt"} 6K Space Ace 2 Hints. @{"SpaceHulkGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpaceHulkGuide.txt"} 12K Space Hulk Players Guide. @{"SpaceQ1Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpaceQ1Sol.txt"} 11K Space Quest 1 Solution. @{"SpaceQ4Hints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpaceQ4Hints.txt"} 18K Space Quest 4 Hints. @{"SpaceRogueSolHints." SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpaceRogueSolHints.txt"} 6K Space Rogue Solution and Hints. @{"Speedball2Hints.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Speedball2Hints.txt"} 6K Speedball 2 Hints. @{"SpellbreakerSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SpellbreakerSol.txt"} 20K Spellbreaker Solution. @{"StarcrossSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/StarcrossSol.txt"} 13K Starcross Solution. @{"StarFlightSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/StarFlightSol.txt"} 64K Star Flight Solution. @{"Starglider2Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Starglider2Sol.txt"} 6K Starglider 2 Solution. @{"StationfallSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/StationfallSol.txt"} 5K Stationfall Solution. @{"Stellar7Sol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Stellar7Sol.txt"} 25K Stellar 7 Solution. @{"StrangeOdysseySol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/StrangeOdysseySol.txt"} 5K Strange Odyssey Solution. @{"SunDogHintsSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SunDogHintsSol.txt"} 26K Sundog Hints and Solution. @{"SuspectSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SuspectSol.txt"} 12K Suspect Solution. @{"SuspendedSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SuspendedSol.txt"} 5K Suspended Solution. @{"Switchblade2Guide.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Switchblade2Guide.txt"} 6K Switchblade 2 Players Guide. @{"SWIVGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SWIVGuide.txt"} 6K SWIV players Guide. @{"SwordOfAragonSol.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SwordOfAragonSol.txt"} 22K Sword of Aragon Solution. @{"SwordofSodanSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SwordofSodanSol.txt"} 8K Sword of Sodan Solution. @{"SyndicateHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/SyndicateHints.txt"} 13K Syndicate Hints. @{"TassTimesSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TassTimesSol.txt"} 2K Tass Times in Tonetown Solution. @{"TheatreODCodescheat" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TheatreODCodescheat.txt"} 25K Theatre of Death Level Codes and Cheat. @{"TheClouHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TheClouHints.txt"} 1K The Clou Hints. @{"TheCountSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TheCountSol.txt"} 4K The Count Solution. @{"ThemeParkMysterySol" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ThemeParkMysterySol.txt"} 3K Theme Park Mystery Solution. @{"ThunderhawkHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ThunderhawkHints.txt"} 4K Thunderhawk Hints. @{"TimeMachineSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TimeMachineSol.txt"} 4K Time Machine Solution. @{"TurboOutrunHints.tx" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TurboOutrunHints.txt"} 6K Turbo Outrun Hints. @{"TwilightZoneSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TwilightZoneSol.txt"} 13K Twilight Zone Solution. @{"TyphoonThompsonHint" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/TyphoonThompsonHints.txt"} 6K Typhoon Thompson Hints. @{"Ultima4Hints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Ultima4Hints.txt"} 4K Ultima 4 Hints. @{"Ultima6SolCodeCheat" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Ultima6SolCodeCheat.txt"} 58K Ultima 6 Solution, Level Codes, Cheat and much more! @{"UniverseSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/UniverseSol.txt"} 10K Solution for Universe. @{"UnrealSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/UnrealSol.txt"} 8K Unreal Solution. @{"UtopiaGuide.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/UtopiaGuide.txt"} 5K Utopia Players Guide. @{"valhallaPreSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/valhallaPreSol.txt"} 3K Valhalla Preview Solution. @{"ValhallaSolMaps.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/ValhallaSolMaps.txt"} 38K Valhalla Solution and Text Maps. @{"VendettaHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/VendettaHints.txt"} 9K Vendetta Hints. @{"VirusHints.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/VirusHints.txt"} 8K Virus Hints. @{"VoodooCastleSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/VoodooCastleSol.txt"} 5K Voodoo Castle Solution. @{"WarheadMissionGuide" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/WarheadMissionGuide.txt"} 6K Warhead Mission Guide. @{"WeenSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/WeenSol.txt"} 21K Ween Solution. @{"Whiplash&Wagonwheel" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/Whiplash&WagonwheelSol.txt"} 9K Whiplash and Wagonwheel Solution. @{"WishbringerSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/WishbringerSol.txt"} 4K Wishbringer Solution. @{"WitnessSol.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/WitnessSol.txt"} 5K Witness Solution. @{"WizardsTowerSol.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/WizardsTowerSol.txt"} 12K Wizards Tower Solution. @{"WormInParadiseSol.t" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameHelp/WormInParadiseSol.txt"} 18K Worm in Paradise Solution. @endnode @Node 346 "Ready to Read Games Lists" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"ActionReplayCheats2" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameList/ActionReplayCheats22.txt"} 63K Action Replay Cheat list 2.2 by Ian Eldridge. @{"AnarchyAmiga244.txt" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameList/AnarchyAmiga244.txt"} 109K Anarchy Amiga 2.44 by Fallen Angel amd Powerslave. @{"AR-AD&DCheats.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameList/AR-AD&DCheats.txt"} 66K Cheating with the Action Replay on AD&D games by Ian Eldridge. @{"CheatsAndHints01.gu" SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameList/CheatsAndHints01.guide"} 103K Cheats and Hints 1 by Jesus. @{"CheatSheet0291.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameList/CheatSheet0291.txt"} 85K The ultimate Amiga Cheat List 02/91 by Mark Shnayer. @{"ntwich1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/GameList/ntwich1.txt"} 246K Now That`s What I Call Help 1.0, by Duke of DDI. @endnode @Node 347 "Ready to Read UFO Magazines" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"basi8206.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8206.txt"} 7K Basis Newsletter, 06/82. @{"basi8701.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8701.txt"} 27K Basis Newsletter, 01/87. @{"basi8702.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8702.txt"} 29K Basis Newsletter, 02/87. @{"basi8703.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8703.txt"} 31K Basis Newsletter, 03/87. @{"basi8704.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8704.txt"} 32K Basis Newsletter, 04/87. @{"basi8705.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8705.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 05/87. @{"basi8706.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8706.txt"} 36K Basis Newsletter, 06/87. @{"basi8707.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8707.txt"} 33K Basis Newsletter, 07/87. @{"basi8708.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8708.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 08/87. @{"basi8709.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8709.txt"} 43K Basis Newsletter, 09/87. @{"basi8710.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8710.txt"} 40K Basis Newsletter, 10/87. @{"basi8711.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8711.txt"} 42K Basis Newsletter, 11/87. @{"basi8712.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8712.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 12/87. @{"basi8801.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8801.txt"} 39K Basis Newsletter, 01/88. @{"basi8802.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8802.txt"} 36K Basis Newsletter, 02/88. @{"basi8803.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8803.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 03/88. @{"basi8804.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8804.txt"} 39K Basis Newsletter, 04/88. @{"basi8805.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8805.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 05/88. @{"basi8806.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8806.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 06/88. @{"basi8807.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8807.txt"} 25K Basis Newsletter, 07/88. @{"basi8808.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8808.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 08/88. @{"basi8809.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8809.txt"} 36K Basis Newsletter, 09/88. @{"basi8810.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8810.txt"} 35K Basis Newsletter, 10/88. @{"basi8811.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8811.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 11/88. @{"basi8812.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8812.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 12/88. @{"basi8901.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8901.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 01/89. @{"basi8902.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8902.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 02/89. @{"basi8903.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8903.txt"} 35K Basis Newsletter, 03/89. @{"basi8904.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8904.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 04/89. @{"basi8905.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8905.txt"} 39K Basis Newsletter, 05/89. @{"basi8906.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8906.txt"} 37K Basis Newsletter, 06/89. @{"basi8907.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8907.txt"} 41K Basis Newsletter, 07/89. @{"basi8908.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8908.txt"} 38K Basis Newsletter, 08/89. @{"basi8909.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8909.txt"} 40K Basis Newsletter, 09/89. @{"basi8910.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8910.txt"} 41K Basis Newsletter, 10/89. @{"basi8911.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8911.txt"} 42K Basis Newsletter, 11/89. @{"basi8912.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/basi8912.txt"} 39K Basis Newsletter, 12/89. @{"eoc8-1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc8-1.txt"} 41K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 8.1. @{"eoc8-2.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc8-2.txt"} 40K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 8.2. @{"eoc8-3.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc8-3.txt"} 39K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 8.3. @{"eoc8-4.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc8-4.txt"} 41K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 8.4. @{"eoc9-1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc9-1.txt"} 39K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 9.1. @{"eoc9-2.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc9-2.txt"} 17K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 9.2. @{"eoc9-3.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/eoc9-3.txt"} 40K Echoes Of Conspiracy Magazine, Volume 9.3. @{"insd8712.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8712.txt"} 5K Inside UFOlogy, 12/87. @{"insd8801.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8801.txt"} 3K Inside UFOlogy, 01/88. @{"insd8802.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8802.txt"} 4K Inside UFOlogy, 02/88. @{"insd8803.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8803.txt"} 2K Inside UFOlogy, 03/88. @{"insd8805.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8805.txt"} 5K Inside UFOlogy, 05/88. @{"insd8806.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8806.txt"} 5K Inside UFOlogy, 06/88. @{"insd8807.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8807.txt"} 8K Inside UFOlogy, 07/88. @{"insd8808.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8808.txt"} 7K Inside UFOlogy, 08/88. @{"insd8809.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8809.txt"} 8K Inside UFOlogy, 09/88. @{"insd8901.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8901.txt"} 5K Inside UFOlogy, 01/89. @{"insd8902.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8902.txt"} 7K Inside UFOlogy, 02/89. @{"insd8903.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/insd8903.txt"} 5K Inside UFOlogy, 03/89. @{"saucer1.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/saucer1.txt"} 6K Saucer Smear Online, #1. @{"saucer2.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/saucer2.txt"} 10K Saucer Smear Online, #2. @{"saucer4.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/saucer4.txt"} 10K Saucer Smear Online, #3. @{"saucer5.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/saucer5.txt"} 13K Saucer Smear Online, #5. @{"snufors5.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/UFOMags/snufors5.txt"} 15K SnUFOrs News Volume 1.5. @endnode @Node 51 "Ready to Read Amiga Mags" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"aem101.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aem101.guide"} 39K Amiga Entertainment Monthly Issue 1.01. @{"aem103.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aem103.guide"} 58K Amiga Entertainment Monthly Issue 1.03. @{"aem104.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aem104.guide"} 76K Amiga Entertainment Monthly Issue 1.04. @{"aem105.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aem105.guide"} 39K Amiga Entertainment Monthly Issue 1.05. @{"aem106.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aem106.guide"} 49K Amiga Entertainment Monthly Issue 1.06. @{"agamly19.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/agamly19.txt"} 245K AGA Monthly, 09-03. @{"aj201.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aj201.txt"} 28K AmiJournal 2.1. @{"aj202.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/aj202.txt"} 35K AmiJournal 2.2. @{"anews6.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/anews6.txt"} 67K AmiNews 6. @{"ar227.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar227.guide"} 213K Amiga Report 2.27, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar228.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar228.guide"} 213K Amiga Report 2.28, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar229.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar229.guide"} 242K Amiga Report 2.29, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar230.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar230.guide"} 247K Amiga Report 2.30, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar231.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar231.guide"} 188K Amiga Report 2.31, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar232.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar232.guide"} 199K Amiga Report 2.32, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar233.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar233.guide"} 256K Amiga Report 2.33, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"ar234.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/ar234.guide"} 259K Amiga Report 2.34, an Amiga magazine in AmigaGuide format. @{"cdvw102.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/cdvw102.txt"} 36K CD32 View issue 1.02. @{"cdvw103.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/cdvw103.txt"} 77K CD32 View issue 1.03. @{"charts11.txt " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/charts11.txt"} 7K module charts. @{"CNN1094.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/CNN1094.guide"} 11K CNet BBS Newsletter, October 1994. @{"CNN1194.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/CNN1194.guide"} 21K CNet BBS Newsletter, November 1994. @{"CNN1294.guide " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Text/AmigMags/CNN1294.guide"} 34K CNet BBS Newsletter, December 1994. @endnode @Node 68 "Ready to View AGA Artwork" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"Bridgecl.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/Bridgecl.iff"} 74K (640*256*7) An elderly man, by Bridgeclaw. @{"CammyChn.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/CammyChn.iff"} 75K (362*283*8) Cammy and Chun Li, anime characters, by Greg. @{"DadyDear.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/DadyDear.iff"} 93K (640*256*7) A Green Deamon holding up a crying toddler, by Devilstar. @{"Demoniac.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/Demoniac.iff"} 60K (320*256*8) A Deamon Knight by Bifrost @{"DevlJohn.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/DevlJohn.iff"} 189K (640*512*8) A naked man and woman on a surreal beach, by Peckard. @{"FaceNatu.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/FaceNatu.iff"} 67K (320*256*8) A Face of Nature by Cougar. @{"FireEmbm.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/FireEmbm.iff"} 161K (640*512*8) Two cartoon characters followed by Death, by Pris. @{"FishFood.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/FishFood.iff"} 115K (720*283*7) A Jumping Salmon. @{"Jellyfis.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/Jellyfis.iff"} 74K (368*283*7) A fish by Electron. @{"JustArou.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/JustArou.iff"} 151K (736*283*8) Just around the Corner by Ivarzon. @{"Monster.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/Monster.iff"} 63K (320*256*7) A Lovecraftian monster. @{"OutImagi.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/OutImagi.iff"} 222K (736*580*7) A warrior and his woman by Onyx. @{"page2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/page2.iff"} 58K (320*256*8) An Eagle by Ra of Sanity. @{"page4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/page4.iff"} 122K (640*512*8) A super-hero by Enzo of Mentasm. @{"page5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/page5.iff"} 163K (640*512*8) A monsters head by Kyle of Mentasm. @{"page6.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/page6.iff"} 183K (640*512*8) A Warrior on his steed by Spawn of Mentasm. @{"PigPicfn.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/PigPicfn.iff"} 59K (320*256*8) We love killing PC users. by Talon and Syl. @{"raped.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGAArtWk/raped.iff"} 95K (724*283*7) Raped - Jacko is in the House. @endnode @Node 69 "Ready to View OCS Artwork" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"absurdsm.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/OCSArtWk/absurdsm.iff"} 58K (338*275*6) Stone Arts by Absurd. @{"page3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/OCSArtWk/page3.iff"} 130K (640*560*5) A Bloodhound`s face by Suny of Bomb. @{"tetefinl.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/OCSArtWk/tetefinl.iff"} 181K (640*512*6) An Excellant tribesmans face. @endnode @Node 302 "Ready to View AGA Digi Pics" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"ak1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ak1.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Brown Bear. @{"ak2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ak2.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Llama. @{"ak3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ak3.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Cheeter. @{"ak4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ak4.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Rhino. @{"ak5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ak5.iff"} 311K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Orangatang`s face. @{"aloha1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/aloha1.iff"} 309K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Flowered pattern. @{"aloha2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/aloha2.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Pineapple pattern. @{"aloha3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/aloha3.iff"} 311K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Palm tree pattern. @{"aloha4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/aloha4.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Flowered pattern. @{"aloha5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/aloha5.iff"} 287K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Mango pattern. @{"batik1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/batik1.iff"} 311K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Fish pattern. @{"batik2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/batik2.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a swirl pattern. @{"batik3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/batik3.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a complex pattern. @{"batik4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/batik4.iff"} 311K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a strange pattern. @{"batik5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/batik5.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a masks pattern. @{"bloom1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/bloom1.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a red flower. @{"bloom2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/bloom2.iff"} 304K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a red and white flower. @{"bloom4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/bloom4.iff"} 307K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a red and yellow flower. @{"bloom5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/bloom5.iff"} 308K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a sunflower. @{"busines1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/busines1.iff"} 308K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a pile of till reciepts. @{"busines2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/busines2.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a group of pencil erasers. @{"busines3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/busines3.iff"} 301K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a group of pencils. @{"busines4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/busines4.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a pile of colourful HD disks. @{"busines5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/busines5.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a stockmarket report. @{"deep1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/deep1.iff"} 311K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a deepsea plant. @{"deep2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/deep2.iff"} 292K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of pink coral. @{"deep3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/deep3.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a wrecked plane under the sea. @{"deep4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/deep4.iff"} 285K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of an underwater cave. @{"deep5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/deep5.iff"} 282K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of underwater seaweed. @{"example3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/example3.iff"} 42K (640*290*8) An AGA digitised picture of a tree frog. @{"jets1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/jets1.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a plane on the runway. @{"jets2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/jets2.iff"} 298K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of two jets on the runway. @{"jets4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/jets4.iff"} 272K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of the blue angels. @{"jets5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/jets5.iff"} 305K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a blue angels jet close-up. @{"majest1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/majest1.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a mountain peak. @{"majest2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/majest2.iff"} 151K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a mountain and a lake. @{"majest3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/majest3.iff"} 211K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture taken from inside a cave looking out. @{"majest4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/majest4.iff"} 270K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of mountain peaks and clouds. @{"majest5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/majest5.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a snow-covered mountain peaks. @{"money1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/money1.iff"} 259K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a wad of cash. @{"money2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/money2.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a pile of various banknotes. @{"money5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/money5.iff"} 309K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a a pile of USA coins. @{"ny1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ny1.iff"} 302K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of the Statue of Libertys head. @{"ny2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ny2.iff"} 272K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of the New York skyline by night. @{"ny3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ny3.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a New York bridge. @{"ny4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ny4.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a New York market. @{"ny5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/ny5.iff"} 311K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of some New York buildings. @{"props1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/props1.iff"} 308K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a propellar aircraft. @{"props2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/props2.iff"} 259K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Wellington bomber. @{"props3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/props3.iff"} 286K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a propellar aircraft. @{"props4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/props4.iff"} 304K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a bi-plane in flight. @{"props5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/props5.iff"} 295K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a propellar aircraft. @{"sample.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/sample.iff"} 261K (640*480*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Suspension bridge. @{"tropic1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/tropic1.iff"} 298K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a waterfall. @{"tropic2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/tropic2.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a lake with giant lillies. @{"tropic3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/tropic3.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a monkey. @{"tropic4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/tropic4.iff"} 305K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Red Admiral butterfly. @{"tropic5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/tropic5.iff"} 298K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a Toucan. @{"us1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/us1.iff"} 283K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of Mount Rushmore. @{"us2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/us2.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a wooden bridge over a waterfall. @{"us3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/us3.iff"} 312K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of the Lincoln memorial. @{"us4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/us4.iff"} 302K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of an evening skyline in the USA. @{"us5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/us5.iff"} 305K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of an American tram. @{"wild1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/wild1.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of Cactus growing in the desert. @{"wild2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/wild2.iff"} 215K (368*580*8) An AGA digitised picture of a sand dune in the desert. @{"wild3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/wild3.iff"} 310K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a forest and mountains. @{"wild4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/wild4.iff"} 285K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a seashore in the evening. @{"wild5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGADPics/wild5.iff"} 308K (640*512*8) An AGA digitised picture of a the seashore against some cliffs. (s :*All*) (s :*All*) @endnode @Node 301 "Ready to View AGA Renders" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"batlogo3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/batlogo3.iff"} 465K (800*600*8) Excellant tracing of a medival batsword and Batlogo! @{"bl-spac.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/bl-spac.iff"} 242K (640*480*8) A UFO with searchlights by Blade Nation. @{"blasback.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/blasback.iff"} 330K (736*482*8) "Blasphemy" logo. @{"blasfemy.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/blasfemy.iff"} 302K (736*482*8) Another "Blasphemy" logo. @{"finskin.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/finskin.iff"} 188K (640*482*8) A rather strange fish. @{"goku2a.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/goku2a.iff"} 109K (640*512*8) The Goku character from a anime cartoon. @{"goku2b.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/goku2b.iff"} 110K (259*510*8) another image of the Goku character from a anime cartoon. @{"Intel_WC.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/Intel_WC.iff"} 213K (640*512*8) The Truth about Intel Inside by Papalagi of AET. @{"KeyWestCloud.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/KeyWestCloud.iff"} 80K (320*256*8) An advert for Key West BBS. @{"pacman.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pacman.iff"} 215K (1024*768*8) This excellent image shows a Pacman eating dots. @{"palace1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/palace1.iff"} 648K (1024*768*8) Great rendering of Dinosaurs inside a palace. @{"parade1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/parade1.iff"} 677K (1024*768*8) A row of stars, better then it sounds! @{"pawns.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pawns.iff"} 554K (1024*768*8) A chessboard with wooden Pawns. @{"pclock.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pclock.iff"} 309K (640*480*8) A rotating pendulum clock rendered with PoV by Steve Anger. @{"ped_0001.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/ped_0001.iff"} 419K (800*600*8) Bedroom in progress! Very nice shiny and reflection attributes. @{"pipes.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pipes.iff"} 265K (640*480*8) Abstract Raytrace created by Raymond Ore. Plumbing from hell. @{"planet.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/planet.iff"} 330K (1024*768*8) A planet viewed from its orbit. @{"pool.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pool.iff"} 120K (640*480*8) Great shot of a pool table with Cue, Balls and Chalk, very realistic. @{"poolball.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/poolball.iff"} 306K (1024*768*8) Poolballs ready to break. @{"poplar.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/poplar.iff"} 270K (640*428*8) A Raytaced Poplar tree. @{"postcard.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/postcard.iff"} 261K (640*428*8) A raytraced tree. @{"pour.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pour.iff"} 53K (256*200*8) Pouring wine, attractive. @{"pov2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pov2.iff"} 632K (1024*768*8) Happy Birthday image by Dan Farmer. @{"power1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/power1.iff"} 382K (1024*768*8) Strange image of metal balls linked with pipes. @{"pschess.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pschess.iff"} 110K (640*480*8) A strange Chess set ready to play! @{"psring1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/psring1.iff"} 155K (640*480*8) Three blue-metallic rings @{"ptown.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/ptown.iff"} 238K (640*480*8) Amusing "Pencil Town" image - A table top scene. @{"pweight.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pweight.iff"} 493K (1024*512*8) Glass paper-weights on marble plynths. @{"pweight1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pweight1.iff"} 296K (640*480*8) A crystal ball with a fractal inside it. @{"pwoild.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/pwoild.iff"} 301K (640*480*8) An advert for Party World BBS. @{"r-blok01.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/r-blok01.iff"} 299K (640*480*8) An advert for Raytech BBS featurung a lot of cubes. @{"radio.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/radio.iff"} 288K (1024*768*8) A rendered Radio. @{"radroom2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/radroom2.iff"} 698K (1024*768*8) Image rendered with the LightR radiosity package on the PC. @{"ray.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/ray.iff"} 133K (1024*768*8) Giant rendered mono "Ray" logo. @{"raygirl1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/raygirl1.iff"} 733K (1024*768*8) A rendered scene featuring large spheres, with a wonam. @{"raygirl2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/raygirl2.iff"} 739K (1024*768*8) Another rendered scene featuring large spheres, with a differant wonam. @{"raymenu1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/raymenu1.iff"} 238K (640*480*8) A clever advert for Raytech BBS, very Lawnmower Man! @{"raypod1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/raypod1.iff"} 220K (640*480*8) Another Raytech BBS advert, featuring a spaceship. @{"rcr-rngs.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/rcr-rngs.iff"} 146K (640*480*8) Rings around rings by Martin Higgs. @{"relativ.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/relativ.iff"} 206K (640*480*8) A very strange room that can be viewed from any angle. @{"ripple1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/ripple1.iff"} 368K (768*768*8) A ripple in water, in blue and red. @{"roman.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/roman.iff"} 397K (1024*768*8) A ancient roman building, in red veined marble. @{"romo.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/romo.iff"} 564K (1024*768*8) Red balls merging into one. @{"room1a.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/room1a.iff"} 267K (752*480*8) A Raytraced room. The CompuServe runner up graphic of the Month, December 1993. @{"rplanet.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/rplanet.iff"} 276K (640*480*8) This is final Red Planet Rising Image by Steve Burrows. @{"ruin.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/ruin.iff"} 628K (1024*768*8) Island Ruin at Sunset. Pov2.0 with help from lparser and Pdots. @{"sample1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/sample1.iff"} 612K (1024*768*8) A sphere balanced on a cone. @{"sample8.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/sample8.iff"} 528K (1024*768*8) Arches in front of a castle. @{"scorpio.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/scorpio.iff"} 367K (768*768*8) A strange Scorpion on a giant cube. @{"sfbxcard.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/sfbxcard.iff"} 265K (640*480*8) Something for Xmas, by Steve Burrows. @{"shell.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/shell.iff"} 146K (640*480*8) A snails shell by Farmer. @{"Simulator.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/Simulator.iff"} 313K (704*512*8) A Delft spaceship in front of a Cathedral. @{"skeleton.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/skeleton.iff"} 142K (1024*768*8) A large Raytraced Metallic Skeleton. @{"skyvase.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/skyvase.iff"} 518K (1024*768*8) A vase, coloured like a cloudy sky. @{"slug1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/slug1.iff"} 571K (1024*768*8) A Giant worm in front of a palace. Great! @{"smooth.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/smooth.iff"} 304K (800*600*8) Excellent 50's USA car shot from the rear, modeled in Moray and rendered in PoV 2.0. @{"snack.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/snack.iff"} 455K (1024*768*8) Flying Cheese, bread an sausage! @{"snail.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/snail.iff"} 530K (1024*768*8) A snail on a wooden table. @{"snake1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/snake1.iff"} 370K (1024*768*8) An enormous snake. @{"sp.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/sp.iff"} 148K (640*480*8) Render showing the output of Stuart Crump's spiral generator and the Vivid brass finish. @{"space5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/space5.iff"} 306K (640*480*8) A nice space scene by Adam Shiffman. @{"spc-stn.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spc-stn.iff"} 476K (1024*768*8) A space station with Astronouts. @{"spider1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spider1.iff"} 526K (1024*768*8) A strange spider. @{"spiral.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spiral.iff"} 355K (800*600*8) 11,000 spheres strung together to make a really amazing abstract. @{"spline.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spline.iff"} 259K (1024*768*8) A red line made up of balls. @{"spmesh.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spmesh.iff"} 398K (1024*768*8) Rods and Cones. @{"spminor.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spminor.iff"} 168K (640*480*8) Nice sharp snakey object generally curled around the word Keith, by Keith Alexander. @{"spysat.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/spysat.iff"} 81K (640*480*8) Lparser Object with a starfield backdrop. @{"st-gzero.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/st-gzero.iff"} 249K (640*480*8) Ground Zero BBS advert. @{"stack.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/stack.iff"} 172K (640*480*8) A stack of four balls. @{"stone1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/stone1.iff"} 253K (640*480*8) A collection of pillars, using differant stone textures to fill them. @{"stone2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/stone2.iff"} 260K (640*480*8) A collection of pillars, using differant stone textures to fill them. @{"stone3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/stone3.iff"} 267K (640*480*8) A collection of pillars, using differant stone textures to fill them. @{"stone4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/stone4.iff"} 79K (640*480*8) A collection of pillars, using differant stone textures to fill them. @{"supcoil.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/supcoil.iff"} 305K (640*480*8) Gold and silver object showing a coil around a coil around a torus. A fine image by Andrew Haveland-Robinson. @{"supcoil2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/supcoil2.iff"} 745K (1024*768*8) Another render of Andrew Haveland-Robinson's Supercoil Gold and Silver on a "graphpaper" background. @{"takeoff.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/takeoff.iff"} 667K (1024*768*8) A Blue rocket taking-off. @{"teapot.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/teapot.iff"} 269K (1024*768*8) A red Teapot. @{"temple.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/temple.iff"} 253K (640*480*8) Andy Fairbank's excellent "Temple" A PoV abstract of spheres and columns. @{"tendril.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tendril.iff"} 105K (640*480*8) Organic tendril thing. Rendered by Paul Murphy. @{"test1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/test1.iff"} 621K (1024*768*8) Balls reflecting an ancient Roman building, with a chess set and a photo of a woman. @{"test2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/test2.iff"} 581K (1024*768*8) A chess set and a photo of a woman, viewed from above. @{"test3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/test3.iff"} 658K (1024*768*8) A combination of test1 and test2 pictures. @{"tetra2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tetra2.iff"} 497K (1024*768*8) A giant sphere reflecting triangles. @{"texcity.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/texcity.iff"} 248K (512*512*8) Image demonstrating several interesting textures, objects and effects. @{"texture1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/texture1.iff"} 255K (640*480*8) Marble pillars demonstrating differant textures. @{"texture2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/texture2.iff"} 259K (640*480*8) Marble pillars demonstrating differant textures. @{"texture3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/texture3.iff"} 113K (640*480*8) Marble pillars demonstrating differant textures. @{"thing2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/thing2.iff"} 83K (640*480*8) Two strange pierced yellow nipples! @{"thisoh.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/thisoh.iff"} 286K (640*480*8) A photo-realistic kitchen! @{"tiedyed.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tiedyed.iff"} 309K (640*480*8) A crystal in a vortex. @{"tiles1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tiles1.iff"} 200K (640*480*8) Blue glazed tile with shapes standing on it. @{"tkttest.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tkttest.iff"} 64K (400*400*8) Blue and Red balls. @{"tnt.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tnt.iff"} 130K (640*480*8) Chemical Structure of the explosive TNT. @{"tomb.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tomb.iff"} 563K (1024*768*8) A crypt in a graveyard. @{"tonka2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tonka2.iff"} 519K (1024*768*8) Great rendering of a Tonka Bulldozer. @{"tor.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tor.iff"} 223K (640*480*8) A fine raytrace in greyscale from about 1991 by Stephen Coy showing a coil wrapped around a torus. It just goes to prove that a great image does not need to be complex! @{"train.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/train.iff"} 209K (640*480*8) A Raytraced train. @{"train4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/train4.iff"} 221K (640*480*8) POV toy train with smoke. @{"tribar.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/tribar.iff"} 258K (640*480*8) Excellent PoV Render of the famous impossible triangle by Bob Buttery. Very interesting and well composed image. @{"turtle.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/turtle.iff"} 542K (1024*768*8) Fabulous Mike Miller scene of tortoises and butterflies in a temple scene. @{"t_c.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/t_c.iff"} 319K (800*600*8) A temple on a desert plane. @{"ufo.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/ufo.iff"} 275K (640*480*8) A shiny UFO with searchlights. @{"urchin.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/urchin.iff"} 252K (640*480*8) Excellent image of a coppery spikey ball. @{"varese.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/varese.iff"} 492K (1024*768*8) A marble clock by Varese. @{"vbound.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vbound.iff"} 569K (1024*768*8) Venus in glass cubes. @{"vday.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vday.iff"} 264K (640*480*8) A strange image indeed, with a fractal sky, airborne dolphins and crystals. A spider leaves the scene to the right, while a central door promises escape. @{"venus3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/venus3.iff"} 165K (640*480*8) An armless statue in water. @{"vertigo.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vertigo.iff"} 67K (640*480*8) More on the hex theme by Darren Hewson. @{"vgraph.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vgraph.iff"} 154K (640*480*8) A graph made up of cones. @{"vitam_b2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vitam_b2.iff"} 101K (640*480*8) Chemical structure. @{"vivid1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vivid1.iff"} 180K (640*480*8) Vivid PC Raytracer Logo. @{"vivid3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vivid3.iff"} 256K (640*480*8) Vivid PC Raytracer Logo. @{"vlot.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vlot.iff"} 158K (640*480*8) A really nice creative but simple image of a figure on a raft. @{"vtest1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/vtest1.iff"} 155K (640*480*8) Vivid logo. @{"warp1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/warp1.iff"} 293K (640*480*8) 3D straight-line curve drawing. @{"water1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/water1.iff"} 125K (640*400*8) Water and spheres. @{"waterbow.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/waterbow.iff"} 556K (1024*768*8) A shiny metal bowl. @{"wave4.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wave4.iff"} 60K (320*200*8) Two balls on a blue beach. @{"waves2.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/waves2.iff"} 444K (800*600*8) A test render from Vort. Really fine use of shape and colour. @{"wealth.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wealth.iff"} 550K (1024*768*8) Cross sections of a ball being reflected in another ball. @{"wetroom.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wetroom.iff"} 306K (640*480*8) A room with a water floor with a ball emerging from the water. @{"wg5.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wg5.iff"} 457K (1024*768*8) A chessboard and a glass of red wine. @{"willow.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/willow.iff"} 271K (640*428*8) A Weeping Willow. @{"wirebox1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wirebox1.iff"} 221K (640*480*8) Brass balls, surrounded by silver strands, balanced together to make a cube, good! @{"wired1.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wired1.iff"} 160K (640*480*8) Colourful worm-like creatures by Martin Higgs. @{"wiwian.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wiwian.iff"} 402K (1024*768*8) Interesting POV render of a pear shaped math surface made of spheres. @{"woild8.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/woild8.iff"} 293K (640*480*8) A Industrial future world. @{"woild9.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/woild9.iff"} 277K (640*480*8) A futuristic weapon shoots at an eyeball. @{"woilda.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/woilda.iff"} 299K (640*480*8) Mutants on the march. @{"woildf.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/woildf.iff"} 310K (640*480*8) Woild logo with a picture of a man. @{"wood3.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/wood3.iff"} 135K (640*480*8) Wood - 4x2 never looked this good! @{"woods.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/woods.iff"} 265K (640*480*8) A selection of wood textures. @{"xander.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/xander.iff"} 357K (1024*768*8) Old English letters of Xander. @{"xmas01.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/xmas01.iff"} 181K (640*480*8) A prototype of a Christmas tree with zillions of coloured lights and reflective balls. @{"zen-001.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-001.iff"} 355K (512*732*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-002.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-002.iff"} 324K (732*512*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-003.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-003.iff"} 82K (366*256*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-004.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-004.iff"} 372K (512*732*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-005.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-005.iff"} 97K (256*366*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-006.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-006.iff"} 378K (512*732*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-007.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-007.iff"} 376K (732*512*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-008.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-008.iff"} 378K (512*732*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-101.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-101.iff"} 371K (732*512*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-102.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-102.iff"} 366K (512*732*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-103.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-103.iff"} 359K (512*732*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-201.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-201.iff"} 1407K (1000*1430*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-202.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-202.iff"} 1438K (1430*1000*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-203.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-203.iff"} 705K (700*1000*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-204.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-204.iff"} 352K (732*512*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-301.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-301.iff"} 267K (512*512*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zen-302.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zen-302.iff"} 228K (512*577*8) Totally bizarre and surreal image from the Zen Room, indescribable but good! @{"zounds.iff " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/AGARPics/zounds.iff"} 226K (640*480*8) A rendered scene from 2001 showing the Discovery in orbit, by Heinz Schuller. @endnode @Node 303 "Ready to View Big AGA Anims" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"bighouse.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/bighouse.anim"} 4653K (320*200*8*200) Circling around the outside of a huge mansion. @{"chained.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/chained.anim"} 2703K (320*200*8*277) Chained By life tablelamp animation. @{"chemist.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/chemist.anim"} 4199K (320*200*8*215) A chemists lab in operation by Ingo Neumann @{"earthhf4.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/earthhf4.anim"} 2730K (320*200*8*401) Flying around the landscape of Africa. @{"entflyby.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/entflyby.anim"} 2995K (320*200*8*200) The USS Enterprise flying past a planet. @{"eorbit1.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/eorbit1.anim"} 2748K (320*200*8*360) The Earth in orbit, going through daytime and night time. @{"hexpand2.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/hexpand2.anim"} 5023K (640*480*8*60) Strange hex shapes in space, reminds me of Encounter at Farpoint. @{"land.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/land.anim"} 2328K (320*256*8*389) Flying across a landscape. @{"mcgawalk.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/mcgawalk.anim"} 2142K (320*200*8*108) A Mouse walking past a Pinball Arcade. @{"mobride4.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/mobride4.anim"} 4968K (640*480*8*240) A raytech BBS animation of a ball moving around a helter skelter. @{"sharks.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/sharks.anim"} 1934K (320*200*8*320) Sharks swimming away from you. @{"swarm.anim " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Graphics/BAGAAnim/swarm.anim"} 2110K (640*480*8*999) A very small (to look at) animation of a snake made out of balls. @endnode @Node 62 "Ready to Run 40K Intros" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"DeGrader" LINK "DeGrader"} @{"apx-lauf.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/apx-lauf.exe"} 37K Apex present Laufer trio, or How to Kill an Electronic Teacher. No Exit. @{"arz-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/arz-40k.exe"} 39K Amriotz present a 40k intro. No Exit. @{"ase-prty.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/ase-prty.exe"} 16K Arise present a fast party intro. @{"atc-mayd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/atc-mayd.exe"} 27K Atac present Mayday. No Exit. @{"avg-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/avg-bbs.exe"} 7K Avantguarde present a BBS intro. @{"bnx-xmas.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/bnx-xmas.exe"} 34K Bronx present the Xmas Intro. @{"bnx-xms2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/bnx-xms2.exe"} 29K Bronx present another Xmas Intro. @{"bza-pyox.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/bza-pyox.exe"} 23K Bizarre Arts present Pyrox. No Exit. @{"clo-prty.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/clo-prty.exe"} 34K C-Lous presents at the Party. No exit. @{"cpd-jerg.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/cpd-jerg.exe"} 39K CP Dezam present Jergen Plunkel. Turn AGA and Fastmem off. @{"cpt-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/cpt-40k.exe"} 36K Craptors present a party intro. Both Mousebuttons exit. @{"cpx-noag.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/cpx-noag.exe"} 40K Complex present a non-aga 40k intro. No Exit. @{"dnt-anim.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/dnt-anim.exe"} 40K Dragnet presents Ani Mator. No Exit. @{"dnt-timw.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/dnt-timw.exe"} 29K Dragnet present Time Warp. No Exit. @{"dr-jai.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/dr-jai.exe"} 36K Death Row presents Just another intro. Turn Fastmem off. No Exit. @{"etc-memb.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/etc-memb.exe"} 40K Ethic present A membtro. No Exit. @{"fd-blur.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/fd-blur.exe"} 33K Focus Design present Blur. @{"fps-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/fps-40k.exe"} 40K Facets Pussy of Desire presents a 40k intro. No Exit. @{"irs-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/irs-intr.exe"} 37K Iris present an intro. @{"leg-mp.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/leg-mp.exe"} 5K Legend present Mystical Places BBS intro, it Multi-Tasks! @{"loa-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/loa-intr.exe"} 38K Lola present an intro. @{"lsd-trix.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/lsd-trix.exe"} 38K LSD present a spreadtro by Trixter. @{"m22-salm.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/m22-salm.exe"} 40K Moment 22 present a Salvation Mind. No Exit. @{"pka-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/pka-40k.exe"} 40K Polka Brothers present a 40k intro. @{"psg-txtc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/psg-txtc.exe"} 4K Prestige presents a text cractro. @{"psn-nite.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/psn-nite.exe"} 36K Passion present their first intro, called Nitte. Nice effects! No exit. @{"ptr-sund.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/ptr-sund.exe"} 40K Psyhotrope present Today is Sunday. Requires a Monitor. No Exit. @{"qtx-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/qtx-40k.exe"} 38K Quartex present a 40k party intro. No Exit. @{"rzr-9hrs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/rzr-9hrs.exe"} 37K Razor 1911 present an intro coded in just 9 hours. Self exits at the end. @{"rzr-kurt.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/rzr-kurt.exe"} 28K Razor 1911 present I Shot Kurt Cobain. @{"sbl-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/sbl-40k.exe"} 40K Spaceballs present a 40k intro. Requires a Monitor. No Exit. @{"sfx-crac.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/sfx-crac.exe"} 11K Sunflex present a cracktro. No Exit. @{"sht-fasc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/sht-fasc.exe"} 39K Shoot present Facist. @{"ska-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/ska-40k.exe"} 39K Skarla present a 40k intro. No Exit. @{"slm-kile.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/slm-kile.exe"} 38K Slim present The Killing of an Egg, a rather clever 45 second story. Exit available at the end. @{"spn-001.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/spn-001.exe"} 39K Spoon present spni-001. No Exit. @{"str-pevr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/str-pevr.exe"} 33K Stellar present a clever intro called Peverly Hills. @{"t&i-yes.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/t&i-yes.exe"} 40K Tribe and Interactive Present Yes. No Exit. @{"tpl-holy.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/tpl-holy.exe"} 40K Tpol present Hollywood Mood, great Raytraced Apples! No Exit. @{"tpy-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/tpy-40k.exe"} 40K Therapy present a 40k party intro. No Exit. @{"uin-rgb.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/uin-rgb.exe"} 40K Union present RGB. No Exit. @{"us-40k.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/us-40k.exe"} 38K Us present a 40k party intro. Exits at the end. @{"vd-dood.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/vd-dood.exe"} 39K Virtual Dreams present Doodle Doo. Both Mousebuttons Exit. @{"xdr-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/40KIntro/xdr-intr.exe"} 38K X-Dream present an intro. @endnode @Node 235 "Ready to Run Demos & Intros" @{"Filename " LINK "FILENAME"} @{"Size " LINK "SIZE"} @{"Description " LINK "Description"} @{"DeGrader" LINK "DeGrader"} @{"aaa-wors.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/aaa-wors.exe"} 45K Amazing Amiga Army present their worst intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"aas-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/aas-intr.exe"} 62K Alien Adenoids present an intro. @{"abs-Crac.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/abs-Crac.exe"} 59K Absolute present their 1st Cracktro. @{"abs-s14i.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/abs-s14i.exe"} 145K Absolute present the updated intro to Sledgehammer 13. Exit available at the end. @{"adi-at&t.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/adi-at&t.exe"} 262K Aldi present AT&T. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"adi-soa2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/adi-soa2.exe"} 334K Aldi present State of The Art II. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"adm-mir.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/adm-mir.exe"} 183K Another Dimension present Move-It remix. @{"afl-0894.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/afl-0894.exe"} 178K Alpha Flight presents the Intro to Top Ten Games August 94. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"afl-int2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/afl-int2.exe"} 66K Alpha Flight present a spreadtro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"afl-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/afl-intr.exe"} 53K Alpha Flight present a spreadtro. @{"ake-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ake-sine.exe"} 136K Awake present a sine intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"alx-ffc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/alx-ffc.exe"} 103K Alex presents an intro for the FF Inc. competition. Crashes on exit in AGA. @{"amp-pian.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/amp-pian.exe"} 865K Active Music Productions present Piano Feeling, created with Video-tracker. @{"ang-join.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ang-join.exe"} 76K Analog present Joined intro. @{"ang-spid.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ang-spid.exe"} 86K Analog presents Spidy intro. @{"anm-loli.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/anm-loli.exe"} 65K Animate present Lollibobs. Not AGA compatable. @{"ass94i.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ass94i.exe"} 320K Accession, Virtual Dreams, Movement, Future Crew and Sonic PC invite you to Assembly `94. @{"Beach.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/Beach.exe"} 61K Beach demo, released at the 3M party, September 1994. @{"beast.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/beast.exe"} 108K An intro to advertise Number of The Beast BBS. @{"bjk-sq2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/bjk-sq2.exe"} 56K Black Jack present Scene Quiz 2, with a nice chip version of Mike Oldfield`s Moonlight Shadow. @{"bjk-toxw.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/bjk-toxw.exe"} 65K Blackjack present Toxic Waste. @{"bmb-casu.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/bmb-casu.exe"} 65K Bomb present Casual, the winning 64k intro, released at the 3M party, September 1994. No exit. @{"bnx-fob.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/bnx-fob.exe"} 137K Faith of Black... by: BroNx! @{"bnz-auto.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/bnz-auto.exe"} 106K Bonzai presents Automan gets Married. @{"btd-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/btd-bbs.exe"} 114K Bastards present a BBS intro. No exit. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"c22-vbal.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/c22-vbal.exe"} 49K Catch 22 present a vectorball intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"cdn-phob.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/cdn-phob.exe"} 298K Cydonia present Phobos, with Doom style graphics, you can control travelling through the maze yourself with Joystick. Released in September 1994. @{"cdn-RedP.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/cdn-RedP.exe"} 437K Cydonia present Red Planet. @{"cls-Urbn.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/cls-Urbn.exe"} 57K C-Lous present Urban. @{"cpt-sss.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/cpt-sss.exe"} 91K Compact present Sweet Summer Time. No exit. @{"cpx-m11i.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/cpx-m11i.exe"} 169K Complex present the intro to Maggy #11. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"cpx-reso.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/cpx-reso.exe"} 125K Complex present Resolution. Resets at the end. @{"crk-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/crk-bbs.exe"} 81K Crack present a BBS intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"crs-i591.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/crs-i591.exe"} 54K Crusaders present the intro to Eurochart, May 1991 issue. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"csl-ppha.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/csl-ppha.exe"} 87K Crystal present a Crack intro by Nomad. AGA users must degrade their system, crashes on exit on AGA. @{"ctc-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ctc-sine.exe"} 157K Cryptic present a sine intro. Not AGA compatable. @{"dbo-lary.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dbo-lary.exe"} 61K De Bond presents Larry intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"dcs-aprl.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dcs-aprl.exe"} 86K Dual crew Shining present April Fool. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"DentWolf.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/DentWolf.exe"} 503K Another Wolfenstein style demo. @{"dfc-Bran.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dfc-Bran.exe"} 157K Defiance present Brainblast. AGA users must degrade their system. RMB exits. @{"dfe-shla.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dfe-shla.exe"} 152K Defiance presents Shangri La. No exit. @{"dfm-art5.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dfm-art5.exe"} 156K Dual Format present Artro #5. RMB exits at the menu. @{"dfm-con2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dfm-con2.exe"} 48K Dual Format present Contact Us. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"dks-bbsi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dks-bbsi.exe"} 164K Darkness present a BBS intro. @{"dks-japn.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dks-japn.exe"} 229K Darkness present Made in Japan. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"dld-1st.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dld-1st.exe"} 230K Deadline Dezign present their 1st intro. @{"dlt-gfs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dlt-gfs.exe"} 406K Delight present Graphics For Sale, No exit. Released at the Assembly 1994. @{"dm-intro.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dm-intro.exe"} 175K Digital Marketing presents an intro to advertise their intro maker. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"dnt-entr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dnt-entr.exe"} 60K Disknet present Enterprise intro. @{"dog3d.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dog3d.exe"} 91K This is an updated version of the texturemap demo. The curvy walls problem has been sorted, and it now gives you the frames per second count at the end of the demo. @{"DoomInv.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/DoomInv.exe"} 334K Skid Row, DCS, World of Twist and Zig Zag present the invitation to Dooms Day `94 party. @{"dpl-sof.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dpl-sof.exe"} 45K Duplo presents Spirit of Finlandia intro, released at the Assembly 1994. @{"drk-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/drk-intr.exe"} 63K Drinkers inc. presents an intro. Turn Fastmem off. @{"DrWho30.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/DrWho30.exe"} 47K An intro to Celebrate the Dr.Who 30th anniversary! Both mouse-buttons quit. @{"dsr-skin.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dsr-skin.exe"} 397K Disaster present Skumle Insekter, exit available at the end. @{"dtl-main.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dtl-main.exe"} 153K Digital present The main Event 1991 invitation. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"duc-mamm.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/duc-mamm.exe"} 119K Dark Unicorn present Mammoth Boing, AGA and a Monitor Required. @{"dve-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dve-intr.exe"} 98K Divine present an intro by their UK division. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"dvs-view.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dvs-view.exe"} 87K Devils present New Point of View. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"dzl-daz.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/dzl-daz.exe"} 46K Dazzle present Daz intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"eca-gcd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eca-gcd.exe"} 372K Elicma present Grand Canyon Dentro. Exit available at the end. @{"EFK-BRYN.EXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/EFK-BRYN.EXE"} 285K EFK presents Oh Brian. @{"eft-iwys.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eft-iwys.exe"} 45K Effect presents I want Your Sprem. @{"eft-susp.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eft-susp.exe"} 456K Effect present Suspicion. @{"ega-love.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ega-love.exe"} 209K Enigma present Galaxy Love demo, single filed by LSD. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"eme-cops.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eme-cops.exe"} 75K Extreme present a Copper Scroller. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"eoc-man3.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eoc-man3.exe"} 164K End of Century 1999 present Manix Dance 3. Not AGA compatable. @{"eoc-what.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eoc-what.exe"} 328K End of Century 1999 present What can you do for me? Not AGA compatable. RMB exits. @{"eps-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eps-intr.exe"} 48K Eclipse present an intro. Not AGA compatable. No exit. @{"eqx-iad.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/eqx-iad.exe"} 345K Equinox presents In a Dream. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"exm-ryyt.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/exm-ryyt.exe"} 67K Exotic Men present ryyppy intro. @{"ext-part.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ext-part.exe"} 79K Exort present a party intro. AGA users must degrade their system. RMB exits. @{"f&m-crap.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/f&m-crap.exe"} 48K Freezers and Mystic present an intro that`s crap! No exit. @{"fcn-shoo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fcn-shoo.exe"} 86K Falcons present an intro. Theres a mini-shoot-em-up going on at the top, try your joystick! AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"fdn-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fdn-intr.exe"} 48K Foundation present an intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"fhd-mini.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fhd-mini.exe"} 63K Freehand present a mini intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"fhd-t&j.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fhd-t&j.exe"} 85K Freehand present the Toxic and Jay intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"fnc-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fnc-intr.exe"} 198K Fantatic present an intro. @{"fnt-int2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fnt-int2.exe"} 198K Fanatic present an intro. @{"frz-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/frz-bbs.exe"} 57K Freezers present an intro for Beyond Madness BBS. No exit. @{"fsn-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fsn-bbs.exe"} 48K Fusion presents a BBS intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"fte-bog.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/fte-bog.exe"} 142K Fate present Beyond ones grasp. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"gcd-Cube.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/gcd-Cube.exe"} 151K Genocide present Cube. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"gce-drag.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/gce-drag.exe"} 42K Grace present Dragos - Now a Legend. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"ghd-xxxi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ghd-xxxi.exe"} 96K Grasshopper Developments presents XXX intro. No exit. @{"gmi-plas.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/gmi-plas.exe"} 62K Gemini present Plasmarized. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"gnr-gfbt.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/gnr-gfbt.exe"} 326K Gunnars present GFB Tron ultra. It`s all in Swedish! @{"gtc-hapy.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/gtc-hapy.exe"} 1150K Genetic presents Happy birthday. AGA required. @{"gtn-fata.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/gtn-fata.exe"} 208K Gigatron presents Fatal Discarriage, their 1st demo. Exit available at the end. @{"hbt-gab.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/hbt-gab.exe"} 96K Halfbrains Team presents See Ya Gab! AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"hjb-artc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/hjb-artc.exe"} 231K Houjobb presents Artcore. No exit. @{"hjb-bye.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/hjb-bye.exe"} 57K Black Raven of Haujobb presents ByeBye Scenelife. @{"hln-rela.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/hln-rela.exe"} 84K Hardline presents Relation. Not AGA compatable. @{"hs5-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/hs5-intr.exe"} 75K Hanissis 5 present an intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"icr-memo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/icr-memo.exe"} 84K Info corner present Memorial Speech. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"ift-Equa.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ift-Equa.exe"} 49K Infect present Equation. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"ift-khul.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ift-khul.exe"} 243K Associates of Arts and Infect present Khul - The module. In the vector world section, you can take control by moving your mouse. No exit. @{"ILS-40kb.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ILS-40kb.exe"} 41K Illusion present Ratapik Pulez. @{"imn-rsi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/imn-rsi.exe"} 43K Iceman presents an intro made in the RSI demo maker. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"ins-mp40.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ins-mp40.exe"} 41K Insane present Melio Polis, released at the Assembly 1994. No exit. @{"ip-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ip-intr.exe"} 41K Infinate prefection present a crack intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"jms-lame.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/jms-lame.exe"} 95K James presents The Pathetic Lamers. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"JRm-hC10.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC10.eXE"} 327K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #10. @{"JRm-hC11.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC11.eXE"} 270K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #11. @{"JRm-hC12.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC12.eXE"} 180K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #12. @{"JRm-hC13.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC13.eXE"} 231K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #13. @{"JRm-hC14.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC14.eXE"} 278K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #14. @{"JRm-hC15.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC15.eXE"} 412K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #15. @{"JRm-hC16.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC16.eXE"} 414K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #16. @{"JRm-hC19.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC19.eXE"} 219K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #19. @{"JRm-hC20.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-hC20.eXE"} 313K Jormas presents H.C. Andersons Underground Rave Club Record #20. @{"JRm-LedZ.eXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/JRm-LedZ.eXE"} 280K Jormas presents the Led Zeppelin remix, now its Gabber house! @{"kcl-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/kcl-intr.exe"} 169K Kronical present Fanatix. No exit. @{"kef-insp.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/kef-insp.exe"} 97K Kefrens present Inspiration has come, AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"kpc-sprd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/kpc-sprd.exe"} 69K Kryptic present a spreadtro. Not AGA compatable. @{"KSL-vecd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/KSL-vecd.exe"} 70K Ksylitol present Vector Dreams, released at the Assembly `94. It Multi-tasks! No exit. @{"kso-micr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/kso-micr.exe"} 152K Keso Design presents Microburst BBS intro. AGA required. @{"l4-intro.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/l4-intro.exe"} 117K Level 4 of Alpha Flight present an intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"lcn-phoe.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/lcn-phoe.exe"} 45K Leprechaun presents their invitation to the Phoenix meeting. @{"LesS-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/LesS-intr.exe"} 241K Les Shadock present an intro, released at the Assembly 1994. @{"lgo-gib.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/lgo-gib.exe"} 115K Lingo present Generations In Bed. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"lsd-ball.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/lsd-ball.exe"} 56K LSD present balls intro, coded by Monty Python. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"M&M-blue.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/M&M-blue.exe"} 467K Movement and Melon present Blue Lagoon. Released at the 3M party, September 1994. Turn fastmem off. It`s a long decrunch so be Patient. @{"mdr-inft.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mdr-inft.exe"} 52K Mador present an Inf-tro. Both mouse-buttons quit. @{"mf-sin4.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mf-sin4.exe"} 110K Magnetic Fields present Sine intro 4. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mfe-sprd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mfe-sprd.exe"} 53K Megaforce present a spreadtro in 1988. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mge-p91i.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mge-p91i.exe"} 116K Mirage presents Prime `91 invitation. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mge-pr94.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mge-pr94.exe"} 96K Mirage present a Prime `94 intro. @{"mge-sprd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mge-sprd.exe"} 62K Mirage UK present a spreadtro. Not AGA compatable. @{"mln-hall.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mln-hall.exe"} 89K Medallin present a intro for Hall of Fame BBS. @{"MLW-MEM.EXE " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/MLW-MEM.EXE"} 235K Mellow present a member-slideshow. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mnc-acid.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mnc-acid.exe"} 75K Maniacs present Acid Solution. @{"mnc-blak.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mnc-blak.exe"} 179K Manaics present Black Friday. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mnc-lbub.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mnc-lbub.exe"} 103K Maniacs present Lovely Bubbly intro. @{"mns-holo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mns-holo.exe"} 68K Maniacs present Holocube. Turn Fastmem off. @{"mns-lgln.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mns-lgln.exe"} 78K Maniacs present Liquid-Glenz. RMB turns the liquid routine on. Turn Fastmem off. @{"mns-ukch.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mns-ukch.exe"} 56K The Manaics present the UK Charts intro. Exit available at the end. @{"mns-wtf.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mns-wtf.exe"} 77K Maniacs present Who the F*ck. Turn Fastmem off. @{"mst-paid.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mst-paid.exe"} 284K Mystic present Paid in Full. @{"mtx-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mtx-bbs.exe"} 41K Mystix present a BBS intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"mvt-rast.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mvt-rast.exe"} 181K Movement present Rasta Bars. @{"mxm-prty.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/mxm-prty.exe"} 96K Maximum present a party meetro. @{"n&c-Narc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/n&c-Narc.exe"} 911K Nefron and Sinclair present Narcosis, a hardcore rave demo, written in Amos. Needs 2 meg of chipmem plus at least 1 meg of public mem. No exit. @{"nag-band.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nag-band.exe"} 376K New Age Presents Copper Bandwaggon. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"nas-sexp.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nas-sexp.exe"} 138K Nova Acies presents Sex Pistols intro. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"nato-int.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nato-int.exe"} 92K Nato present an intro. Not AGA compatable. @{"nce-Dual.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nce-Dual.exe"} 62K Nuance present Dual chess, coded by Ninja of the Angels. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"ncr-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ncr-sine.exe"} 95K Nikki Corruptions present a sine intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"nlm-lal.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nlm-lal.exe"} 78K No Limits present LA Liner in September 1989. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"nme-ddg.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nme-ddg.exe"} 52K Enemy present Do the Grind. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"nme-help.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nme-help.exe"} 195K Enemy present Help! AGA users must degrade their system. @{"npa-Inft.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/npa-Inft.exe"} 89K Neoplasia present an inftro. RMB quits. @{"nxs-onkl.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/nxs-onkl.exe"} 62K Nexus presents Onkel Vanja. AGA users must degrade their System. No exit. @{"ocl-ball.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ocl-ball.exe"} 41K Oracle present a ball scroller. Not AGA compatable. @{"ofw-join.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ofw-join.exe"} 83K Offworld presents Join Us. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"otl-aos.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/otl-aos.exe"} 217K Orbital presents an intro to advertise The Altar of Sacrifice BBS. RMB changes music. @{"otl-lsm9.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/otl-lsm9.exe"} 228K Orbital present the Levy-Shoemaker 9 intro. @{"ott-d01i.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ott-d01i.exe"} 86K Over The Top present an intro for their 1st Docs disk coded by LSD. @{"pb-sign.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pb-sign.exe"} 213K The Polka Brothers present The Sign, AGA required. @{"pbo-sily.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pbo-sily.exe"} 76K Pabo present a rather silly intro. @{"pcn-excl.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pcn-excl.exe"} 184K Perception presents Exclamation, both buttons quit. Look out for the hidden game of Tron. @{"pe-qtx.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pe-qtx.exe"} 74K Pendle Europa present an intro for the Quartex UK party. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"pge-Time.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pge-Time.exe"} 226K Plague present Reverse Time. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"pgn-frei.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pgn-frei.exe"} 110K Paragon presents the intro to Free `n` Easy #2. No exit. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"pha-vdo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pha-vdo.exe"} 43K Voodoo of Phantasy presents a pack intro. No sound, self exiting. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"plx-pm2b.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/plx-pm2b.exe"} 1056K Parallax present one of the Best Doom clones, large version. AGA required. @{"plx-pm2s.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/plx-pm2s.exe"} 1042K Parallax present one of the Best Doom clones, small version. AGA required. @{"poom.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/poom.exe"} 458K Poom by Jussi Salmi and Janne Juhola, a Doom demo, this one uses 128x200 size window with 256 colors and needs AGA. @{"pse-1st.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pse-1st.exe"} 87K Pleasure present their 1st intro in Janusry 1992. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"psy-sth.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/psy-sth.exe"} 61K Psychotrope presents Shortcut to Heaven. No exit. @{"pte-eter.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pte-eter.exe"} 64K Psychotrope present Eternity, their Saturn 2 party intro. RMB enters a sort-of-secret section. Turn Fastmem off. @{"pts-1st.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/pts-1st.exe"} 56K Panties present their 1st intro. You must turn off your fastmem. @{"qtz-dip.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/qtz-dip.exe"} 160K Quartz present the preview to their demo Dynamic Illusions. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"ram-anti.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ram-anti.exe"} 61K Rage Against Mike present an anti-mike intro. @{"rsl-home.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/rsl-home.exe"} 58K Resolution present Harre Krishima Homeboys. @{"s&d-amj4.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/s&d-amj4.exe"} 46K Skulls and Damage present Amnezja #4 intro. @{"sae-demo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sae-demo.exe"} 168K Share and Enjoy present a demo. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"sasu-tec.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sasu-tec.exe"} 279K Sasu presents Techno intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"scn-3m.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/scn-3m.exe"} 54K Silicon present CLS, released at the 3M party, September 1994. No exit. @{"scx-sac.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/scx-sac.exe"} 160K Scoopex presents Sac. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"sd-velo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sd-velo.exe"} 89K Velociraporte demo by Some Design. Exit available at the end. @{"sde-bbs.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sde-bbs.exe"} 113K Syndicate presents a BBS intro. AGA users must degrade their system. RMB exits. @{"sdl-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sdl-sine.exe"} 72K Sweet Dreams Lodge presents a sine intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"skn-suba.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/skn-suba.exe"} 143K Skillion present Subject A. Not AGA compatable. @{"SKU-S10.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/SKU-S10.exe"} 121K Skunk presents Skunktro #10. @{"slo-zoor.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/slo-zoor.exe"} 136K Solo present Zooropa BBS intro. @{"slp-pod.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/slp-pod.exe"} 124K Slipstream present a BBS intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"sp-Prism.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sp-Prism.exe"} 73K Surprise Productions of TRSI present Prism Vectors. AGA users must degrade their system. LMB brings on a control menu, RMB quits. @{"spt-Vara.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/spt-Vara.exe"} 263K Suspect present Varathron. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"srh-vis.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/srh-vis.exe"} 225K Software runners from Hell present a 60hz intro called Vision. No exit. @{"sru-sprm.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sru-sprm.exe"} 135K The Sru present thier contribution the Spring Meeting. Not AGA compatable. No exit. @{"ssx-inft.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ssx-inft.exe"} 62K Sudden Sex presents an inftro. @{"sta-demo.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sta-demo.exe"} 471K Stone Arts present a demo. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"sta-time.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sta-time.exe"} 46K Sepultura present a sine intro attacking the Timelords. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"stm-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/stm-intr.exe"} 47K Storm present an intro. Not AGA compatable. @{"sty-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/sty-intr.exe"} 480K Sanity presents Interference. No exit. @{"svg-bbsi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/svg-bbsi.exe"} 102K Savage present a BBStro. @{"tas-rsi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tas-rsi.exe"} 55K TAS present an intro done in RSI demo maker. @{"tce-rt1.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tce-rt1.exe"} 201K Trance presents Ravetown #1. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"tce-rt2.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tce-rt2.exe"} 135K Trance present Rave Town #2. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"tcx-dotb.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tcx-dotb.exe"} 188K Tecnix present a dotball intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"tfa-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tfa-sine.exe"} 62K The flame Arrows present a sine intro. AGA users must degrade their system. Crashes on exit on AGA. @{"tgy-frek.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tgy-frek.exe"} 79K Trilogy present an intro by Amiga freak. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"tnc-outd.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tnc-outd.exe"} 128K Trance present Outdated. No exit. @{"tne-welt.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tne-welt.exe"} 178K Trance presents Weltro. No exit. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"Tpb-zink.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/Tpb-zink.exe"} 213K The Polka Brothers present Zinko, AGA required. @{"trd-wixc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/trd-wixc.exe"} 44K Triad presnet Wix Copy demo. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"trt-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/trt-intr.exe"} 68K Thrust present an intro in June 1992. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"tsb-rsi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tsb-rsi.exe"} 84K TSB present Object demo, created with RSI demo maker to demonstrate the uses of their object designer. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"tsl-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tsl-sine.exe"} 61K The Silents present a sine intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"tsl-Tran.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tsl-Tran.exe"} 159K Silents present Transpiersky. AGA users must degrade their system. No exit. @{"tst-sine.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/tst-sine.exe"} 59K Testament present a sine intro. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"utd-dist.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/utd-dist.exe"} 64K Unlimited present Distorsion, no exit. @{"vcsega.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vcsega.exe"} 45K An anonemous demo of bitmap zooming, coded in C I think. @{"vd-ass3.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vd-ass3.exe"} 82K Virtual Dreams present an invitation for Assembly `94 - The third Phase. No exit. @{"vrs-as94.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vrs-as94.exe"} 320K Accession, Virtual Dreams, Movement, Future Crew and Sonic invite you to Assembley 1994. @{"vsh-want.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vsh-want.exe"} 143K Vanish present Wanted Musicians. Not AGA compatable. Crashes on exit on AGA. @{"vsm-inst.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vsm-inst.exe"} 79K Visdom presents Instant thing. No exit. Not AGA compatable. @{"vta-shin.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vta-shin.exe"} 181K Vectra present The Shine. AGA users must degrade their system. @{"vtambpre.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vtambpre.exe"} 1767K Preview version of the Ambiance demo created with VideoTracker. AGA plus 1 meg of public memory. It`s a long decrunch so be Patient. @{"vxd-dpi.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/vxd-dpi.exe"} 69K Vox Dei present Demopack 16 intro. Not AGA compatable. RMB exits. @{"xxx-hot.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/xxx-hot.exe"} 67K XXX International present Hot Stuff. Not AGA compatable. @{"ydl-fasc.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/ydl-fasc.exe"} 51K Yodel present Stop Fascism. No exit. @{"znt-intr.exe " SYSTEM "LSDCD2:Sys/Use <>Nil: LSDCD2:R/Demos/znt-intr.exe"} 52K Zenith present an intro in April 1991. Not AGA compatable. @endnode